Throne Of World

Chapter 10



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Inside the cottage, the sound of moans and pain reverberated. Alexander returned to his cottage after today"s self torture and was trying to handle the pain with some hot water.

This pain is truly miserable! It"s shameful enough to think that, I can"t even run 300m!

It was already a quarter to nine in the morning. In 15 minutes he"ll be receiving the mission. But there wasn"t any time or energy left inside him to go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast.

Let"s eat my favourite! Instant Cup noodles!

It was good enough that yesterday I bought 5 extras for a time like this! But I never thought that I would have to use these so soon.

Preparing and eating instant noodles took him 10 minutes, with that time gone, he was left with 5 more minutes before the mission announcements!

Since some food was inside his stomach, his body ache was also relaxed a bit. But he started to think about something!

I can"t live with a body like this!

It"s too weak to even live with!

I will have to enhance my body const.i.tution! With exercise it"s possible but it"ll take too much time and pain!

In my last life, I heard a few Indian herbs and Chinese herbs were able to greatly strengthen the human body and change the body const.i.tution! Moreover, with the intake of natural herbs, there aren"t any side effects!

Ok! Today I"ll try to read medicine books on the traditional medicine of Greeks, Chinese and Indians! These are some of the best medicines in the world.

With my knowledge of chemistry and medicine combined, I"ll be able to make my body better!!

While he was thinking of ways to enhance his body, click on the wall had already stuck 9! And soon system prompts started to resound.

[Today"s Mission: Gain knowledge in large quant.i.ty! ]

[ You have to read 100+ books on modern and traditional medicine. Your knowledge of traditional medicine should surpa.s.s any living being alive on this planet. Knowledge of modern medicine should at least cover all your coursework. ]

[ Time limit to complete this task is 1 week. ]

[ Reward: 5 Genetic Points Gain ]

[ Punishment for Failure: 10 Genetic Points will be Deducted ]

This mission is also good like the previous one. I"ll study hard and try to create a method to strengthen my body.

Woah! 5 Genetic Points as a reward! My body will enhance! more chances to live!

But as he listened to the last prompt his eyes fell on the ground and rolled over!

Holy Sh*t! 10 points deduction! Why don"t you kill me directly! I have 5 Gene Points now, if it deducts 10 then I"ll be left with a -5 black hole.

No! I"ll have to do this at any cost! Isn"t this only 100 books, with my increased speed I can read 200 books in 7 days!

Let"s not waste time and go to the library to fill my brain!

With that, Alexander woke up and packed his bag, took a bath to remove the dirt and sweat from the morning and went towards the library.

On his way to the library, he noticed that there were more people on the road than yesterday. He thought for a while and then understood the reason. Tomorrow the will start as usual after the holidays, thus these students must have returned from home.

But one this that he didn"t understand was, why the h.e.l.l are they looking at me? I already an introvert and them looking at me makes me think to kill myself.

But what Alexander forgot was, he was really attracting the attention of everyone by walking awkwardly. The soreness in his body from today"s workout remained there and thus his walking posture changed! 

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