Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 31: The Warning

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Chapter 31: The Warning

Our training in Strategy and Tactic continued. We kept discussing the past games and the techniques they used to win and also the advantages of particular members according to their categories as a primary defense, deceiver, seer and so on.

I learned what Sir Apollo and our visitor, Priam Grey, can do which also brought them to victory. The enigmatic ability of Sir Apollo that can make traps, calculations, and physical puzzles; wherein, if left unanswered can cause death. Meanwhile, Priam has advanced stasis. He can stop the movement of anything, with or without life. Not only its movements or actions but also the systems of the body like the heartbeat, capacity to think and notion, or breathing. In short, an instant killing machine. Like Gin.

No wonder I wasn"t able to move when he made a scene in the Breakfast Hall. I thought it was only because of his presence that took me by surprise. I should have noticed soonest when he used his ability to me. What a smooth piece of s.h.i.t.

After lunch, we separated to go to our own schedule. Since, I had no schedule that afternoon, I decided to go back to the training room and train my reflexes using weapons. It slightly weakened after the incident in the Infinity Room. I felt that my body was traumatized to the intense pain it experienced.

I was to walk down the staircase when I halted. My brow furrowed as I looked at the end of the hallway where I came from. I watched carefully the two people talking there. I scoffed automatically. Corrine and that b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Priam.

It seemed some serious talk. And from the looks of it, the topic was not in favor with Corrine. I noticed for the first time that her sweet aura was gone and replaced with irritation instead to the man in front of her. It"s as though Priam was saying something that she didn"t like.

I just ignored them and continued walking down the staircase to the training room. I don"t know what they"re talking about and I don"t care. See that, even the angel can"t stand the att.i.tude of a manipulative like Priam.

When I arrived at the training room I Immediately started training. I used the real life simulator so I could have the genuine weapons in different forms to try to hit me. I set it to the highest difficulty so I was nearly injured many times by them as they continuously struck me from different directions in the training room.

I got a cut on my legs and arms in the first minutes. After I got adjusted to the speed I managed to evade most of it. It was dangerously difficult and thrilling at the same time. It"s like playing a ball to a person that didn"t get tired throwing to you. The only difference was instead of a ball, knives and blades were instead thrown at you.

I didn"t notice the time while I was in the training room. I almost collapsed to the floor when the last round came to an end. I was panting as my hands rested on my knees and my eyes looking down to the floor. I was drenched with my sweat where even my hair was sticking on my face. My legs were also visibly shaking because of exhaustion. Unfortunately, my wounds started to sting as well.

I smiled, though. Well, that was fun.

 I turned off the simulator and fixed myself before leaving the training room. I glanced at the holographic image of the clock by the ceiling— it"s almost time for dinner so I rushed myself in tidying up.

My mood was still good because of the adrenaline rush brought by the physical training. But it then suddenly soured when I saw the man standing by the door.

"That was a nice show."

Priam Grey. He seemed very amused. What is he doing here? Has he been standing there for a while? He approached me with a wide smile while his hands clapping slowly. I cursed silently.

"You are so much interesting than I thought. No wonder."

No wonder, what? I want to ask him. What does he really want from me? Instead of speaking I just stayed silent. I don"t like him near me, especially in a place like this secluded training room.

I continued heading out as if I can"t see or hear him. He just watched me without removing that amused smile on his lips. I had the urge to wipe that f.u.c.king smirk off his face. His eyes followed me until I finally got out of the door. He really didn"t react when I left him in the training room but based on his expression— I had a feeling that he has other reason why he came.

I was heading up to the Dining Hall when I b.u.mped into Luna. She looked to my back, the hallway behind me, as if looking for someone.

"Did you meet Captain just now?" she asked.

I forehead knitted right away. "No."

She looked puzzled. "But he said he would go to the training room to look for you."

"Team Captain was not there," I answered. Only his f.u.c.king a.s.shole of a brother.

"Are you sure?"

I was perplexed. Am I sure? "Of course I am," I lied. How would I know if he was there or not? I was too irritated by the presence of his brother Priam so I really didn"t have the leisure to see who else was inside the training room.


Luna shrugged. "I don"t really know. He was just looking for you. So, I told him that you were in the training room since that"s what you said earlier in lunch." She looked at the hallway behind me, still concerned.

"It"s better if I check on him. He might scold me because—"

"Let me." I said without letting her finish.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

I sighed as if it doesn"t matter. "He"s looking for me anyway."

