Throne Of World

Chapter 38

Under the horizontally shining sun, on the playground covered by weeds and herbs, Alexander was running around the track while thinking about the fighting techniques embedded inside his brain.

After his vision darkened yesterday, he suddenly saw scenes of a crash dummy performing a different type of skills. He was introduced to a variety of skills like "Region 1 Fist Techniques", "American a.s.sociation"s Dagger Techniques", "Krav Maga", "Eurasian Nation"s three-point knife technique" and even, one of the most famous melee combat techniques of this world, "Joseph Family"s Butcher Knife Technique!"

This combat technique was created by Stephen Joseph, supreme warlord of Eurasian Nation and founder of the Joseph Family of the alliance. The technique is a mystery for outsiders and is only pa.s.sed down to members of Joseph family.

It"s considered one of the deadliest techniques of the world. Just by learning the first part of the technique, Eurasian Nation"s elite special squad is already dominating over all the other countries in the international military compet.i.tion.

Alexander sat down on the gra.s.s after running more than 10 laps. He was too excited since morning to learn the complete set of "Joseph family"s Butcher Knife Technique". But he was also didn"t have the courage and capability to start learning, even the first part of the technique.

The technique itself states a brutal line at the very beginning.

"When you"re the butcher, everyone in front of you will become a lamb. Whether it"s G.o.d or Demon. Only a true Butcher can rule!"

The technique consists of 11 parts and with success in each part, one"s body and heart will become hard and cold as steel and will slowly be remodelled to become a butcher"s knife. Stronger the wielder gets, the stronger will be bloodl.u.s.t.

"To always remain conscious, one must find his true heart." This is the line Alexander listened from his grandfather but didn"t know about its source until yesterday. It was stated after the ending of the demonstration of the technique.

In his family, his grandfather,"Richard Joseph" was at the 9th level of technique years ago, but he suddenly stopped practising it since his grandmother"s death, maybe because he became too sad after that. His father, "Max Joseph" surpa.s.sed his grandfather and is already at the 10th level, a step away from completion of technique, the gap here seems quite small but only the practiconer knows it"s true depth. His uncle, "Edward Joseph" was at 8th level. His cousin, "Leo Joseph" was at 5th level two years ago, but his father made him stop practising the technique for two years and he"ll resume his practice next year.
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There were many things he didn"t understand about the technique but one thing was clear, this wasn"t a technique for the chicken heart.

Due to proper fusion of his memory and soul, Alexander now possesses an extreme affinity towards this technique. He wanted to start practising it, but he can"t. He was too weak now to practice it.

{AN: 1st part of the technique was practised by Elite Special Squad, so do you think our protagonist can start practising it now?}

All he could do now was to take a single step at a time. He stood up and walked towards his cottage, while slowly following a special footwork of chaotic region army, known as "Devil"s Walk". This technique is used by their special squad to perform trap attacks or ambush without making sound while moving.

Alexander was using this footwork because this doesn"t have any upper-speed limit and the user can move as fast as his own capacity, unlike some of the complicated footwork of the armies which comes with a cost of speed reduction. Another reason was, this was easy for him!

The normal path to his cottage, which he used to cover in 2 minutes while running, took 15 minutes while following "devil"s walk" but he didn"t create a sound while walking or left a trace. By the time he was standing at the door of his cottage, he was already panting heavily and he cursed while opening the door.

"Holy F**k! This was more tiring than running 5 kilometres at full speed!"


Inside Girl"s Dormitory Room number 123:

Emmy and Lucy were standing near the door with a bit of sad expression.

Emmy: "Hazel, are you really leaving us alone? Is it safe there?"

Hazel was also sad but determined, "Yeah! That place is where n.o.bles live and will be safe. I can"t just face that Ryan Reed coming in front of our dormitory like a stalker every day. At least, he can"t step in there.David Taylor lives there. And that b.a.s.t.a.r.d from reed family, can"t step in the territory of Taylor Family even if it"s school."

Lucy nodded and said, "That"s true sister Hazel. But why can"t you take us with you?"

Emmy joined too, "Yeah we will go with you too!"

Hazel was hesitant to reject them but in the end, she still shook her head and replied, "I can"t take you with me. You know, we from the n.o.ble families need to learn everything. If I take you two with me, I won"t be able to learn how to live independently."

She then picked up her bag and left while she said faintly, "Bye! We will see each other in cla.s.s tomorrow."

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