Throne Of World

Chapter 43

Alexander came out from the bathroom and then threw his tired body on the bed. He was about to close his eyes and get some good rest after a tiring morning exercise session but the evil system"s voice surprised him like everytime.

[ Boy! You are quite relaxed. I"ll give you a mission now ]

[ Mission: Earn 100 million Global Dollars in 3 months. ]

[ Reward: 20 Genetic Points + 5 Gene Points for every extra 50 million Global Dollars earned after the completion of three months period ]

"F**k! I can earn gene points by earning money? That"s great!"

He was already in need of more money to start his experiments and make himself more powerful. This mission was like killing two birds with one stone.

His lips curved up forming an arc from ear to ear. He laughed a bit and then closed his eyes to take rest.

At about 1 pm in the afternoon, Alexander was woken up by a phone call. The loud ringtone reverberated throughout the room, He rubbed his eyes lazily and picked up his phone and pressed on the answer b.u.t.ton without looking at the caller ID.


"F**k! Bro Alexander! You are still sleeping? Are you not coming to cla.s.s?"

Alexander"s half-closed eyes opened up after listening to this. He didn"t know there was a cla.s.s now, "We have a cla.s.s now?" He needed to confirm his doubts.

Elliott"s sound came from the other side, "Yes! Our cla.s.s starts at 1:30. Are you coming?"

"I am coming, reserve a seat for me!"

He propped up from the bed and then rushed towards the bathroom to wash his face and then dressed himself up in clean clothes and rushed out.

He will be late for sure if he doesn"t run from here, he started running just after coming out from the cottage. As he pa.s.sed by other students of different on the road, everyone turned to look at him, who was running just like an athlete, the medicine he used and daily training was really good.

He rushed towards the cla.s.sroom and was relieved to see that the teacher wasn"t there yet. His speed was too fast after entering the cla.s.sroom, while he was finding Elliott and gang, he tried to stop himself by pressing hard on the ground but his shoes slipped on the slippery force and he crashed into something.

He fell down with his body lying flat but didn"t feel any pain, he was feeling rather good. He pushed down with his hand to stand up but he heard a slight painful moan,


He looked down and found a girl below him. "F**k!" He cursed as he stood up abruptly and pulled up the girl from the ground too.

He looked at the girl in front of him, who was smaller in height than him, her height was only about his shoulders. Her body was skinny but still proportionate. Her face was sweet and adorable just like a doll, with her long black hair, reaching her waist.

"Miss are you alright?" Alexander was still captivated by her. In general, she wasn"t even as beautiful and charming as Hazel, but her aura was something that attracted Alexander. She possessed an aura of a scholar, this was something that Alexander was most familiar with. He was just staring at her face.

The girl ignored Alexander and bent down to pick up something from the floor. When she stood up again, there were in her hands. She put them on and her adorable face was gone, due to the ugly looking big But Alexander"s eyes were still glued onto her.

"Miss, I am sorry. Are you okay?"

Alexander bowed down and apologized for his mistake and asked her if she was injured.

The girl shook her head, "I am fine" and then went out of the cla.s.sroom without speaking a extra word.

It was not until the girl left, did Alexander regained his consciousness. He turned around and looked at the entire cla.s.s looking at him.

He was embarra.s.sed, he smiled a bit and then went towards Elliott who was sitting on the second desk.

When he came near the second desk, he noticed Hazel who was sitting on the same desk looking at him weirdly. Sure enough Hazel also watched the incident that happened just now.

Today"s cla.s.sroom was a small one, but the desks were quite large, so Elliott and co were sitting with Hazel and her friends. Of course this was due to Emmy wanting to sit with her boyfriend.

Hazel stood up without uttering a word, letting Alexander go inside. She was sitting at one side of the desk, beside her was Elliott. Alexander sat between Elliott and Hazel as this was the only place available.

He was still thinking about the girl he crashed into, he patted Elliott on his side and whispered, " Who was that girl before? She isn"t from our cla.s.s. Is she from another cla.s.s? "

Elliott was chatting with Emmy after the crash incident was over. He turned towards Alexander, "She isn"t from our cla.s.s. She"s from technical college at our inst.i.tute. A teacher called her here to see fix the error he was facing with projector software."

Elliott voice wasn"t too loud but was audible to everyone on this desk. His voice allowed everyone here to know Alexander"s interest in the girl.

Hazel who was sitting beside Alexander frowned and there was a glint of dissatisfaction in her eyes. But Alexander didn"t mind Elliott"s loud answer. He took his book on gene editing and recent research and started "flipping" through it.

Seeing Alexander started reading and didn"t ask anything further about the girl, relived Hazel unknowingly. She wasn"t sure about her feelings for Alexander up until today but after seeing him looking at another girl constantly, made her jealous. She wasn"t a fool, and now understood her own feelings. Although she took time but she wasn"t a fool, only love and attraction can generate jealousy and unease.

Her face became calm again and she also took out her book and started going through it.

Elliott thought about, Alexander"s peculiar gaze while looking at the short girl with He was friends with Alexander for about 1.5 years now and was his sworn brother too. He knows Alexander well, Alexander never stares at girls, and respect them. But today he didn"t retrace his gaze back from the girl.

"Brother are you interested in that girl?"

This sudden question drew everyone"s attention to Alexander.

Alexander was engrossed in reading his book and just nodded subconsciously without properly processing the question and kept on "fliping" the book.

Hazel"s eyes grew wide as she looked at the boy beside her.

" He never acknowledged my beauty even after interacting with me so many times. But today… he actually admitted being interested in someone who he met just once? "

There was sadness, sorrow and surprise-filled in her heart. She bowed her head, being disappointed and looked lifelessly at the book on the desk.
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Everyone noticed this change of atmosphere except Alexander. They all looked at the drowning figure of Hazel"s soul.

Jacob who was sitting at the other end of the desk thought, "Brother Alexander is a pro! He spent so much time with Hazel in library and now he"s interested in other girl!"

Emmy: "He wasn"t interested in Sister Hazel who is so much beautiful, and now he accepted being interested in other girl, in front of her. This isn"t good!"


Alexander completed his book and then suddenly kicked Elliott lightly after remembering his question, "What do you mean by interested? I just felt her familiar!"

"Then why did you nod before?"

Elliott was shocked after the kick and felt that his brother didn"t hear his question before and so he asked again to confirm his doubts and relax Hazel"s mood too.

"I.. I just nodded subconsciously! I wasn"t paying attention to your bulls.h.i.t, I was just busy reading my book."

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