Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 18: The Tattoo (1)

Chapter 18: The Tattoo (1)

I quietly observed Victoria as we ate. She seemed different from her usual self; she"s been silent all the while. At first, I intended to avoid her. Especially now, she knew everything about me. She knew who I am. She knew my secret. But it seemed unnecessary; she herself was indifferent about what she had learned.

But I can"t put my confidence in her. She"s still the b.i.t.c.h that made me suffer in that freaking illusion. I couldn"t even feel anything when those things happened to me in real life. But because I can"t control my senses within her illusion, she"d made me rather feel all those pains. The devil.

The group was silent while eating. This lull was awkwardly strange since during ordinary circ.u.mstances they"re always in clutter mess. Maybe, they didn"t want the same drama from earlier or it could also be because the faculties of t.i.tan Academy were present here, as well. The teachers were seated at the elevated part of the Hall, facing us. I"ve only seen almost all of them now. They were very intimidating. They all looked strict; they rarely smiled. They cut their food elegantly, chewed them with grace, and talked in whispered conversation. It"d been like I was facing the royal family.

I glanced at my food. It was br.i.m.m.i.n.g and everything was delicious. I would admit I"ve only seen all of these foods for the first time. I didn"t even recognize what they were made of. I suddenly remembered my life outside; that and Lucas and his family.

"You don"t have an appet.i.te?"

I turned to Cain who was watching me. He was in the midst of his meal; the fork was suspended towards his mouth. I didn"t answer.

"Don"t you like the food here?"

I heard Victoria scoffed. "She"ll eat if she wants. But who can eat in this kind of atmosphere anyway?"

I lifted my head and understood what she meant. Princ.i.p.al Bins was looking at our table, even Teacher Apollo and Miss Aura did. It was as if they"ve been talking about us. Actually, it"s quite obvious we were their topic.

"What is their problem? Do they want us to do something again?" said Victoria to no one in particular.

Luna whispered to me. "Maybe they heard the training that had gotten overboard."

"Another oh-wow moment for the group," she sighed after.

I smiled to myself. Apparently, this was not the first time. They were also tired and weary being lectured. I wondered if it was always like this. They wouldn"t get along with each other except when they have this kind of conversation.

As of now, there are four of us facing each other on the table. There is Cain eating as if there is no tomorrow, Victoria who kept frowning throughout her meal, I who has no appet.i.te, and lastly, Luna.

I looked at Gin"s vacant seat. He didn"t join us to eat. Luna said that most of the time he wouldn"t really join them because he would eat with Headmaster Grey. I wondered how intimidating that was.

My gaze landed to Corrine who was sitting on the table intended for the senior year students. Ethan was also there. They sat at the frontmost of the long table since they were the Head Boy and Head Girl of our year level. When Corrine was still part of the group, they would either sit on the long table or together with the group. It"s definitely their choice. But now, I have Corrine"s seat. I wonder how she feels about it.

The lunch break ended and the students returned to their respective dormitory. All of the people in t.i.tan Academy now knew that I am the new member of the group. They held a little introduction before the lunch started earlier. Actually, they didn"t have to. The chaos earlier in the Breakfast Hall was enough to know who I am.

I returned to my room. There was a schedule set for me in the afternoon. It"s a one on one session with Miss Aura. A little introduction about the History of t.i.tan Academy or something. The other members also had their own schedule. Tomorrow we"ll have the training session again.

But hours pa.s.sed and I remained in my room. I sat on the bed while hugging my knees. I wasn"t in the mood. I didn"t have the spirit to go to Miss Aura. I wanted to sleep but the things I had in my mind kept me awake. I sighed and sighed again. I think I need to release my frustration for a little while.

I went out of my room and walked down the hallway. I b.u.mped to a few other students who just stared at me. They did not say anything. They just stared at me from head to toe as if wondering where I"d gotten my luck to join the group. I nearly scoffed. Believe me, it"s far from luck.

I headed straight to the stone staircase down to the dungeon-like training room. I didn"t know why but the thought of the weapons inside the room calms me. Given that I nearly killed myself a few times in the last twenty-four hours— I needed something to calm my nerves.

I opened the door of the training room, entered and immediately closed it. I didn"t want Miss Aura to see me hanging around here instead of doing what she supposed to do.

Wrong move.

I was stunned when I realized someone was already in the training room. I would know in a second because of the smoke coming from the top. Someone was already using the dimensional apparatus.

I groaned inwardly. I intended to leave when I noticed the strange event in the corner of the training room where the dimensional area was set at. It was as if some force was having friction battle. As if there were two large rocks sc.r.a.ping and smashing inside the room and the energy was coming out from it.

The energy started to fill the room. My ability was warning me to stay away. I knew this feeling. The feeling was very familiar to me. I watched carefully the corner of the room where the dimensional mist was and there I saw something for the first time.

His tattoo.

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