Thunder Martial

Chapter 46 – Scared awayTranslated by Monkillu

Chapter 46 – Scared awayTranslated by Monkillu


Zi Chen was powerless in this situation, he could only watch helplessly as the fist moved towards Zhang Haotian’s head.

The strange thing was, Zhang Haotian, instead of being afraid, was actually smiling, as if he had completely seen through his life and death.


As the fist was about to hit, a sudden green light appeared from above. Moreover, it also arrived in front of Zhang Haotian at an extremely fast speed, and collided with the fist. A deafening explosion instantly rang out.

The small-build disciple that sent out the punch, under the attack of this green light, retreated 7-8 steps directly before he could stabilize himself.

At the same time, a green figure dropped from above. This person looked quite young, his looks were ordinary and his eyes very small. If he was placed in the crowd, he would not attract any attention. He was very ordinary and very average.

But at this moment, n.o.body dared to underestimate this ordinary person, because he actually blocked a strike from an expert of tenth Zhen Qi Layer, moreover he also forced the other side to retreat.

There was a faint smile on the ordinary face, and then the youth said to the dumbfounded Zi Chen : “I didn’t arrive late?”

“You ……!” Zi Chen was unable to describe his current feelings. Was he excited? Happy? Or surprised? But all of these feelings changed into a few words, “Just in time.”

“That’s good. How should we deal with these small fry?” The youth still smiled faintly, his eyes looked towards the four people, there was only disdain in his eyes.

“Since they are only some small fry, naturally we will kill them.” Zi Chen said coldly.

“Alright then.” A cold light flashed through the youth’s eyes. His figure flashed, he already arrived tens of meters away. He lifted a foot and kicked towards an opponent.


Under the deafening explosion sound, this person was kicked out.

“So strong?” The other three people looked at each other, they saw looks of astonishment in each other’s eyes, one kick pushed away an expert at the tenth Zhen Qi Layer, this kind of strength was enough to kill.

“Go, withdraw.” Zheng Hua made the decision decisively as he clenched his teeth. And sure enough, he withdrew with the other three people.

“Want to run? Do you think you could just escape without leaving an arm behind?” Zi Chen’s voice, containing strong bloodl.u.s.t, was heard.

“Kill!” Followed after that was Zi Chen’s charge. Before, every time Zi Chen’s “kill” word was heard, he would charge at the four people, and strike at them.

“Run.” This time, Zheng Hua no longer hesitated, his figure dashed toward the distance. After that, the other three people also escaped rapidly without looking back at all.

Zi Chen had just rushed forward two steps when his vision went black, and his body fell downwards. He had reached the limit of his vitality.

The youth moved towards him, and supported Zi Chen one step ahead, “Are you alright?”

Zi Chen had fainted, so he was unable to speak.

“Ai, Why must you fight with your life?” The youth shook his head, then he carried Zi Chen’s black sword on his back. As he held Zi Chen with one hand, he jumped and arrived in front of Zhang Haotian, and held him with his other hand. Then his figure flickered several times as he vanished at an extremely fast speed into the forest.

Zheng Hua and the others, ran crazily all the way. They had already run for more than ten miles and then stopped to gasp for breath.

“d.a.m.n it, did we meet a monster?” A tenth Zhen Qi Layer expert could not bear it and cursed angrily. At his level of strength, he had been through a lot of big and small fights, there were at least hundreds of them. But a fight where they only attacked and did not defend at all, like today, a fight where you trade one life with another, this was the first time he encountered. Moreover, the even scarier thing was, his side had four people, but they actually could not finish off the opponent that was all alone.

The opposite party was just like an undead.


His body was riddled with scars, but he just wouldn’t fall. Each time time he was exhausted, as long as he breathed a few times, he would be bursting with energy again.

“Not good, it looks like we were fooled.” Zheng Hua suddenly exclaimed, he seemed to have thought of something.

“What do you mean?” The others were surprised.

“That boy before was only at the seventh Zhen Qi Layer.” Zheng Hua said, “His appearance was too shocking, and his movement technique was extremely mysterious, so we neglected his strength. Thin monkey, you were kicked by him, did you suffer any injuries?”

“Ai ya, I really did not suffer any injuries.” The thin monkey cried out in alarm.

“f.u.c.k, we have been deceived by them, let’s go back.” The thin monkey was the first one to stand up.

“Forget it, we have ran so far, the opposite party has probably already ran away. Ah, what a pity….. Just a moment of carelessness, and we actually missed the opportunity to kill two geniuses.” Zheng Hua was very frustrated, his eyes were filled with regret.

“What do we do now?”

“Let’s restore our injuries first, their injuries are very serious, they won’t recover in a short time. After we have recovered, then we will go to kill them again.” Zheng Hua said.

“Good, we also have to kill that last kid!”

The others nodded, then each of them found a place and sat cross-legged to heal their injuries.


Zhang Haotian had never admired anyone else before, but after he met Zi Chen, he had already started admiring him.

Not only had Zi Chen saved him, but what he truly admired was the fighting style of Zi Chen, he fought with tooth and nail. Moreover, he almost used his own life to trade with Zheng Hua and the others’ lives.

Although Zi Chen was in coma due to his severe injuries, but Zhang Haotian believed that Zheng Hua and the others weren’t feeling any better. If they weren’t four people, and were instead three, perhaps they would have already died under the fighting method of Zi Chen, that traded his life with theirs.

A mere eighth Zhen Qi Layer has the strength to kill three tenth Zhen Qi Layers, Zhang Haotian admitted that he doesn’t have that kind of strength.

