"Heine...Good...You are still alive..."

Xiao"s eyes widened as he greedily took in every detail of Heine Burton.

Heine was at his side in an instant, his hands immediately pressed against the wound on his abdomen.

Heine lowered his eyes, an odd tension tightens the air and then something in him breaks apart.

His palm cups Xiao"s cheeks and he forces his mouth open, the moment that Heine"s lips and tongue touch his mouth... he feels as though every nerve is about unravel and burst open.

Heine"s kiss is too hard.

His arms are holding Xiao so ferociously that the bones in his shoulder crack. Heine grabs his head in a death grip and fiercely presses him against his body, the force threatens to crush Xiao"s skull.

His kiss is heavy and endless. He can feel his blood rush and thunder through him.

The craft is still flying above them.

Mark stretched his neck and peered outside. "Oh...that is a really long---"

Liv pulled Mark back inside, "Be careful to not get your eyes gouged out!"

Sheldon was nailed to a tree trunk in the distance, his body finally fell down to the ground. His face was coated in dirt. His left hand was still pierced against the tree, and blood poured out from the wound.

"Boss! We should go -"

Mark yelled out.

Heine picked up Xiao Yan and grabbed the knight"s blade. He rammed it through Sheldon"s forehead.

The action was ruthless and resolute.

Xiao can hear and feel Heine"s breath near his ear.

Could this be real?

Did Heine really find him?

As Heine entered the cabin, Mark and Liv reached over and excitedly pulled Xiao inside.

"Welcome home! Xiao Yan!"

"Ah, rookie. We have been looking for you for a long time!"

"Rookie! Good to be back?" Mark smirked at Xiao"s shoulder, but Xiao was no longer worried about broken bones.

"I was just thinking...is it real...I"m back?"

"Of course it is real!" Liv winked at him. "Do you need the Colonel to give you another hot kiss?"

Xiao Yan looked at Heine"s face, the wind pouring in from the hatch pulled at his golden hair. The strong lines of his profile made Xiao"s eyes water.

"You have no idea how many places we have been to find you! We have spent every day in the aircraft. Ahhhh... finally I can go back to the Shire and get a good rest!"

"First we head to the nearest base to resupply." Heine"s voice was cold as he issued his command.

"The Base...well...it is better than hanging out in the sky..." Mark wrinkled his nose.

Everything happened too fast, Xiao Yan cannot process the incredible turn of events. He feels the cold air gathering around Heine Burton, the pressure thins the air in the cabin.

How many times can Heine save his life?

The madness of it all made Xiao"s heart tremble, now that he is next to Heine"s calm demeanor, he feels overwhelmed by it all.

Mark and Liv fell silent and then broached their next topic very seriously.

"Xiao Yan...you are the first researcher to escape from the Surge. I...when you get back to the Shire, there may be trouble for you."

Xiao instantly understand Liv"s concern and careful words. He will be interrogated by the torture specialists. He will be suspended from conducting any research for three months. If the specialists have any doubts of his loyalty he will be forced out of the Academy to live as an ordinary citizen.

"No one will give him any trouble." Heine"s frozen tone puts a halt to the tense subject.

When the aircraft stopped at the platform, Colonel Raven personally greeted them.

"Colonel Burton! It has been a long time! I see that you have successfully recovered Xiao Yan,"

Heine"s hand roughly grabbed Xiao"s wrist. "I need to test this guy"s blood."

"Test for... What?" Lieutenant Colonel Raven looked at Heine blankly.

"I suspect that Xiao Yan is infected with x virus."

"The Surge did this? What for?"

Colonel Raven did not receive a reply. They all walked down the pa.s.sage as the dangerous atmosphere around Burton crackled through the air. He maintained a tight grip on Xiao as they made their way into the base.

The strength of his grip is such that Xiao"s bones nearly dislocate. Seeing the immense fury wrap around Heine, Xiao doesn"t have the nerve to cry out.

