Thrive of Catastrophe

Chapter 8 Your Brains are So Compatible

Chapter 8 Your Brains are So Compatible

Many technical soldiers failed to withstand the infiltration of "Interrupter" when piloting an aircraft. However, Heine Burton did not only fend off their infiltration of his brain, but also escaped from the guided missile, completing an impossible mission.

Xiao Yan seemed utterly insignificant before him. 

For the first time, Xiao Yan felt an uncontrollable desire overflowing inside. 

He wants to give this man pause, and to have the cold gaze that lay on him no longer filled with mockery or disdain. Even the aloof way he sees Reeve and Mark would be much better than being looked down. 

What were you thinking, Xiao Yan. That, is Heine Burton. You could never enter his world.

That night, Lieutenant Colonel Raven and Heine were sitting face-to-face in a restaurant within the base, having dinner, with people glancing at their direction from time to time.

"Are my eyes fooling me? Lieutenant Colonel Raven and Colonel Burton are having dinner together? Didn"t Lieutenant Colonel find Colonel Burton distasteful?"

Xiao Yan glanced over subconsciously. Heine had the same old look, attractive but unapproachable.

"I"ve been curious, what makes that student so special to have you carrying him back personally."

Heine turned a deaf ear to it while eating his potage. A glimpse of gentleness flashed before his half-shadowed face when he lifted his eyes slightly.

"He"s like a sponge, absorbing all water around him, a great difference between those researchers who already had themselves all filled up from the very beginning."

Heine teared off a piece of bread and chewed slowly.

Xiao Yan had to look up to his tolerance, because the bread from this base tasted the worst from what Xiao Yan had eaten in his whole life. It was dry, tough and difficult to swallow.

Lieutenant Colonel Raven tried to catch a slightest emotion from Heine"s face but got nothing. He noticed that Heine was completely unfazed by whatever he says.

"Almost forgot, Xiao Yan"s aircraft has simulated the same flight route you took that day and has reached upto ninety four percent of similarity. It wasn"t the simulation done by the terminal with the help of database, it"s an operation instructed by human brain. It seems that the brains of the two of you are really compatible."

Heine stood up, carrying his food tray to the recycle bin. Lieutenant Colonel Raven rubbed his brows lightly, finally showing a sheepish look for talking to himself throughout the dinner.

Meanwhile, a person came in front of Xiao Yan, "Hey, can I sit here?"

It was a melodic voice, with a hint of low, husky tone in it. As Xiao Yan raised his head to the voice, his heart skipped a beat. In front of him was a captivating female officer in her casual wear.

Everyone in this base was from the military unit. The beautiful creature before him had a crimson wavy hair that trailed across her shoulder, her beautiful bright eyes staring at Xiao Yan, making his heart flutter.

"The days in the base are awfully tedious, but thanks to you, I"ve found a little pleasure," she twirled her hair around her fingers and blinked at Xiao Yan, "I forgot to mention, my name is Maya."

"Maya……" Xiao Yan supposed she was having her day off today as she was not in her uniform. He thought, if it was not for his performance during the flight simulation, a stunner like Maya would have given him a cold shoulder instead.

All of a sudden, he felt everything slowed down, as though the world other than Maya was drew out from his sensory unknowingly, her smile became increasingly seductive and captivating.

"Are you free later? Can I go to your room?" she hooked her finger under Xiao Yan"s chin, her breath fluttering against his lips. He felt something seeping into his head, manipulating his thoughts.


"Great, I"m sure you"ll give me an unforgettable experience."

She stretched her body towards Xiao Yan, climbed onto the table, like an alluring wild cat, her lips crushing against his, and everything was about to lose control until a shout rang across the room.

"Officer Maya! You"re doing it again!" Reeve chided, crossing her arms and stood by the table, staring coldly at Maya.

As though being poured with cold water, Xiao Yan jolted out of his trance. He then noticed Maya remained nicely seated on the other side of the table, with one hand supporting her chin.

He took a sharp breath and fell back into his chair. What just happened? How on earth did I had a delusion of Maya climbing onto the table and kissing me?

The seductive look on Maya"s face disappeared, replacing with a look of annoyance, arms waving at Reeve, "I don"t need your permission to do anything, do I? Captain Reeve."

The once melodic voice suddenly turned deep and gruff. That sounds way too manly to be a woman!

Not a single trace of woman"s allure can be seen on the current Maya, leaving only a unique sense of concision of the armed forces, not to mention the casualness in the behaviour.

"What…… What"s going on here?" Xiao Yan finally realised, that the "female officer" in front of him, was a man!

Reeve responded him with a sneer, placing a hand on Maya"s shoulder, "Although this is mortifying, I still have to warn you. This guy over here, Officer Maya, is my teammate. His looks may be good, but his reputation is not. He"s devoted to men, especially when he"s the one on top. But there isn"t many guys who are willing to be mounted in the Special Task Forces, and most of the ordinary male officers are highly vigilant towards male special force soldiers. Which is why he always dresses himself up as a woman to bait those blockheads like you that can be easily led by the nose. Wait til he got you on bed…… You still remember what I told you on the aircraft, don"t you?"

…… I"ll remember til the day I die!

Reeve gave a gleeful chuckle and hooked her finger under Maya"s chin, "Hey, you"re obviously a boorish and violent guy, don"t you feel antsy or uncomfortable for having to talk and act softly like a woman?"

Maya rolled his eyes at Reeve and slapped off her finger, "Of course I feel antsy! That"s why if I really got him on bed, I"m gonna screw the life out of him."

Xiao Yan gulped and looked towards Reeve with immense grat.i.tude. Oh G.o.d, I nearly got myself killed! In a most horrendous way even!

