Time Traveler

Chapter 5

Volume 1 Chapter-4 Mysterious Forces

Translator- DM

Doctor Li suspecting himself to be kidnapped was scared stiff and struggled desperately. The person opposite him directly hit him ruthlessly in the stomach. The doctor, who was without any strength to truss a chicken, bend down his body and pulled back at the side of the car and got on.
“Your wife works at health bureau, your daughter is in Experimental Primary Sixth Grade, your parents home is in Jinjiang district No.15, 2nd floor, unit 401……” The seemingly cold words made his hair stand on end, his mind stiffening.
“Burn patient’s matter did not exist, understand, otherwise you will never again see your wife and child.” His ears continued to hear the threatening words, while he was only able to see their Black water-resistant high-top combat boots. It seems like they are no-ordinary gangsters.
“Are you clear? ” The opposite side asked.
“Clear.” Doctor Li replied, stomach ache making it hard for him to speak.
He was thrown outside the commercial car then it turned around and was suddenly gone. After a while, the doctor has climbed up from the ground, straightened up his clothes and walked to his home in a daze. Sitting in his private study, he held up his mobile and hesitated for a very long time, to report or not the police.
Finally, he dialed Reporter Zhang. Before call connected his mood was feeling apprehensive, fearing that he may have already been silenced. Fortunately, Reporter Zhang picked up the call, still hearty as before: ”h.e.l.lo, Doctor Li.”
“Did you run into something strange recently?” Doctor Li asked.
“No ah!, My published post was mysteriously deleted by someone. But, it doesn’t matter, they have not banned my account. I can publish it again a second time. Wait a minute! Someone knocked on my door. I will call you back later.” Reporter Zhang spoke and hung up the phone.
Doctor Li opened the micro blog. And as expected saw Reporter Zhang’s newly published post. But the republished post was not only still deleted by someone, he was also rebuked by some people regardless of his reporter’s professional ethics. They not only looked and thoroughly searched the spam fake news but also added some pictures proving that the so-called burns can be forged.
In the picture a man used finely blended flesh-colored latex paint and smeared it on his body, rubbing it with a creased face tissue, then irregularly swept a red lipstick above, also patting a foundation in the surroundings making the skin color look similar. After finishing, he applied a layer of lip gloss making it l.u.s.trous and sure enough it looked exactly the same as burn injuries.
Overwhelming support for rumors in the comment section, criticisms for Reporter Zhang being a fraud, Doctor Lee felt even more frightened in his heart. The other party’s active use of force has made him really fearful. They not only have hired thugs but also have a Water army*1.
He once again dialed Reporter Zhang but could not get through.
After ten seconds, his mobile rang with an unknown number. Doctor Li answered while trembling. Sure enough, that familiar voice spoke: “Your each and every move is being monitored by us. What is valuable, what is not, you should consider it a little. Your daughter will be soon out of school oh!”
Doctor Li completely gave in.


After graduating from the Armed Police Academy, Zhen Yue had joined the fire brigade for work because of the precise reason that she was most worried about those children who were disabled due to burns. So the miracle taking place on Liu Yanzhi’s body gave those children hope for recovery. But before her unimaginable idea could come to fruition, her starting of the research had unexpectedly resulted in failure. Whether it is Doctor Li or Reporter Zhang, both have kept their mouth shut regarding this matter. And Director w.a.n.g from Burn Division who was reputed for good character and fame had even more bizarrely lost consciousness due to cerebral hemorrhage.
All these coincidences had happened because of Liu Yanzhi’s body. Zhen Yue interest towards him was deeply aroused. After her shift ends, she really must go out. Suddenly, the detachment political commissar called for her to make a trip.
Inside the political commissar’s office, Uncle Qi who was wearing a colonel’s epaulet on his shoulder first inquired about her current work circ.u.mstances and also showed attention about her personal problems before returning to the subject.
“Do not involve yourself with irrelevant people and things, concentrate on preparing for System’s Major Tournament*2.”
“Political Commissar, what irrelevant thing?” Zhen Yue revealed a confused expression.
“Little Zhen, You are a firefighting cadre, not a reporter, and also not a civil administration officer. Burn patients living difficulties are not your responsibility but the whole society’s responsibility…..” Political Commissar began giving a long lecture making her feel giddy. She hastily said making her position clear: “Political Commissar, I understand! “
“It’s good that you understand, now go.” Political Commissar nodded and waved his hand.
After coming out from detachment station, Zhen Yue heart was even more densely clouded with suspicions. Who is this rich capable person, that he can keep the entire matter under control and even able to make the political commissar their representative. But this only aroused her curiosity even more.
Zhen Yue turned her car around at the intersection and made a beeline for Liu Yanzhi home at the workers shed.
Arriving at the shed, she found that Liu Yanzhi and his mother were not around. After inquiring from a garbage collector found out that both mother and son pair have gone to local police station for setting up a registered residence and id card.