He is aware that Heine is absolutely disgusted by the fact he is infected with the x-virus. The time he caught him using the x-2, he nearly killed him.

"I had no other way... if not for the x virus... I might be dead!"

The next moment Xiao found himself forced into Heine"s arms.

This is the full embrace of Heine Burton. Xiao Yan never thought he would see the day Heine would hold him like this.

"Why do you torture me...will you ever stop?"

His words are squeezed out through his teeth. His tone is tight, as though his heart was pushed through his bones. Xiao looked up to see Heine"s face is lined with sorrow and grief.


Xiao"s eyes widened as his mind worked to process Heine"s words.

"You make me pay attention to you, look at you... I do everything to protect you...but you don"t even cherish your own life!" A strange savagery lines his tone, undulating along his words, as a strangled wrath stains their edges.

"... Colonel Burton..."

"Don"t call me that! I am not your Colonel!" Heine"s palm moved to Xiao"s cheek and he forced him to meet his gaze.

"How could you hold a gun to your head?! Shoot yourself with MY OWN GUN!"

His eyes which have always been cold are now crackling and burning with an unbelievable intensity. Long suppressed emotions break into waves, swelling and cresting in his eyes. They build and burgeon, threatening to burst out like a hurricane. Xiao has never seen such a frightening amount of emotion in Heine"s gaze.

Xiao Yan opened his mouth. "I... I can"t help... you know how scared I was..."

"I told you to leave me! I told you to go! That was an order! Why didn"t you listen?!"

"You expect me to leave you? You have never left me! So suddenly that order is given by the Colonel?!"

"Yes. Because I have only ever given you one order."

"What?" Xiao Yan asked with a trembling voice.

"You, absolutely can"t die before me."

Xiao Yan stood stunned. He shook his head and looked at Heine with an inexplicable expression.

"I will not give that order again! You are not me! You don"t know the horror of being locked in a small s.p.a.ce imagining the death of the most important person in your life! Picturing a million different ways in which you were killed! You have NO IDEA what that felt like!!!"

...Most important person...Xiao looked at Heine with wide eyes.

Heine"s gaze collided into his, his eyes revealed a broken world and a bone deep pain.

"You have rendered all my patience meaningless."

Heine"s lips fell onto his.

At the moment he was not injured.

Heine had only one reason for his action.

He wants to kiss him.

His mouth moves over his with an overbearing force and strength. This is a kiss that Xiao never dared to imagine. He body was crushed against the cold wall but his whole world was on fire.

The door slid open and a liaison officer entered. They stood stunned at the unfathomable scene before them.

Heine pulled Xiao into the room and locked the door.

He slammed Xiao Yan onto the sofa, his forehead hit the armrest. Although it wasn"t painful, he lost his sense of direction and struggled to get up as Heine"s hot breath fanned out across his skin.

He pressed Xiao back down and pulled at his collar, his head lowered as he kissed his neck.

Heine"s palm moved over his body, the strength of his touch searing deep into his marrow.

Xiao never thought that he would see Heine completely lose his reason.

He was in a complete mental meltdown.

Everything Heine had suppressed finally broke free and everything spun out of control.

Heine ran his fingers through his hair, moving the strands away from his forehead.

"You will abide by the orders I give you."

"Yes... Colonel..."

Xiao"s breath lodged in his throat. He was inexplicably terrified of what was about to happen. He was not ready, he had a faint sense that once this man vented out all that he had held in, that he would go far past what Xiao could tolerate.

Oh s.h.i.t!

He was roughly flipped over and he steadied himself on the armrest. As he attempted to climb back up, his pants were abruptly pulled down.

"Heine!" Xiao"s eyes widened in fear and he turned his head around. Heine"s hands were opening his body and he leaned over him to trail kisses over his back.

Xiao breath caught, he had never dared dreamed of such a scene.

Heine"s lips move over him, lighting a wildfire at every point of contact.

His mouth moved down his back to the place he was most embarra.s.sed.