Before, he considered himself to be fierce, but after he saw Zi Chen’s fighting style, he had no choice but to admit that Zi Chen was far more fierce than him.

Zi Chen was unconscious, and Zhang Haotian was seriously injured, the youth ran while carrying two people. Even though he was carrying two people, his speed did not decrease.

After half an hour, the unconscious Zi Chen awakened. His body floated in midair, and wind was was whistling in his ear.

His heart was beating rhythmically, every time it beat, the silver energy gushed out. It entered the various places in his body by following the blood. His severely injured body started recovering slowly.

“How far have we gone?” Zi Chen asked.

“You’re awake?” The youth landed on the ground lightly, he was looking at Zi Chen with an incredulous look, as if he was looking at a monster.

And the nearby Zhang Haotian was equally amazed. According to his speculation, Zi Chen would be unconscious for at least several days, but he actually woke up in only half an hour, and although his voice was low and deep, but it was powerful, he didn’t look weak at all.

“If you compare yourself to others, you will only torture yourself, ah!” Zhang Haotian closed his eyes.

“For several dozen miles.” The youth said.

The youth was exactly Miao Kong, he rushed over when he heard the thundering explosions, but he did not expect to see Zi Chen.

“Stop, I want to recover.”

Miao Kong put down Zi Chen and Zhang Haotian, both of them sat cross-legged and began to restore their injuries.

“Do you have any spirit medicine?”

Miao Kong took out a hundred years spirit medicine from his bag and gave it to Zi Chen.

The latter chewed twice and then swallowed it. The rich spirit energy appeared from his abdomen, the Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering Technique started to revolve ……

The heart absorbed this spirit energy and more silver energy was released, traveling towards various parts of his body. This time, the wounds on Zi Chen’s body started to heal with the speed visible to the naked eye. The criss-crossing sword wounds healed slowly and formed scabs. A moment later, the scabs fell off, delicate white meat had grown from the wounds.

“This ……?”

Miao Kong and Zhang Haotian both were dumbfounded, their eyes were filled with an incredule look. Even though both of them had seen a lot of inconceivable matters, but they had never seen the situation in front of their eyes. The severely wounded body actually healed in a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

“Your spirit medicine is able to bring someone back to life?” Even the indifferent Zhang Haotian couldn’t help but ask.

“What do you think? I still have some of, why don’t you try it?” Miao Kong asked rhetorically, then he took out the same hundred years spirit medicine again.

Zhang Haotian took it, he chewed casually and then swallowed it. A moment later, his pale complexion became rosier. The spirit energy of the spirit medicine was scurrying around in his body crazily, Zhang Haotian could only use his cultivation technique to refine this spirit energy.

With the spirit medicine’s help, he had made some progressed on healing his injuries, but it was far less frightening than what Zi Chen had displayed.

One hour later, Zhang Haotian finally suppressed the scurrying spirit energy in his body, his severely injured body had made some improvement. But when he opened his eyes, he actually saw that Zi Chen was looking at him with a rosy complexion, and a happy look in his eyes.

“Your injuries have healed?” Zhang Haotian asked.

Zi Chen nodded.

Zhang Haotian lowered his head, he was no longer looking at Zi Chen, because he did not want to spit out blood. He had always thought that he was superior in this aspect, but in front of Zi Chen, he appeared much more inferior.

“What do you plan to do now?” Miao Kong asked, “Do not blame me for not reminding you, the inner sect’s ten seeds are looking for you, and they wants to kill you. And now you have also offended the people from Zhang Wu Sect.

“Doesn’t matter.” Zi Chen said while waving his hand, “I will adopt the appropriate measures to the actual situation. Since I cannot get rid of the trouble, then I will find a way to solve the trouble.”

“You mean…?” Miao Kong was looking at Zi Chen.

First, we must solve the present problem. These four Zhan Wu Sect disciples don’t need to return anymore.” A cold light flashed in Zi Chen’s eyes, “If I’m lucky and they are greedy, then maybe I will be able to find them.”

“You want to kill them?” Miao Kong was stunned. They are four people, and all of them are at the tenth Zhen Qi Layer.

“I cannot kill four of them at once, but I can kill them one by one, that was how w.a.n.g Xiong died in the first place.” After saying that, Zi Chen did not even wait for Miao Kong to speak, he then turned around and walked towards the forest.

“You ……!” Miao Kong did not know what to say.

As for Zhang Haotian, he closed his eyes and began to restore his injuries.

“I have stayed at the peak of the eighth Zhen Qi Layer for too long. With the severe injuries this time, and having swallowed a lot of spirit medicines, I finally felt the bottleneck.”

Zhang Haotian was restoring his injuries, as well as striving to make a breakthrough. If he arrived at the ninth Zhen Qi Layer, then he had a full grasp to kill of the four disciples that were pursuing them, and even would have the strength to challenge Ling Chen.

Zi Chen’s luck was quite good. Zheng Hua and the others were also quite relentless, they were bent on killing Zi Chen. Few hours after they began to heal their injuries, they were heading off to kill the severely injured Zi Chen.

“Four of us will look separately, but the distance should not be too far.” The four people arrived at the previous fighting place quickly, and then began tracking down the bloodstains and pursued in a direction. At the same time, they also spread out, and began to search in a wide scope.

And at this time, Zi Chen had also returned to the place before, tracing down the trail of the four people.

An hour later, the Zi Chen that was walking carefully in the forest heard an angry cursing voice.

“f.u.c.k, we actually had been tricked by a seventh Zhen Qi Layer kid, this d.a.m.n motherf.u.c.ker.”

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