Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 50: Downfall (2)

Chapter 50: Downfall (2)

"You took all the blame from the start and you"re hurt in this place for many times because of him. Is he that important to you, Shia?"

"Because Lucas has nothing to do with it," I replied coldly.

She watched me. "But for those superiors, he has." She mumbled. "I believe you Shia. But in this world we live in, it"s not enough that you just know."

"That"s why I need to win the Linus Cup," I said.

But this is too much. Everything is just too much. I never expected that they would learn the truth before the Cup. I planned to hide it until the game ends. So much for hiding it.

That afternoon, I asked Ethan where Gin was. He said that he was still in the training room. I slightly hesitated. But he can"t continue treating me like this.

I didn"t knock when I entered. I just opened the door. What greeted me was the fog from the real life simulator. It"s dark around and the floor was slippery.

"Gin!" I yelled.

The fog was too thick and I couldn"t see anything. But a moment later I noticed something moving in a corner. Immediately, I could sense the familiar discharge of Gin"s ability from his body. I noticed that there was a changed since the last time I felt it. It seems more controlled now. It"s like a straight line rather than the turbulent circle before.

He slightly paused in releasing his ability so I took that opportunity to near him. He was standing and panting while his hands were on the either side of his knees.

When I was almost before him, he raised his head to look at me as if he had expected me to be standing there. He was not even surprised.

He just watched me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked calmly even when he"s still slightly out of breath.

He stood properly and using his arm, he wiped his sweat dripping from his face. He"s bare on his top and I could clearly see his black chain tattoo, now on his arm, slowly crawling, returning to his back.

"I"m in the middle of training, Shia."

I know. But this was the only place I know that I could talk you properly without avoiding me.

"Step away," he grunted.


Once again, I felt his ability re-starting, making me froze. We had been told several times that we should be careful when inside the Cup especially when it"s about Gin"s ability.

I"d like to refer it as the silent death. A dark shadow or smoke that crawled around and everything it pa.s.sed that has life would lose it. It was too dangerous, even for Gin"s body. And it won"t give a d.a.m.n whether it"s an ally or an enemy. That"s why Gin needed an excessive training.

"Shia, get out," he ordered.

I looked at the very black shadow that has already spread on the floor, coming from where he"s standing. I tried to lift my eyes back on Gin"s face.

"It"s about him, isn"t it?" I swallowed at my own question. "Lucas?"

"Don"t be a little devil this time, Shia."

Little devil. It’s been a while since I"ve heard that from him. We"ve come a long way, aren"t we Gin?

"If you don"t leave, I won"t be able to promise your safety."

But rather than take heed I looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Bring it."

"Shia, I"m serious."

I swallowed again when I saw how the black thing spread fast from where he was standing. But I didn"t step back.

"Bring it, Gin. I"m not scared."

I saw his shoulder flexed as if holding back. "Being a stubborn little devil again, aren"t we?"

I smirked. “Being a cold expressionless a.s.shole again, aren’t we?” I mocked.

But honestly, as we stood facing each other at that time, I was even more confused on how I really feel. I could even sacrifice my own safety just so he would talk to me again.

He turned away from me. That black thing returned to being calm. "Suit yourself."

I felt that he has focused his ability to another direction and no longer to mine. I sighed and watched the back of Gin. I only realized now that whatever I"m feeling was no longer a joke. Did I already fall that hard for him? I was just asking for a small thing but am I being stupid just for this?

I will help you win so you can go back to him.

It was guilt. I"m sure of that. I just don"t want Gin to think that I"m using him. It"s already too much that other people treated him as a trophy to brag about or a something to compare with.

Gin, I"m sorry.

I have no idea how long I stood there. I was just looking at Gin but my mind was not in the training room, until I noticed a strange feeling under the soles of my feet.

An ink-like darkness was slowly sipping underneath my shoes. It"s a very cold thing but scorching at the same time; like the feeling of being inside a void. It"s a nauseating feeling as if you"re floating without end.

I looked at Gin, whose back was still facing me, as he stood there straight like before. I backed away from that thing but it"s like a rope that"s stuck and bounded into my shoes. I could feel my left foot weakening as its strength suddenly left it.

As I backed away, I fell on the floor. Then, Gin finally turned back. He was confused at first but his eyes suddenly opened wide.


He held his own right arm, tight as if he wanted to pull it away from him. I saw the tattoo once again like a snake that quickly pa.s.sed from his arm to his shoulder and finally into his back. And then, the dark thing gradually followed back to him and soon has disappeared on the floor.

The real-life simulator shut off. The mist around disappeared. The training room went back to normal. But I couldn"t do anything but simply blinked at what happened.

s.h.i.t. It almost got me there.

I felt a violent shaking on my shoulder. Is he planning to break it?

"Shia, what the f.u.c.k?!" snapped Gin. Wow, I kind of missed him being angry like this.

"I told you to leave, right?!"

"I told you, I"m not leaving—"

"d.a.m.n it!"

He messed his hair up in frustration. He might be planning to make himself bald with how rough he was. As he panted there, I noticed that there were deep wounds on his hands. My carelessness immediately sank into me.

"Look, I"m sorry. I just didn"t notice it, okay?"

He scoffed as if what I said was a joke. "You little hard-headed daredevil," he muttered to himself than to me.

"Is it that important for you to talk to me that you"d even do such a stunt?." He still didn"t stop swearing. "f.u.c.k."

"Yes, Gin," I answered seriously. "You are that important."

I tried to sound casual; even trying to be careful with my choice of words. But when I saw his reaction, I wanted to tell him everything in my mind; my doubts, my fears, my confusions.

He froze at what I said then he sighed. "Shia, I promise to bring you back alive—"

I didn"t let him finish speaking. I lean in his direction while we both sat on the floor of the training room.

I kissed Gin.

I felt him shook on his surprise. But even I was also shocked with what I did.

Slowly, I started to move until he followed the every move of my lips. I felt his warm breath, his sweat-covered body sticking to mine. I felt the heavy beats of his heart because of the unexpected accident earlier. I held his hair and he on the opposite sides of my waist. The seal on his back felt to be burning.

“Shia,” he groaned between our kisses. “Why are you making everything so f.u.c.king difficult?”

I closed my eyes when I felt his lips on my neck. “I don’t know, Gin.” I breathed.

Gin buried his face between my bare shoulder and neck, kissing me. I groaned back.

I guess I’m crazy for setting my own downfall.

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