Time Traveler

Chapter 3

With regards to the knowledge of this world, Liu Yanzhi memory was still only up to 1997. Everything around him made him curious. The factory, village, and wasteland from his memory have all changed to a brand-new residential area, myriad of tall-buildings, crisscrossed roads, and traffic congestion. Every person, without exception, has a big-screen mobile phone in their hands, even mother, which can be used to take pictures, video recording, watch films, connect to the internet, and also play games which simply made him love it too much to part with it.
Mother and son pair returned to the fire ruins in Xiao Ying village planning to dig out some usable things from the middle of dilapidated ruined walls. Everything in the home was burned down to the ground including clothes, shoes, valuables, ID’s and even the household register was burned. Mother gathered some usable things and properly wrapped up in a bag. From far away, several people from firefighting cadre dressed in armed police uniforms walked over. The captain berated them in a loud voice: “Hey, come out, come out, did you not see the warning line! ”
“We are leaving. ” Mother hurriedly quickened up her speed. Liu Yanzhi, however, cannot help but speak in wronged voice: “Why are you driving us out! “
Another policewoman wearing a lieutenant epaulet pulled over the surrounding warning line to cross the fire ruins while her eyes remained on Liu Yanzhi’s body. He was clearly showing the symptoms of a burn patient, red and black clots on his entire body and several flies were buzzing and circling on top of his head.
The policewoman’s face softened: “Why are you not in the hospital when you are so severely injured? ”
“No money. ”Liu Yanzhi threw a sentence and then pulled his mother along to walk away. Policewoman looked at him, seemingly getting more and more suspicious. When they had walked more than 10m away, she finally came to herself, ran after them and shouted: “Stop.”
Liu Yanzhi stopped in his tracks. She walked over to question him: “You policewoman last night? ”
“What’s wrong? ” Liu Yanzhi asked rhetorically, the timid mother afraid to get in trouble quietly pulled his sleeves.
“You are severely burned and need a treatment” She fished out her purse, pulled out a wad of banknotes and handed it over. Liu Yanzhi hesitated for a little, yet accepted it: “Thank you.”
Someone called from far away: “Little Zhen.” The policewoman responded by turning around and returning, below the olive-green armed police uniform her figure looked vigorous and slender.
Fire Investigation Division dispatched staff to investigate the scene of the fire, but after an on-site investigation, they could not find the specific cause. Finally, they could only say that because of triggering a careless fire in the excessively piled up flammable articles which lead to the conflagration in the end report.
Three kilometers away, across the Huai River, a 5 Kv high voltage electrical transmission line was in the process of being repaired as last night there was a circuit breakdown. A 10 m long electric cable mysteriously disappeared, and a thick electric cable port had traces of being burned and melting. Even, specialists from Beijing Electric Power Research Inst.i.tute who urgently flew there also could not give a reasonable explanation.


