But I was too late. Tish and Mr. Ellis whirled up to the door at half-past eight and Tish did not even notice that Bettina was absent.

She took off her veil and said something about Mr. Ellis"s having heard a grinding in the differential of her car that afternoon and that he suspected a chip of steel in the gears. They went out together to the garage, leaving Aggie and me staring at each other. Mr. Ellis was carrying a box of tools.

Jasper and Bettina returned shortly after, and even in the dusk I knew things had gone badly for him. He sat on the steps, looking out across the dark lawn, and spoke in monosyllables. Bettina, however, was very gay.

It was evident that Bettina had decided not to take her Presbyterianism into the Episcopal fold. And although I am a Presbyterian myself I felt sorry.

Tish and Mr. Ellis came round to the porch about ten o"clock and he was presented to Bettina. From that moment there was no question in my mind as to how affairs were going, or in Jasper"s either. He refused to move and sat doggedly on the steps, but he took little part in the conversation.

Mr. Ellis was a good talker, especially about himself.

"You"ll be glad to know," he said to me, "that I"ve got this race matter fixed up finally. In two weeks from now we"ll have a little excitement here."

I looked toward Tish, but she said nothing.

"Excitement is where I live," said Mr. Ellis. "If I don"t find any waiting I make it."

"If you are looking for excitement, we"ll have to find you some," Jasper said pointedly.

Mr. Ellis only laughed. "Don"t put yourself out, dear boy," he said.

"I have enough for present necessities. If you think an automobile race is an easy thing to manage, try it. Every man who drives a racing-car has a _coloratura_ soprano beaten to death for temperament. Then every racing-car has quirky spells; there"s the local committee to propitiate; the track to look after; and if that isn"t enough, there"s the promotion itself, the advertising. That"s my stunt--the advertising."

"It"s a wonderful business, isn"t it?" asked Bettina. "To take a mile or so of dirt track and turn it into a sort of stage, with drama every minute and sometimes tragedy!"

"Wait a moment," said Mr. Ellis; "I want to put that down. I"ll use it somewhere in the advertising." He wrote by the light of a match, while we all sat rather stunned by both his personality and his alertness.

"Everything"s grist that comes to my mill. I suppose you all remember when I completed the speedway at Indianapolis and had the Governor of Indiana lay a gold brick at the entrance? Great stunt that! But the best part of that story never reached the public."

Bettina was leaning forward, all ears and thrills. "What was that?" she asked.

"I had the gold brick stolen that night--did it myself and carried the brick away in my pocket--only gold-plated, you know. Cost eight or nine dollars, all told, and brought a million dollars in advertising. But the papers were sore about some pa.s.ses and wouldn"t use the story. Too bad we can"t use the brick here. Still have it kicking about somewhere."

It was then, I think, that Jasper yawned loudly, apologized, said good-night and lounged away across the lawn. Bettina hardly knew he was going. She was bending forward, her chin in her palms, listening to Mr.

Ellis tell about a driver in a motor race breaking his wrist cranking a car, and how he--Ellis--had jumped into the car and driven it to victory. Even Aggie was enthralled. It seemed as if, in the last hour, the great world of stress and keen wits and endeavor and mad speed had sat down on our door-step.

As Tish said when we were going up to bed, why shouldn"t Mr. Ellis brag?

He had something to brag about.


Although I felt quite sure that Tish had put up the prize money for Mr.

Ellis, I could not be certain. And Tish"s att.i.tude at that time did not invite inquiry. She took long rides daily with the Ellis man in his gray car, and I have reason to believe that their objective point was always the same--the race-track.

Mr. Ellis was the busiest man in Morris Valley. In the daytime he was superintending putting the track in condition, writing what he called "promotion stuff," securing entries and forming the center of excited groups at the drug store and one or other of the two public garages.

In the evenings he was generally to be found at Bettina"s feet.

Jasper did not come over any more. He sauntered past, evening after evening, very much white-flanneled and carrying a tennis racket. And once or twice he took out his old racing-car, and later shot by the house with a flutter of veils and a motor coat beside him.

Aggie was exceedingly sorry for him, and even went the length of having the cook bake a chocolate cake and put it on the window sill to cool. It had, however, no perceptible effect, except to draw from Mr. Ellis, who had been round at the garage looking at Jasper"s old racer, a remark that he was exceedingly fond of cake, and if he were urged--

That was, I believe, a week before the race. The big city papers had taken it up, according to Mr. Ellis, and entries were pouring in.

"That"s the trouble on a small track," he said--"we can"t crowd "em.

A dozen cars will be about the limit. Even with using the cattle pens for repair pits we can"t look after more than a dozen. Did I tell you Heckert had entered his Bonor?"

"No!" we exclaimed. As far as Aggie and I were concerned, the Bonor might have been a new sort of dog.

"Yes, and Johnson his Sampler. It"s going to be some race--eh, what!"

Jasper sauntered over that evening, possibly a late result of the cake, after all. He greeted us affably, as if his defection of the past week had been merely incidental, and sat down on the steps.

"I"ve been thinking, Ellis," he said, "that I"d like to enter my car."

"What!" said Ellis. "Not that--"

"My racer. I"m not much for speed, but there"s a sort of feeling in the town that the locality ought to be represented. As I"m the only owner of a speed car--"

"Speed car!" said Ellis, and chuckled. "My dear boy, we"ve got Heckert with his ninety-horse-power Bonor!"

"Never heard of him." Jasper lighted a cigarette. "Anyhow, what"s that to me? I don"t like to race. I"ve got less speed mania than any owner of a race car you ever met. But the honor of the town seems to demand a sacrifice, and I"m it."

"You can try out for it anyhow," said Ellis. "I don"t think you"ll make it; but, if you qualify, all right. But don"t let any other town people, from a sense of mistaken local pride, enter a street roller or a traction engine."

Jasper colored, but kept his temper.

Aggie, however, spoke up indignantly. "Mr. McCutcheon"s car was a very fine racer when it was built."

"_De mortuis nil nisi bonum_," remarked Mr. Ellis, and getting up said good-night.

Jasper sat on the steps and watched him disappear. Then he turned to Tish.

"Miss Let.i.tia," he said, "do you think you are wise to drive that racer of his the way you have been doing?"

Aggie gave a little gasp and promptly sneezed, as she does when she is excited.

"I?" said Tish.

"You!" he smiled. "Not that I don"t admire your courage. I do. But the other day, now, when you lost a tire and went into the ditch--"

"Tish!" from Aggie.

"--you were fortunate. But when a racer turns over the results are not pleasant."

"As a matter of fact," said Tish coldly, "it was a wheat-field, not a ditch."

Jasper got up and threw away his cigarette. "Well, our departing friend is not the only one who can quote Latin," he said. "_Verb.u.m sap._, Miss Tish. Good-night, everybody. Good-night, Bettina."

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