"Stop! Heine! Stop..."

"I am a Colonel, you have no right to give me any orders."

His voice is hoa.r.s.e, low and strangled, as though something were about to burst free from an untouchable place deep within.

His mouth moved over him and his tongue probed inside.

Xiao Yan has never had such an experience . "I beg you , don"t. It"s dirty...Please..."

Heine"s hair brushed against his skin and his breath scorches his skin and sears his nerves until Xiao nearly collapsed.

He hits the sofa and attempts to struggle, but Heine is pressing him down.

Xiao"s breathing is erratic and he is stunned by it all...this is his end...

Heine"s mouth moves away as he pushes his fingers inside.

"No, don"t want!"

Jane Wallace had also done the same thing to him, Xiao Yan knew the purpose all too well. This is to prepare him so he can enter smoothly.

Heine leans over him and begins biting his back and neck, his fingers thrust into his body faster and faster, slightly rotating as they move. Xiao Yan feels his body stretch open.

The com at the door sounded and Colonel Raven"s voice came through.

"Colonel Burton! What happened?"

Xiao Yan tensed, afraid that Colonel Raven would suddenly barge in. As the commander, his code can open every door in the base.

"I am making love."

It seems Heine"s words have sealed Xiao Yan"s fate.

Colonel Raven paused at the door and turned toward Mark and Liv with a stunned expression.

"Ahh...Just now... was that Colonel Burton"s voice?"

Mark"s expression breaks into a sudden realization. "Oh. It"s like that. I was going to ask the Boss how he..."

Liv hit Mark and said to Raven in a calm tone. "This may take a long time, I suggest you have the liaison officer change offices for now."

"But I just got the supplies for the blood test..."

"You still need to prepare a research room... Xiao Yan needs to synthesize x-2 for himself." Liv"s expression was very serious.

Suddenly Heine"s fingers left his body and the feeling of emptiness overwhelmed him. In the next moment, Heine pushed into him and his heart surged. Xiao Yan could not even make a sound as Heine began thrusting greedily. His body expanded stretched to its absolute limit. Xiao"s mouth hung open and all he could do was pant.

He was pushed further and further open; his eyes went bloodshot.

The man behind him moved with such a horrifying force and pace that Xiao Yan gritted his teeth. Every thrust was so intense that he nearly collapsed, but Heine was inexhaustible. His patience had worn out and his movements were becoming increasingly desperate and crazed.

"Please... please..."

He yelled, punched the sofa, and pled for mercy but Heine turned a deaf ear. It was clear that Heine"s sanity had completely shattered. He continued to move with more force, tormenting his nerves. The sensation and desire lit an inferno within Xiao, burning him to ash.

He felt that his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Heine"s otherworldly reason and discipline had disintegrated. Wrapped in Xiao"s heat and softness he has forgotten everything else. All Heine can think of is reaching a greater depth. The pain cannot be measured and the x-virus continuously heals Xiao. He wants to faint but there is no gap in Heine"s attacks. It has only been ten minutes but Xiao feels as though a century has pa.s.sed.

He can only gasp through his mouth as the stimulation rushes through his whole body.

Heine adjusted his angle of attack and Xiao groaned at the movement, attempting to grab on to something, He saw Heine"s arm near his ear and he instinctively gripped his wrist. His clutch was such that Heine"s bones fractured, the crack elicited a gasp near his ear. His heart beat rapidly, nearing its limit, and Heine"s incomparable strength brought him to near collapse. His body was suddenly turned over and he grabbed onto Heine"s shoulders in horror as his legs were moved in a near impossible position, almost breaking at the force. Heine"s blue eyes burned with madness, the more he achieved the more he wanted. He placed Xiao"s legs on his shoulders and moved downward, almost crushing his body.

Tears flowed freely down his face and he knew there was no point in begging for mercy, all he could do was look at Heine helplessly.