It was Liu Yanzhi’s first time seeing the ‘new version’ of the Chinese Yuan. As big hundred yuan banknotes in his times, had the four great man printed, Mou Zhou Liu Zhu. But, the current red banknotes only had Chairman Mao by himself. Policewoman gave him no less than 10 big hundred yuan banknotes, he counted three times, moved and pleasantly surprised.
Mother and son pair chatted while walking. He told her that the money was enough to last them two months. But, she explained that nowadays unlike his childhood, commodity prices have increased by who knows how much times. My monthly wages are 1200 per month, in addition, the residential community gives welfare subsidy, which altogether adds up to less than 2000, we mother and son are tight on money.
Liu Yanzhi saw his mother’s shoes on her feet were already worn out and damaged, exposing her toes. Heart aching, he handed her the money, but his mother pushed it back: “ The woman gave it to you, keep it, buy whatever you like. ”
Returning back to shed, after tidying up mother went back to work. Liu Yanzhi feeling bored took the money and got out to start roaming the streets by himself. The marketplace from his memory which sold communication equipment had already changed into a five-star hotel. Fortunately, the market selling electronic products was still in existence. Afterwards, through a salesperson’s skilled publicity and tricks, he spent 600 yuan to buy a domestic large-screen mobile phone. Only up till now he realized that this thing was called mobile phone. The name Cell phone was long outdated many years ago.
Liu Yanzhi squatted beside the road to play with the mobile phone. The new unsigned SIM card has a 500 yuan call charge meaning cell phone was purchased for an equivalent of a 100 yuan. It was a great bargain. Most importantly, in 1997, Motorola, Nokia and such were sold for 3000-4000 yuan.
A coin fell in front of Liu Yanzhi, inside the openly spread out mobile phone box. Looking up, he saw a 5-6-year-old little girl, moving shyly towards her grandmother’s hand after tossing the money. As it turned out she thought him to be some kind of beggar. It was not surprising that people would think like that as he has not yet recovered from his burn injuries on his face and arm, giving a ghastly sight. Feeling uncomfortable from this knowledge, he packed up the box as he planned to return home.
Ahead, on the pedestrian street, humans were surging like a tide and bustling with activities. Liu Yanzhi saw an evil hand stealing from other people’s bag. Right now, the lean thief had taken advantage of the grandmother’s distraction when she bought an ice cream for her granddaughter to steal her belongings.
Liu Yanzhi strode forward, and with one hand grasped the thief’s hand. The thief turned around to look at him with an unexpected lack of fear and shouted loudly. Afterwards, several vermins gathered together from all directions and surrounded him in the middle while pa.s.ser-by who failed to dodge in time got out of the way one by one.
After uttering several incomprehensible curses, without any sign, a young thief pulled out a dagger to stab Liu Yanzhi in the stomach, then scattering in all directions. Liu Yanzhi was crouched on the ground covering his stomach. The crowd started gathering around, surrounding him while whispering. There were some kind youngsters calling the police.
Liu Yanzhi didn’t feel any pain, he could clearly feel the handle of Xinjiang made Yingjisha Pocket Knife inside his abdominal cavity. Deeply taking a breath, he gripped the knife handle and slowly pulled it out. The surrounding crowd cried out in shock and involuntarily took several steps back, leaving a wide clearing in the surrounding circle.
Completely pulling out the pocket knife stained with blood stains, Liu Yanzhi held the knife and looked around everywhere searching. Following his gaze, the crowd moved out of his way opening a path. Not far away, at the entrance of a shop, the thief was furtively staring here at the stirring crowd. Along with the opening of the path, Liu Yanzhi and the thief’s four eyes crossed each other. The thief hesitated for a moment, a terrified look flashing in his eyes and turned around to run away.
Liu Yanzhi held the knife to chase after him. The thief flew like a wind, and in a flash run towards the back alley of a large building while looking coldly at his pursuer. Several shadows walked out from the darkness and once again surrounded Liu Yanzhi.
Below the large building’s shadow, a fight has started. Liu Yanzhi was alone and blocked in the corner of the building and given a good thrashing. Tall nose and sunken eye man from other ethnic minority used his fist to punch, legs to kick, spitting saliva and an incomprehensible language to fiercely curse him, was lead by a man holding a brick who lifted it high above and was just about to pound on Liu Yanzhi’s head when suddenly he felt a cold feeling in his chest, lowering his head to look, saw a Yingjisha Pocket Knife inserted above his stomach. The people were beating him till he got b.l.o.o.d.y nose and swollen face. But he just laughed grimly while looking at himself; pulled the knife, another stab, pulled the knife, another stab, moving just like a machine, continued to repeat this motions. Puff puff sound lingered on in the ear.
When Liu Yanzhi was in secondary school he was famous for his spiky hair and outside the school was involved in many conflicts. Once he had set a new record for winning in a duel against 10vs1. Even if he was lying sick on a bed for 20 years, in his bones he was still that fierce b.l.o.o.d.y youngster.
He was fully aware of the principle of winning in a gang fight. If there are many enemies then catch one person from the opposite group and give a killing blow. And by a lucky coincidence, he had caught the gang leader of the small thief gang. In just ten plus second, he gave him more than 20 knife stabs in his chest, blood sprayed on his hand which made knife continuously slip from his hand.
The gang leader was dead. Liu Yanzhi looked at the other people, put the knife in his mouth and calmly wiped away the creamy blood on his hand.
The vermins fell back and turned around to run away.
Siren sounds could be heard in the distance. Liu Yanzhi did not dare to stay any longer and hurriedly run away from the scene.

