Throne Of World

Chapter 45

Alexander was now getting impatient, he was about to face something he fears the most, Blood! He didn"t want to faint in front of all his cla.s.smates and brothers.

"Mr World Overlord System, please help me! I don"t want to faint in front of everyone."

Alexander said as he positioned himself lower than the system to get some solution to his problem.

[ Ok. That"ll be really shameful for me too. I"ll give you a solution, but whether you can be successful or not, will depend on your will.]

"It"s ok... it"s ok. Just give me a solution, to avoid that dissection session. I don"t want to faint in front of everyone." He got excited. He just wanted to avoid that dissection session at any cost.

[ Who said you"ll avoid that session? The solution I have is to face more blood. ] A cold bucket of water was poured over Alexander"s flame of hope.

" The solution is to face more blood? You.. you"re kidding, right? That"s just pushing me into a pit." Alexander stumbled a bit even though he was standing straight awhile ago, as he thought about facing the blood.
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[ I am not kidding, you little kid! Face something you fear to remove fear and then you can face it head on. ]

[ You can"t escape this harsh reality of bloodshed in your path, neither can people who are a.s.sociated with you. You"ll have to be bold enough to protect, people you have and love dearly. ]

"Protect.. people… love dearly? Do I have anyone?"He mumbled softly. The last line of the system struck Alexander"s soul. He didn"t have anyone to protect or rely on in his last life, he was a lone dog. But in this life, an image appeared inside his mind once he thought about this. A strong feeling of protecting surged into his mind and heart.

This image wasn"t of his new family members in this world whom he is still about to meet, nor it was of Hazel, David or his friends. The image in his mind and heart was of a cute small girl of 4 to 5 years. The girl"s face was cute yet cold, an expression of determination and fierceness was visible on her barely developed face.

"Little Cupcake…" Two words came out of his mouth. These were the words b reverberating inside his heart.

Slowly a scene appeared in his mind. The girl was now about 7 years of age, her little finger was entangled with the little finger of a pale looking fat boy of 3 to 4 year. She spoke with her same cold expression, "Little Fatty, wait for me. I am going to learn for you. When I return I"ll protect you for my life." Tears were acc.u.mulating around the corner of her eyes but she maintained her expression of determination not letting them drop.

"I"ll protect you with my life… my cupcake." This was the only thought in Alexander"s mind right now. He was now determined to protect someone.

"Ok system, tell me what to do? I"ll have to become stronger so that I can protect her."

[ Ok kid, I"ll help you out. The first thing you need to do is to remove your fear of blood. ]

[ As I told you, face blood to remove its fear! But you don"t have the strength to kill anyone. ]

[ So become a butcher! ]

Alexander was hoping to get some skills or some sort of other treasures, but the system gave him a suggestion to become a butcher!


He cursed as he thought about becoming a butcher.

[ You look down on this profession? Then did you forget your family"s technique? ]

[To bath in blood and play in the blood is a profession of a butcher]

[ Bonus mission: Slaughter 200 cattles in 48 hours.

Mission reward: Wooden Knife Techniques ]

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