Liu Yanzhi and his mother were waiting inside the lounge of police station. He had also in advance called Wu Dongqing, so the entire matter was handled quite smoothly; taking a photo, filling the form and will receive the household registrar and ID card within 7 working days.
The lounge was linked with the local police station’s monitoring room. On one side of the wall, a LCD was displaying continuous changes of streetscape and every resident district inside the scene.
Liu Yanzhi gasped in amazement ‘Four Modernization*2 has been achieved’. There was no dead-end in the police administrative region which is not being monitored, criminal elements have no place to hide and will have to pay attention if they want to kill someone.
After this matter was finished, mother once again wanted to go for street sweeping. Liu Yanzhi tried to persuade her: “ Mom, there is no need to work. From now on, I will provide for you.”
She kindly smiled: “You are still sick and not settled yet, rest a little for some days….OK.”
Liu Yanzhi was determined: “Out of the question. I have already rested enough after sleeping for 20 years. From now on, I will be the head of the family. I will make money, and to show you filial respect will marry and bring you a daughter-in-law to bear a fat grandson….”
Mom stopped moving, her tear drops fell from choked with emotions, and said after some time pa.s.sed: “Mom doesn’t mind, Mom is very happy that w.a.n.g’er has grown up sensible.” After speaking she took out a cloth packet and opened it. Inside, an old-fashioned Kraft paper covered workday notes were there.
“This is my last twenty years debt account. Remember this amount clearly and also this debt, OK.”
Liu Yanzhi took the workday notes and flipped it open, inside densely packed records of borrowed money’s time, place, amount and borrower were written. Mostly they were parents relatives, friends and colleagues, also some social a.s.sistance and some kindhearted people’s donation, the values mostly large and small. After a cursory look, the total value amounts to no less than hundred thousand yuan.
“Altogether, borrowed money hundred and seventy-five thousand seventy-six and plus money from the selling of the house. You keep this. You have to thank everyone.” Mom sincerely and earnestly entrusted him and said, “I have grown old and later may not be able to move around, so will have to rely on you to pay back. Some people from this account book are missing. Furthermore, some good people may say that they don’t need it, so you don’t give them.But you can’t act like this. Child, we parents are poor people but we have always behaved with integrity, this principle you had better understand. You remember, all the money must be returned, no less.”
Liu Yanzhi looked at his mother’s aged face, solemnly nodded and promised: “Mom, I will remember!”
Mom was elated: “ w.a.n.g’er has become sensible. Mother will go back to buy some meat and at night will make you some dumplings.”


At 20km away from the city’s Feng Shang resort area, inside a building, a burn patient was lying on a bed, his whole body stuck completely with probe instruments for monitoring and oxygen tube while a camera above the head was recording every movement of the patient.
Inside monitoring room, a doctor updated an old man about the situation: “Serum has already been injected, no effect whatsoever.”
The old man faintly nodded: “OK! ” He got out after speaking. The empty corridor was covered with marble. After waiting a long time outside the door Wu Dongqing approached, and said in a low voice: “Father, they are already being monitored from all sides, do we eliminate in advance or not?”
“Wait idly for an opportunity.” The old man only said four words.[TN: Its four characters in chinese]
Wu Dongqing wiped cold sweat from his forehead. He will get nervous every time Father speaks. This old man ranked as one of the best in China Rich List*3 was just like an aloof and remote emperor, temperamental and unfathomable. Even people serving by his side were not clear about his temperament. Even more to say nothing of them who are his adopted children from an orphanage.
Father’s instructions have been issued. Although Wu Dongqing has other opinions, he can only bury them in his heart and implement orders strictly. The resort area was one of the old man’s property, the villa was located in the midst of the flourishing trees arranged in picturesque disorder. Countless security cameras were concealed in secret locations. The service and security guards compared to inhabitants living here were more. This was one of the topmost villas in the province or even the whole nation and people who can live here were wealthy and respectable people. But Wu Dongqing clearly understands that these people in front of his father could not be even regarded as mole cricket and ants.
Father is an existence akin to a G.o.d.
Before Wu Dongqing could return to his car, his mobile phone started ringing. He saw the caller ID and immediately picked it up and spoke enthusiastically: “Big Brother, How are you these days? ”
“Well, were you there with the old man? What instructions does he have?”
“Wait idly for an opportunity, just as in the past.” Wu Dongqing hesitated a little. To tell the truth, elder brother is father’s blood-related son different from them who are his adopted children. Moreover, he has always been regarded by the father as heir to be groomed. Therefore there is no need to conceal from him.
“Old man is as obstinate as a mule. I urged him repeatedly, how could such a precious resource act as a bait. When you are carrying out the plan be careful a little, don’t treat him indiscriminately and make him suffer. See you later.” Elder Brother hung up the phone. Wu Dongqing thought for a bit, then begin making a phone call to make arrangements for his work.