Luna watched me carefully as if trying to read my mind. I was sure that if Luna would insist, she will meet Priam downstairs. I don"t want her to think that I"m somehow involved with that person.

"Okay, then. Let"s meet in the Dining Hall."

I watched Luna walked back to the hallway where she came from until she"s completely out of my sight. She seemed to be wondering what I"m up to; but that"s the least of my concern. I went back to the stairs leading down to the training room.

If Luna was saying the truth about Gin being here, why didn"t he show himself? It"s impossible that he didn"t notice me back then. I suddenly remembered Priam"s smile as I left him in the training room. Did he know that Gin was there?

I arrived at the dark hallway once again without even noticing. I headed straight to the door of the training room when I heard voices. I immediately stopped walking.

"Oh come on. I was just having fun." It was the slurred voice of Priam.

I don"t really like his voice.

"She"s not just for fun." I blinked when I heard Gin"s voice. So he really was there.

Priam"s voice seemed to become more interested. "What is it to you, little bro?"

Who are they talking about?

"Tell me. Cause in my eyes she"s just a piece of—"

I froze when I felt Gin"s seal gradually dismantling. Apparently, his brother also felt it and stopped talking. I was alarmed. What does he think he"s doing?

"Don"t involve her with your f.u.c.king plays." Gin warned.

I could still feel his power trying to break out. I also heard him breathed deeply as if calming himself.

"Consider this as a warning."

I panicked when I heard Gin"s footsteps coming to the door and most likely about to leave. I rushed back to the stairs so I won"t meet him by the door. I don"t want him to know that I heard their conversation.

While walking away, I heard Priam"s laugh. "She"s pretty interesting. Now I get it."

I felt Gin stopped from walking. "Screw you."


I could hardly touch my food during dinner. My mind was repeating the conversation I heard in the training room.

I sat with Luna and Ethan. We usually ate together like this. On dinners, we were no longer required to stay together anyway. It"s better for me, too. I was sure I will only lose my appet.i.te when I see one of the brothers right now.

What"s their problem? Is that how they talk to each other? They seemed like no brothers. I never saw Gin that angry before even with my pigheadedness. What are they really talking about? Who are they talking about?

She"s pretty interesting. Now I get it.

Priam"s last sentence was kind of familiar. I think I heard something similar— I froze when I remembered.

You are so much interesting than I thought. No wonder—

(ED: a.s.suming sistah (° ͜ʖ °) )

"Shia, are you okay?"

Startled by Luna"s voice, I almost knocked over the gla.s.s by my side. I quickly fixed myself and tried to sit straighter.

"Fine." my short answer.

Luna and Ethan looked at each other but didn"t ask anymore. They just continued with their meal. I almost cursed myself because of what happened but it couldn"t shake the restlessness in my chest. Impossible.

After dinner, I headed straight to my room. I got no intention of doing anything but sleep and quickly end this day. But there seemed to be someone who really wanted to ruin my day.

I frowned when I saw Gin in the hallway towards my dormitory. He was leaning on the wall like he had been waiting there. He turned when he saw me coming.

"What?" I asked when I noticed him staring at me. What is he doing here?

"I need to talk to you."

I couldn"t help but noticed something different in his voice. It"s not the usual coldness or the indifference. He seemed to be in deep thought.

"About what?" I asked again. What is his problem and why is he looking at me that way?

Gin suddenly approached me. When he almost reached my front, he paused and hove a sigh.

"Stay away from him."

I was startled. Although, he hadn"t mentioned a name someone immediately came into my mind. Priam.

"Why would I do that?" I managed to ask. I know I needed to stay away from that man even without him saying. But really? What the h.e.l.l happened? Are these brothers toying with me?

"Just stay away."

I couldn"t help but scoffed. There"s really no sense in talking with this guy. I glared before walking past him. I really wanted to leave him there alone but I suddenly felt his grip on my arm. I almost shouted because of the sudden pain it brought.

I faced him irritatedly. "What is your problem, Captain?" What do you really want to say Gin?

I was surprised when I saw him about the same as me. "I"m doing you a favor." he hissed.

"Save your favor, Captain. I can handle myself."

"I wouldn"t let you. Not with him!"

I almost stepped back on his reaction. His deep voice echoed in the almost empty hallway. I stared at him. Why did he keep losing his temper these past few days? He sighed deeply as if trying to calm himself.

"Just stay away. I"m still your Team Captain. Do as you are told."

He then left me without any goodbye.

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