However, Maya was not dissuaded. Without warning, he grabbed Xiao Yan"s hands and forcefully placed his fingers to his own lips. As the tip of his tongue licked across Xiao Yan"s finger pulp, he felt a jolt went through his finger and into his heart.

"It doesn"t matter even if you know I"m a man, my dear…… come with me, I promise I"ll treat you well……"

Xiao Yan could feel the pressure of his throbbing veins in his forehead. He tried to draw his hands back from Maya"s grip, but the power of an ordinary human meant nothing to a Special Force soldier.

Maya continued to look at Xiao Yan affectionately. Reeve, who was annoyed with his antics, whacked Maya on his head, "Stop messing around!"

And just at that moment, a voice pierced through the air, splitting both Maya and Xiao Yan into two worlds.

"Officer Maya, your after-action report was utterly no worthy of being studied."

Maya turned his neck like a machine, and when his eyes met Heine Burton"s gaze that was cold like frozen lake, he stood to attention, "Yes, Colonel! I will amend it immediately!"

With that said, Maya left briskly with a solemn look on his face.

Reeve breathe out a sigh, "You"re lucky, Xiao Yan. Those who were targeted by Maya would normally be taken to bed on the day he approached them. That fella has absolutely no sense of s.e.xual integrity."

Xiao Yan remained stupefied, still immersed in certain thoughts.

Reeve shook her head, and gave Xiao Yan a pinch on his cheek.

"Ouch!" the pain snapped him out of the inexplicable delusion.

"Xiao Yan, you really have to train your willpower, otherwise, any Special Force soldiers that couldn"t hold themselves back could get you killed on bed."

"This…… What was that? What"s going on to me? I mean, just now, I-I saw……"

As much of a blockhead Xiao Yan can be, he clearly know that the delusion he had just now was abnormal. 

"It"s the X-virus. It has intensified Maya"s hormones. You"ve been studying in the Central Academy for so long, you"re still not familiar with the basic characteristics of X-virus?" Reeve shook her head, feeling defeated.

Oh right…… How did I forget about that…

The X-virus enhanced the physical and sensory abilities of Special Force soldiers, at the same time, it increases all hormones secretion within their body as well, including s.e.x hormones. This was also the reason Special Force soldiers possess a much stronger s.e.xual desires than ordinary people.

Maya had shown an obvious s.e.xual interest in Xiao Yan, and such desire had elicited Maya"s hormone secretion. Do not underestimate the hormone that was intensified as it is a hundred times stronger than an ordinary human"s, sufficient for it to spread across the air and affecting Xiao Yan who was sitting nearest to Maya. It could make Xiao Yan s.e.xually aroused and leading him into having fantasies.

"Oh G.o.d……" Xiao Yan held his head in his hands. He felt that this was no difference from trickery. No matter who Special Force soldiers fall for, as long as they want it, the opponent would be easily captivated.

"Value your own life, stay away from Maya. Enjoy your short time off in the base." Reeve gave him a light squeeze on his shoulder.

"What Special Task Forces! They should be called Perverts Forces instead!" Xiao Yan gave a well-founded conclusion.

"I"m not good in writing after-action report! Everyone knows that!"

"Mhm," Reeve nodded halfheartedly, and continued playing her game.

"Why did Boss had to make me rewrite again? I"ve rewritten it for eighty-two times!"

"Did you accidentally dangled strands of your hair on Boss again?" Reeve reminded him out of kindness.

"No! Definitely not!" the long hair that Maya had finally got to this length, is his utmost treasure. However, having lengthy hair was always a trouble for combat unit. For instance, there was once where his tied back hair loosened when he was in the midst of killing zombies and his hair accidentally brushed against Colonel Burton"s shoulder, and his hair was then cut off by Colonel Burton, showing no mercy. Maya nearly broke into tears when he saw a clean line of his hair cut off.

"Well then, I have no idea why. Good luck, hopefully your 83rd revised report will get approved."

"Haiz…… You shouldn"t have stopped me, I almost got that cute apprentice! It"s been a long time since I"ve seen a pureblood Asian, that hazel-brown eyes looking at me naively, oh……" Maya held his head in his hands, his mind trailing off.

Reeve looked at him from the corner of her eye and said sternly: "I warn you, keep your hands off Xiao Yan."

"Oh, I get it! One of the three G.o.ddesses in Special Task Forces, Captain Reeve, has took a fancy to that rookie apprentice!" Maya put his arms around Reeve"s shoulder excitedly.

Translated by Winly

~~~ Coming up next: Chapter 9 Do You Miss Me? ~~~

Note: Hi everyone! First I have to apologise if any of you find the watermarks that I have inserted after each paragraph in Chapter 7 annoying (if you have noticed, if not, that’s for the best). I added that in after a friend of mine saw another site posting my work without my acknowledgement and she suggested this. But anyway, I wouldn’t want to ruin your reading mood, so I have reduced it in this Chapter. Anyway, enough for the “seriousness”…… MAYA! My favourite sub-character in this story has finally made his appearance! He is well…. kinda of a troublemaker in the beginning, but no worries, he is definitely not the guy who stands between Heine and XY, in fact, he acts as a catalyst in their relationship! ≥∇≤ And bringing trouble to himself at the same time when doing it…… Poor Maya…… 

Author"s note: 

Maya: Plump Melon! How could you turn me into such a sissy character——

Plump Melon *picks nose*: Are you sissy?

Maya: Of course not.

Plump Melon: Do you know what’s the value of your appearance in this story?

Maya: To flaunt my beautiful hair?

Plump Melon *shakes head*: To let everyone understands how X-virus could fulfill the motto to seduce people. And… to look for trouble.

Maya: ……

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