Throne Of World

Chapter 40

While he was bent down and catching his breath, his back was patted by a hard steel-like hand. He did not even look back and just continued to breathe heavily.

David who just came here for morning exercise was dressed in a black tight-fitting vest and trousers, revealing his well built muscles on arms. He looked at Alexander with worry and said, "Brother, what happened? You are not feeling well?"

Alexander slowly straightened his back, and while controlling his breathing he shook his head and replied "I am ok! It"s just... I got tired after practising a technique!"

Listening to the word "technique", David"s eyes lit up and all the care and worry was washed off. He asked in an excited tone, "Bro, what technique can make you tired? I am observing you from a few days and I know you can already work out as much as an average student from our combat "

David was a martial art and fighting techniques enthusiast since childhood and now he knew that his brother was practicing a "technique", so he needed to enquire more about it and if that technique is a trash, he"ll be providing him with better technique.

Alexander looked at his excited face, which looked like a child and said two words without any emotion, "Devil"s Walk"


David took a deep breath after listening to the name and asked while he stumbled a few steps back, "You are kidding, right? How can you get that legendary technique that"s well secured by those world-cla.s.s fighters?"

Alexander rolled his eyes as he said, "I was planning to give you the technique as well! But you don"t believe, Tch..tch."

David rolled his eyes as he still didn"t believe Alexander"s word and thus he started running around the track, without speaking anything further.

Alexander also knew that actions speak louder than words, thus he started practising his footwork once again without speaking anything to David.

David completed a lap and when he pa.s.sed by Alexander, he frowned as he saw the weird pattern of steps, Alexander was following. But soon his eyes grew wide and mouth was as wide as an egg. He cursed as he stopped, "F**k! How are you not making any sound as you are walking this fast on the gra.s.s?"

Alexander turned back and looked at him and repeated his words, "Devil"s Walk"

This time David didn"t retort back and started to doubt his own thoughts from few minutes back.

"Is this really Devil"s Walk?"

He stood fixed at his place as he observed Alexander"s feet patterns. He didn"t really believe it even now, as this Devil"s Walk can be considered a top-cla.s.s footwork technique. This was used by chaotic land forces, to dominate over the chaotic regions. And there was no reason for them to handover their treasure to other people and Alexander cannot get it.

"Whether it"s false or true, I"ll know it if I try practising it!"

He thought as he started following the same step patterns as Alexander.

At first, he was able to listen to his foot crushing the weeds, but after some time he felt a stinging pain in his lower abdomen and knee joints and slowly the sound of weeds crushing under his steps became fainter.

"F**k! This really works!"

David stopped using Devil"s Walk and he ran towards Alexander and shouted, "Brother! Where did you acquire this G.o.dly technique from?"

Alexander looked at him with a questioning gaze and asked, "Now do you believe me?"

"I f**king believe you! But tell me where did you get this technique from?"

Alexander rejected his question, "Brother, I can"t tell you this but I can teach you this!"

Alexander then didn"t wait for David to ask any further questions and said, "Look at my movement pattern. I"ll show you!"

After about 15 minutes, Alexander completed demonstrating him the "Genuine Devil"s Walk". He looked at David and said with a serious expression, "Brother I know that you will understand the seriousness of this matter of us, acquiring this technique and won"t use Devil"s Walk in front of anyone knowledgeable."

David nodded and patted his chest as he said, "You can rest a.s.sured brother! I"ll never let anyone see our trump card. Hehehe"

Even though the wind blowing here was cool but both Alexander and David were drenched in their sweat after practising Devil"s Walk. It was still only 7 am, so they didn"t return home to change but rather took off their vests and started to practice Devil"s Walk around the track with the naked upper body revealing their abdominal muscles.

This place where they were practicing was unused by any other students so no one would be coming here to disturb their practice and so, after just completing a round of  Devil"s Walk around the playground, they fell on the ground near the entrance.

They didn"t possess any energy to even lift their body or head which was planted on the ground. They rested there for a while while listening to the chirping of birds and insects.
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But soon they heard a feminine and familiar scream, "Aaah!"

They were startled, due to the sudden high frequency sound and lifted their heads up from the ground to look at the source of the sound.

Near the entrance of the playground, a girl in light blue, tight-fitting tracksuit was standing. On her face was the expression fright, but when she saw the two half-naked bodies lifting their head, her expression became calmer.

Alexander and David both looked at the girl and were confused and thought silently at the same time, "Why is she here?"

The girl at the entrance was Hazel. She came forward towards them and asked, "Why are you two lying here? Are you OK?"

Both of them gathered their remaining strength and stood up while pushing hard on the ground. When they stood up, they exposed their abdomen muscles to the girl standing in front of them without any shame. She blushed as she saw this and then hastily covered her face with her small hands.

"Why are you two not wearing any clothes? "

Alexander and David didn"t answer her or spoke any other words, they just patted on their bodies to remove the dust and then ran towards the track to continue their morning exercise.

As they left, the only thing that was there on Hazel"s mind was Alexander"s bare body and his lightly toned muscles.

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