He couldn"t see the Colonel"s expression. Heine"s face was buried in his neck and he desperately gnawed on his throat, as though he could completely swallow him whole. His skin threatened to tear away and his blood pulled through his skin.

Xiao gritted his teeth, Heine nipped at him and then finally spoke. His hot breath poured into Xiao"s ear and settled into the depths of his mind, setting of another wave of jarring pleasure.

"If you want me to end this, please me."

His tone was imperative, his breath was hectic. Xiao cannot imagine that this man would ever be in such a state.

He could only clumsily kiss Heine"s chin and reach upward toward his lips, then the whole process grew more intense and crazy again.


Heine pressed him down and released one of his legs so that he could angle his thrusts and achieve a greater depth.

Xiao eyes are full of tears, he has already released three times but Heine showed no signs of stopping.

He will die here...

Xiao blurred gaze looked at Heine helplessly. This was the first time he has seen Heine so controlled by his own indulgence.

He chin was raised, his eyes were closed in rapture... He looked both wild and n.o.ble, completely immersed in pleasure.

At the moment he reached his peak, Xiao felt a strange heat flow inside him and he grabbed at Heine"s shoulders, afraid of being burned.

They both gasped and Heine kissed his cheek.

"This may be the only advantage of you being infected with the x virus."

Xiao is uncertain if it was his imagination or not, but at that moment Heine Burton wore an incredibly gentle expression.

His body will not be broken by Heine.

This is not the end, but the beginning of this madness.

Xiao wasn"t even able to catch his breath when Heine again hardened inside him. He yelped and Heine kissed his cheek again before picking him up. He pushed up into him and Xiao"s body jolted with each movement.

He now understood that Heine Burton would destroy him.

Although his body won"t break, it doesn"t mean that his nerves can withstand such powerful stimulation. Before Heine finished, Xiao"s chin fell weakly onto his shoulder and he pa.s.sed out.


Mark and Liv pa.s.sed by the office.

"Ah, should we ask them out to get some for dinner? Red wine and veal, it is Xiao"s favorite..."

Mark moved toward the door.

"The Boss will twist off your head."

"...you know if no one stops them and tells them to restrain themselves...they could die..." Mark worried.

"No one knows more about restraint than the Boss."

Liv playfully kicked Mark and the two quickly left.

Unfortunately, Liv was wrong this time.

When Xiao gathered some awareness, he found himself lying across from Heine. Heine had tortured him until he fainted.

Xiao was slept for three days. Liv was worried about him and insisted that he be injected with nutrients.

Heine was seated next to Xiao Yan. He was browsing through several holographic images.

"Boss, Jane"s craft crashed into the mountains after losing control. When our people went to investigate they were unable to recover any Surge members."

"Casey"s abilities are first cla.s.s."

"Also, the surge sent a group of a.s.sa.s.sins to search out Jane Wallace for unknown reasons."

Liv"s eyes fell on Xiao Yan"s body. Her gaze implied that since Xiao Yan had been kidnapped by Jane, perhaps he knew the reason for this.

The side of the young ensign"s face was pressed into his pillow. He looked exhausted. Liv could see a slight trace of bruising above the covering of the quilt.

He murmured in his sleep, his shoulders shook off the quilt a bit. Liv couldn"t help but avert her gaze, she suspects that every inch of Xiao"s body had been marked by the Colonel"s mouth.

"Also, Colonel Raven has prepared a research room for Xiao Yan."


Liv is pretty sure it will be awhile before Xiao is conscious enough to synthesize the x-2.

"Don"t...Colonel...No..." The slumbering figure mumbled fragile pleas in his sleep.

Heine moved his head to the side, and watched as the snoring Xiao continued to mutter. He reached over and gently brushed his hair off his face.

Liv was unable to see the Colonel"s expression in that moment, but she left the room greatly intrigued. As she walked along the hall, Liv"s lip lifted in a smile that became increasingly difficult to hide.

