Throne Of World

Chapter 23

[ You sure amaze me, kid! I didn"t know that a kid like you can make such a bold choice! ]

[ The dominating and killing intent for crushing the opponents! Love to your own people! That"s the nature of a true ruler! ]

[ Since you made a correct choice! I"ll gift you something. ]

[ Till now your brain wasn"t working on its full potential because of the partial fusion of soul and memories! ]

When the last system prompt rang, Alexander was shocked!

"My brain is already learning that fast after the memory gene unlock but you"re saying it"s still not working at its maximum potential? Are you kidding me?"
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[ Kid! You have learnt about the human body in theory and you still believe that this is your maximum potential? You"re too naive!! ]

[ The truth is, even in the whole world ranking your brain isn"t even numbered in top 100s! ]

This was a heavy blow to Alexander! He was already quite satisfied with his brain, but now he was just like a toad at the bottom of the well! Not a well but at the bottom of the grave which was dug inside a well!

Ignoring the blown away mind of Alexander, the system continued,

[ Today I"ll help you fuse your soul completely with the memories and this body! This may be a bit too painful but if you can"t even handle this pain then you aren"t qualified to be a ruler! ]

[ Also this pain will remain in your head for the next two days! This will also be "task" for your mental training! ]

[ Hehehe!! Let"s begin ]

And after a pause another prompt sounded.

[ Soul fusion started ]

Alexander was sitting on his bed trying to feel any changes inside his body, but he didn"t feel anything for next 5…10...15 minutes.

"Was that shi**y system joking just now? Forget about the pain! I don"t even feel anything itching inside my head."

Just as his thoughts settled and he was about to pick up a book to read, he suddenly felt a little tingling in his head.

Is this the feeling system was talking about?

The tingling sensation inside his head grew stronger and stronger slowly! It felt like there were about 100... Nah! 1000s of ants.. centipedes crawling inside his skull. This itching was still nothing much for Alexander but after about 10 minutes he realised something incredible!

He cursed loudly!

" Fu*k, if this goes on for two whole days then I will become insane by the time everything settles. "

" I underestimated that s.h.i.tty system!  If it was direct pain I could still endure it but now I"ll go crazy! "

He tried to ignore everything and read his book but after every few minutes, he would scratch his head.

In the beginning, it was quite normal but soon after the force he applied while scratching his head increased! If he wasn"t careful enough then he could have easily ripped his skin.

This is really crazy!

I can"t read like this!


He threw his book on the table and lied down on his bed!

He tried to roll his body over and over to change postures but all his attempts failed. He was getting crazy over the itchy condition but still can"t do anything about it.

Slowly the moon settled down and the sun rose at the horizon.  The alarm beeped, waking Alexander up from his deep slumber.

It was not that he was able to sleep last night rather he just fainted after the irritation became too unbearable!

He slowly opened his eyes after gaining back his consciousness but soon realised that he wasn"t able to relieve himself from the blunt pain.

This itching will make me crazy!

He lazily stood up from his bed and went to the bathroom to clean himself up. After he cleaned himself up he went to the playground for morning exercise and started to run on the track.

"This pain and itching wasn"t something that can make me submit! I"ll take this head-on!"

He shouted with determination.

"That crazy system already said that it"s for practice! Then let"s just pa.s.s this as a master teaching me."

He completed 4 rounds of running around the track with an incredible speed but he didn"t stop and ran continuously.

[ 1 Micro Gene Point Gained ]

[ 1 Micro Gene Point Gained ]


Throughout the entire morning, he ran for a double-digit number of times around the track yet he also did push-ups, jumping and crunches.

His extraordinary pain was already making him crazy, but to suppress this feelings and distract himself, he was working out like crazy.

Before he left for the cottage to get changed her received his last notification.


[ 1 Micro Gene Point Gained]

Today he made a collection of freaking 60 Micro Gene Points.

That"s a huge fortune!

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