Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 14: Deceived (1)

Chapter 14: Deceived (1)

I am going to fight and duel Victoria for this training. But what can she do? What is her ability? She"s a deceiver. She doesn"t appear to be on the defense-offense line like Ethan but I don"t have confidence in her att.i.tude and I don"t trust her. I know there"s something more to her ability that she could do. She is not going to be Victoria, the b.i.t.c.h if she can only do simple things.

"I"ll wait for you guys, here," Luna said and went to a corner and simply watched us.

Okay. So I have to face Victoria. Big Deal. But in the back of my mind I know it"s indeed a big deal. What can she do? What is her capability? Each member went to their own positions in the large training room. Then they look at us in the middle. Where only the two, Victoria and I, are left. Do they intend to just watch us?

"Non-defense line is always the first to go," Luna said when she notice that I’m confused. She often does that. I didn"t ask questions yet but she already has an answer. Am I that easy to read?

I noticed Gin leaning on the wall with crossed arms. He looked straight at me. He didn"t even intend to hide that he is staring at me and waiting for my next actions.

"What are you waiting for?" Victoria called me from the other side of the training room. I look again at my wrist. It’s still clearly stamped the black ink there. I wonder if it will disappear. I walked towards her direction. I"m not nervous. As a matter of fact, my body started to feel numb again. That"s what it does if the situation became overwhelming. It doesn"t want to feel. But I know for myself that I"m not scared or nervous. What can be worst than earlier? I already faced the Team Captain. It was one heck of a deal gone wrong. Nothing will happen worst than that. But I feel that something will happen which I won"t like. Whatever it is I need to be prepared.

"You"re taking so long."

I ignored Victoria"s words when I reach her. Because something already occupied my senses. I suddenly looked to the group again— I stepped into something. I know I stepped into something wrong. I watched Luna who is only a few meters away from me earlier. But now I can barely see her. She is too far away. I feel like I"m in a different place. A place that is far and different from the training room. What the heck happened?

I looked around and there I noticed. There is something in the ceiling emitting dew smoke. While the smoke is gradually descending to the floor and it is becoming clearer. I can now clearly see Luna and the others. But their place and distance is different from us. "It"s a dimensional apparatus." Victoria said while her brow raised. I may have look like a fool in her eyes. I don"t even know how this training works.

Victoria suddenly approach me. I step back as a reflex. She smiled at the sight. "Scared?" she asked with a mock innocence.

"More like suspicious." I answered. "What can you do?"

She looked at me as though laughing at my question. I feel suffocated with this dimensional thing. I feel like the air I breath is artificial because of the smokes I am seeing.

Victoria continued approaching me. The smile on her lips didn"t disappear. I know Luna and the others are near and they can clearly see everything. here But right here, right now, in this dimensional s.h.i.t, only me and Victoria existed. I need to focus my attention on her. If I want to win this duel.

Victoria eventually came close to me. Her face is just inches from mine. Smooth, pale white skin, and with a grin on her lips. She put her hands on my shoulder and spoke to me in whisper. "Tell me, Shia, what can you say about Gin?"

I was startled at her question. I can feel myself stiffen. In a slow motion, she looked at Gin"s direction, as if daring me to do the same. But I didn"t do it. I didn"t turn and look at Gin.

"Don"t worry, they won"t hear us." her voice is too sweet, too angelic, to evil because of that. If you look from afar it"s like we are close friend chatting. Our eyes are the only give away that it"s the other way.

"I don"t have to tell you." I replied still looking straight. She laughs softly at my response.

"How about Corrine?" she asked again. She step walking around me. "You know, there"s resemblance between you two." she said. "The only difference is she looks angelic while you are a little devil."

What does this woman want to say? Why is she asking me questions? Can she just shut up so we can start this f.u.c.king thing?

"Tell me something about Lucas, then."

There I was completely stunned. I never saw that coming. Not coming from her mouth Lucas name. It"s too eccentric. How does she know about Lucas? Something in my head is starting to tell me I should stay away from that question. Something is warning me that it"s a disguised trap. But I want to know how she knew about Lucas. How does she— I was stunned when the surrounding suddenly change.

Victoria smiled sweetly. "Sweet dreams."

That was the last thing I heard before the surrounding start spinning. It"s very fast that I nearly vomit and lose balance. I kneel on the floor and held on the floor because of the dizziness that I feel. Is the floor shaking? Or the walls spinning? What is happening? I closed my eyes but even the darkness I see is also swirling and made me dizzy. s.h.i.t. THIS IS THE TRAP.

I tried to close more my eyes so that the swirling I feel will lost. My senses are in full numb condition but what I feel isn"t physical. Out of nowhere the spinning gradually weaken. The floor became stable. I gradually and carefully opened my eyes until I slowly stand up because of what I saw. My mouth went dry and I can"t speak. I"m not in the training room anymore. I"m inside a room, a very familiar room. From the old wooden floor, the yellowish window that light barely pa.s.s through, the old bed with a thin blanket, and the old man lying there. "Shia" he called in a weak voice. I barely heard it. The old man is very weak. "Shia."

A girl appeared from the doorway. She is wearing a black jacket and look in a hurry. "Grandpa, wait for me." the girl said with a messy hair. She tried to tie it but almost nothing has change. "A healer is in the town now." she said completely facing the old man. "I will brought her here. Please grandpa. Wait for me."

The old man didn"t answer. He only watched the girl. "Shia, it"s raining. Don"t go."

"Grandpa, you need a healer." The girl watched the old"s man body he is weak and thin. "I don"t when the healer will visit the town again. That"s why I need to bring her here." The old man didn"t speak. His eyes only followed the girl while she is preparing. "Don"t." he weakly whispered. "Don"t go. Stay here." But I know she didn"t heard it. They can"t see me. Because this is my memory.

She kissed the old man wrinkled forehead before leaving. "Wait for me."

I almost pull back the girl when she is going to the door. "Don"t go!" I shouted. "Shia, you"re making the wrong decision! Don"t leave his side!"

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