Outside the shed, the returning home Liu Yanzhi came across Zhen Yue who had been waiting for a long time.
“I want to have a chat with you.” Zhen Yue asked in a quick-fire succession, “What happened in the end, Why did you not go to the hospital for examination. What did they say to you?”
“Speak one or two sentences at a time, I can’t understand you.” Liu Yanzhi scratched his head quite helplessly. He knew that she is a good person but this a secret which cannot be spoken. If he did not listen to Wu Dongqing’s words, he will have to go to jail once again tomorrow.
“Don’t you know that you can save many people?” Zhen Yue continued to question intensely, “you also saw those people suffering so much while lying in the Burn Division’s sickroom. You can help them. Why are you not helping! Why! “
Suddenly she found Liu Yanzhi looking past her shoulder, feeling suspicious.
“They have come.” Liu Yanzhi took to his heels at once to run away.
Zhen Yue turned around and saw four-man in civilian clothes and hat outflanking them; one side was swiftly chasing after Liu Yanzhi’s escaping direction and other side took out a gun from his back. Her pupils slightly contracted, it was an electric shock taser.
They fired, high-pressure nitrogen propelled two barbed electricity conducting wire from the taser. But as the range was too short, they missed their target Liu Yanzhi. The other person took out a pistol, muzzle equipped with a long silencer and open fired. Bra.s.s bullet casings fell down on the ground, making clanking sounds.
Zhen Yue was absolutely terrified. She does not know exactly what kind of conspiracy has she got caught up in. Only now she realized that she should not have come here because one of the killers pointed his gun at her. She saw that he was blond blue-eyed, unexpectedly a foreigner.
“I am finished. He must be killing the eyewitness.” It was Zhen Yue’s last thoughts. Long-time training made her involuntarily react, diving like a fish and dropped to the ground. At the same time hurried gunshots sound were heard, familiar 9mm roller type sub machine gun sound. An Armed Police anti-terrorism squad appeared wearing this kind of weapons.
The four killers were only equipped with pistol and taser. They were not able to oppose the anti-terrorism squad and has to retreat little by little in defeat which made it difficult for them to kill the eyewitness. Hiding behind the dustbin, Zhen Yue saw more than ten people wearing blue-black special war suit, helmet, bulletproof vest were outflanking from all three directions, their hand holding sub machine guns emitting tongues of flame.
Three killers were killed on the spot and the remaining killer fighting desperately rushed out of the encirclement and jumped in an SAIC car, frantically running away. His car directly slamming into a pa.s.ser-by, loosed control and again slammed into trees lining the street. He was done in by the overtaking soldier’s bombardment as both man and vehicle had rushed into a hornet’s nest.
Liu Yanzhi who was protected by the soldiers slowly walked over and fell to his knees before the pa.s.serby. It was his mother, hand tightly holding the just bought half-catty pork, but her eyes were already closed forever.


1* On the Internet in the People’s Republic of China, an Internet Water Army or w.a.n.gluo shuijun is a group of Internet ghostwriters paid to post online comments with particular content. In this “astroturfing” (meaning “artificial gra.s.s-roots”) technique for public relations and media manipulation, online Chinese companies employ people to make postings on social media in order to change public opinion.

2* The Four Modernizations were goals to strengthen the fields of agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology in China.

3* Forbes’ definitive list of wealth in China, profiling and ranking the country’s richest citizens by their estimated net worths.

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