Inside the shed, Liu Yanzhi lied down on the straw mat and examined his stomach wound closely which was a side-by-side 2cm wide knife cut. Muscle and skin were already closely glued together like a light wound inflicted when a photocopier paper cuts the finger, which could not be seen if not looked carefully. The remaining blood on his clothes had solidified giving it a near metallic l.u.s.ter below the lamplight.
He suddenly realized that he probably killed a person but he was indifferent as it was a legitimate self-defense, counteracting against the thief’s attack. Besides, police also may not be able to find him. Only he should not go on the streets for some time as the glory and honor of a burned patient was too much eye-catching.
Meanwhile, in the local police station of the pedestrian street, police were just looking at the monitor video. This afternoon, in the back alley of a telecommunication building, a fight had occurred leading to a case of a seriously injured man. The victim had 25 knife wounds in his body and until now was lying in the intensive care ward of the hospital, not out of danger yet, and the perpetrator who was unidentified was also not yet caught.
“The suspect was stabbed earlier on the street by the man with a knife. Afterwards, suspect chased after the man into an alley and then they fought, finishing the fight as early as possible by himself. I have been a police officer for 20 years and have never seen such a resolute fellow.” An old police officer holding a teacup looked at the blurred screen and exclaimed in admiration.
Police were usually not willing to take this kind of case because it involves ethnic group policies. This gang of thieves were fearless and will pretend not to understand Chinese and inflict self-harm if captured. Even if they were sent back to their hometown, they will not only come back after two months but will also become more aggressive in their crimes. As they also have a special ident.i.ty, this matter has to be reported back to council.
Half an hour later, a police car arrived at pedestrian street’s local police station. A refined young police officer walked out of the car, wearing an ironed and tightly-closed fitting uniform, standing straight as a ramrod had two bar and one flower marked on his shoulder. The old police officer was quite puzzled, as it was a criminal investigation department’s case. Why did bureau send someone here?
Coming from the Public Security Bureau, Deputy Director Wu Dongqing, one of the most promising backup-officer in the bureau, the most outstanding student in public security university and also has a quite good relationship with the current bureau chief Xu Gongtie. It was also rumored that he will soon be transferred to Crime Investigation Section taking charge of a important post.
Wu Dongqing and leader exchanged several conventional greetings. To understand the details of the case he took away the related video, without giving any suggestion from beginning to end.
After one day, the stabbed gang leader of the vermins was miraculously out of mortal danger.
As the police also did not wish to report the case to authorities for investigation, they temporarily shelved the case away.

Today, Yun Shanqu fire brigade encampment received a guest. From Instructor Zhen Yue, Lieutenant understand about the matter of fire in Xiao Ying village.
Zhen Yue was the first female firefighting police officer in Jiangdong Province, and different from the firefighting advisors sitting in office; she who takes the lead and rushes to the front line of firefighting officers, working in unity with others, was a reputable woman in law enforcement circles.

The guest was Deputy Director Wu Dongqing from Public Security Bureau, he carefully inquired Zhen Yue about the extent of fire, damage caused, as well as casualties.

Zhen Yue without hiding anything, from beginning to end explained all the events of that day to him.
“I just came from the medical inst.i.tution, you look at this person, is he the one who you rescued that day?” Wu dongqing took a photo and placed in front of Zhen Yue.
“He is.” Zhen Yue replied without hesitation and told, “I also saw him the next day at the scene of fire, injuries were very serious, normally should not be able to get out of bed. What’s going on?”
“Thanks, and you should keep today’s conversation of ours a secret, you understand.” Wu dongqing did not gave an explanation, retracted the photo and took his leave.
Night, Wu dongqing was sitting before his computer and frame-by-frame replayed the video from the pedestrian street, taken by Skynet camera. The thief deeply penetrated the Yingjisha Knife in the burned patient stomach, till the knife handle. After a moment when he pulled out the pocket knife, there was unexpectedly no blood flowing out.
Wu dongqing pressed the delete b.u.t.ton, deleting this part of video. With his authority, he can permanently destroy a monitoring video from Skynet system. After completing the task, he propped up a cigarette, faced upward and started pondering.

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