Heine kissed Xiao"s forehead, his demeanor was completely different from his former crazed self. Xiao"s head retreated into the blanket until only the top of his head was visible. Heine lowered his gaze and gently pulled the blanket down. He looked at the small tip of his nose and tucked the covering under his chin so the exhausted Xiao wouldn"t suffocate under the quilt.

Xiao"s mind filled with images of the desperate and out of control Heine... the extreme sway of his body, his anguished frantic kisses. His shoulder unconsciously trembled and Heine reached to hold his hand and hug him to his body. His fingers continuously brushed over his forehead to comfort him and rea.s.sure him... as if to say: Don"t be scared.

Finally Xiao awoke from his deep sleep. The room was dark and a behind him was a sensation of warmth. His ears were filled with a powerfully strong heartbeat.

In an instant, their intimacies occupied and poured into his mind. The power of these images was overwhelming and Xiao subconsciously hid behind the covers...still he did not move from Heine"s arms.

He was very lucky that the x-virus saved his life, otherwise Heine"s desperate insanity would have killed him.

As Heine shifted, Xiao tensed nervously.

Soft light glowed above the bed and he realized that he was no longer in the office.

A gentle kiss dragged across his nape, and Heine"s usually cold voice seemed infused with a bit of warmth.

"You need to eat something."

Just hearing his voice, Xiao"s blood, once again, begins to heat and boil.

Xiao realized that everything was not a dream and every kiss and gesture steals his breath away.

He never thought that Heine could get so out of control.

This man is dangerous.

Xiao instinctively dodged him.

"Come back." Heine"s hand slides across his cheek, he grabs Xiao"s shoulder and rolls him back towards him.

His head hit Heine"s strong chest and Xiao was scared they were about to go for another round.

"You don"t need to be afraid." Heine looked down at Xiao as though he were searching for an opening in his expression.

"You...have invaded my brain more than once...but...I never thought you could lose control like that."

Even during their last kiss in the Shire, Heine made sure not to cross the line.

"A body of an ordinary researcher cannot endure the power of a special forces soldier. I didn"t want you to die because of me."

His breath lingers over his ear and a dangerous premonition builds in Xiao"s heart.

Cannot endure? Die?

How much does this guy want to do?!

"Since when did you want to do this to me?"

"Since a long, long time ago."

Long, long ago? What is a long time ago? I saw you for the first time just two years ago! Two years ago is a long time ago?

Xiao knows one thing to be true. He is absolutely spiritually dependent upon this man. He admires his strength and has put all under a label of love.

Heine Burton can"t wait to engage in the practical action of it all.

Suddenly Heine"s com lit up and General Gordon"s face appeared.

"Dear Colonel Burton, I am very glad to hear that you have successfully rescued Xiao Yan."
Xiao Yan carefully raised the quilt and squirmed beneath it. He didn"t want to be seen lying next to Heine. It was quite clear what they had been up to. If anyone knew that Colonel Burton"s lover was a man, the news would surely spread through the Shire.

"The military hopes that Colonel Burton will be able to return to the Shire as soon as possible. Major Ling"s troops were attacked while stationed at the No. 24 base, and we lost 12 Special Forces."

What? Lost Special Forces... 12 people?

Did they encounter the same chemical and biological weapons attacks as Jane Wallace"s forces?

"Please report the specifics of the situation."

The holographic image was switched to the surveillance of the attacked base.

Xiao Yan was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Hundreds of men and three craft, all from the Surge, were chasing a transport aircraft, following them all the way to the base.

**********AHHHHH!!!!  IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!! As expected HEINE IS INTENSE! TOO MUCH!! TOO MUCH!! Poor Xiao felt every bit of Heine all at once! I did find the way the author approached this very fascinating because she did a very good job of giving us a deeper insight into Heine"s mental state and character through this. Since the story is from Xiao"s POV, we don"t get a direct link to Heine. Well....this chapter gave us quite a bit of information about Heine"s mind and what/how much he has been holding back and going through. ***********

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