Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 27: Exposed (2)

Chapter 27: Exposed (2)

Pairs of hands instantly pulled me inside. I silently cursed when they violently dragged me further in. I"ve been too complacent— I ignored the warnings that had been bothering me since earlier. Why did I not take heed?

The door quickly shut after I was dragged in. The room instantly became dark so I could hardly see my own body but I knew I was stepping on the solid floor. I looked around but it didn"t help. It"s like I was wrapped in darkness. What is this place? Is this another illusion? But how did it happen? I didn"t lose consciousness anywhere and I hadn"t touched anyone since morning except for Luna.

I flinched when I heard noises. They were footsteps. Oh s.h.i.t. I couldn"t see anything and my enhanced senses were not responding.

Out of nowhere, a cold hard metal hit the side of my body. The air was almost knocked out from me because of that. It was so painful that I fell and keeled to the mirror-like floor. It"s really f.u.c.king painful. I held on and anxiously closed my eyes. I tried to tone down the searing pain with my ability. What? It didn"t work.

"Your ability won"t work here," a guy"s voice said. His voice seemed familiar to me.

"This is the Infinity Room or better known as Detention Room. The room"s interior can fully nullify every ability. Nothing works here."

I heard the noise again. Footsteps. Apparently, he was not alone.

I tried to get up from the floor.

"What the f.u.c.k is your problem?" I screamed. f.u.c.k! Whoever these people are they better be prepared for me.

Something hit me again but this time on my back. I was hurled to the floor because of the impact. What are they hitting me with? Is that a metal bat? I heard the voices around me laughed. d.a.m.n it. 

How many are they? They sound to be quite a lot of them.

"Heh, well, well. Where is your courage now, Sheridan?"

This time it was a girl"s voice. I was totally confused. I have no idea who the h.e.l.l these insane people are.

"Shia Sheridan," someone called again. It was if they are mocking me.

"The girl from town."

I froze. It felt like something stuck in my throat and I couldn"t breathe. My mouth suddenly went dry and I couldn"t answer.

"Are you surprised? You didn"t expect that we"ll find out about your well-kept secret?"

Ah. I don"t know why but instead of getting scared for my own sake, things just started to gradually sink into me. So, they already knew.

"What? Why aren"t you speaking?" Another voice said who sounded vexed.

"You"re just from the town outside. What did you do to enter this school? Tell us what trick did you use so they"d let you study here?"

A laugh came out from my mouth that startled them. They only knew where I came from but they didn"t know how I got here? How stupid. How useless. If they"re going to dig out secret of someone, they should have done more. It would be better if they could find everything.

Now I know why the other students looked at me that way. They already found out the truth. They knew that I was not someone rich and wealthy like them; that I wouldn"t even afford their f.u.c.king uniform; that I was just a girl who worked from town before.

Funny. Maybe I was still somewhat lucky because these were the only ones who were bold enough to slap me the truth, that I shouldn"t be here. I was actually expecting more than this when the whole school found out the truth.

How disappointing.

Something hit me for the third time. It was the same thick metal that hit me twice before but this time it’s my arm. I almost whimpered in pain but I bit my lip to stop the cry that wanted to get out of my mouth.

My hands were itching to hold a dagger or any weapon to stab all of them. Even though I know I couldn"t hurt them even if I had the chance.

Then, a hand roughly squeezed my cheeks. I could feel the blatant hostility coming from it.

"We almost made the mistake of respecting you as a real member. You act as if you"re such an excellent person. You had just entered the group and you think you"re superior than us. Remember this; you can dress like us, act like us, but no matter what you do, a rock placed in a treasure chest is still a rock—"

I yanked away the hand gripping my cheeks.

"Continue your f.u.c.king speech without touching my face."

The surrounding became quiet and the atmosphere intensely shifted.

"Done?" I asked when no one spoke. "Are you done with your speech? Or do you have anything else you want to say? Speak! You think it would affect me? You think I would even care?!"

I stood straight even though I couldn"t even keep my balance anymore. My whole body was in severe pain. Still, a few of them took a step back.

"You"re right. I"m not rich. I live in an old and broken-down house in town. I barely eat in one day. Is that what you want me to tell you?!"

"You still have the nerve to refute us!" One of them shrieked at me in anger.

I smiled sardonically. "Why not? I"m one of you now. Oh wait, I"m more than you will ever gonna be. Because I"m a member of the group and you are not. NOW SUCK IT UP."

A strong impact came from behind me that made me almost kiss the mirror floor. The sudden hit, once again, almost knocked every air out of my body. I fell and cough hard. f.u.c.k these people.

"Let"s go."

A debate seemed to be building around me. It looked like some of them still wanted to hurt me but they soon agreed to the woman who called for the stop. One by one, those feet around me walked away until I heard the door of the room opening.

I didn"t turn to look at their faces. I didn"t want to see them. If I would know them I might not be able to hold myself; if somehow I got to meet them along the corridor or in the Breakfast Hall, I might lose control and kill them.

I can"t do that. They are still the real students here and I know things will just get messier and bigger if I hurt any of them.

I don"t know how long I was lying on the floor. I tried to stand but fell back down again. I need to get out from this room.

So painful. I need to use my ability to tone down the pain. I don"t even care if I will be breaking the rules here. If I don"t do that I might lose my consciousness.

I don"t know why but I wanted to laugh at what happened. I don"t belong here. I almost believe I am. But they are right; no matter what I do I will never be one of them.

So this is how it feels like: To be a rock in a treasure chest.

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