Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 55: Departure (1)

Chapter 55: Departure (1)

A day before the official opening of the Linus Cup, I couldn"t sleep. I just stared at the ceiling of the room, the room where I stayed for almost a few months. This would be my last night here at the t.i.tan Academy. And I don"t know what to feel.

I"ve turned and changed my position to be comfortable. But it didn"t help. There’s barely things inside the room. Only the original things are only there, like the bed and the furniture. It seems it was just recently when I first stepped into this room and almost laughed without enthusiasm due to the luxuries that I see.

As much as I don"t want to admit, I will miss this place. Not because I had learned to love this place. But because I learned a lot of things in this place, had gone through many things. Things that I never thought that I would be able to handle and surpa.s.sed if I would only stay in the town.

I felt myself doze, just a few minutes before the holographic image clock inside the rooms rings. It"s three o" clock in the dawn. I need to get up. I stand up from the bed. It"s quiet and dark around. I watched my reflection near the mirror. Messy hair, crumpled clothes, obviously no sleep.

I entered the bathroom and dressed. I wore our a.s.signed clothes on this trip. There was no any leftover things or clothes except those. I watched myself in the mirror again before going out of the room. My hair is properly fixed, with clean clothes, black pants, and shoes.

Am I ready? I don"t know. The few days are inadequate to be prepared for Lucas and my upcoming meet up. I sighed and switch off the light in my room. The gesture was as if a closure, there ended my stay here. The room darkens like before when I was still not here— bleak and abandoned. Then I closed the door and left there completely.

The hallway iwas silent as I walked the lobby where we will meet. The others are peacefully sleeping while the servants and the staff of the t.i.tan Academy are preparing for the new day. This is also the atmosphere on my first day here. It was also dawn and the only awake are the servants and some school officials. It"s a deja vu. A nostalgic reminiscing in a cruel time and way.

At the end of the dimly lit hallway that I was walking, I saw the silhouettes of people in the wide lobby. I slightly took a deep breath because I realize that I was holding my breath since I walked out of my room. The surrounding gradually brightens as I walked. And there I saw the members of the group waiting to be completed.

Ethan, Victoria, and Luna were there. Miss Aura was also there. When I arrived, we just look at each other. Luna smiled silently. No one spoke. No one wants to ruin the serenity caused by the dawn. Few minutes pa.s.sed and Cain came. Without the usual energy in his eyes. He may be sleepy like I am. It seems all of us didn"t sleep properly.

Sir Apollo came next. I expected him to be the most unprepared for this early trip. But I was slightly surprised when I saw his decent clothes, he was like widely awake, and above all no cigarette or whatever. He watched the group, he seems like observing at our state. He sighed. Not bad, not that good either.

Almost came right after him, was Gin. I was stunned and almost took a deep breath when I saw him. Like Sir Apollo, he looks ready. You could see the authority in his aura like before. I was somewhat relieved because of that. At least someone can a.s.sure me, by his mere presence that everything is going to be fine. Even if it"s only in the trip. Gin went straight to Sir Apollo and seems to say something. I wanted to approach him. For the last time, I want him to say that everything will be okay.

We started to walk out of the lobby. According to Sir Apollo, we will be traveling first. Followed by the school officials and others on the same day. Two black vehicles await us. I turned to Gin and look at where he would ride. But Miss Aura copied me onto the first car with Luna, Ethan, and he.

I stayed quiet and go inside. Beside me was Luna at the rear of the vehicle. Whereas before us, are Miss Aura and Ethan, and at the front is the driver and with someone with him. The vehicle started and drove. Followed by the vehicle where Gin and the others were. We didn"t bring anything except our own. The school officials would take care of those we need when we get there.

The outside is dark and silent. Only the sound of the car and slow movement as some of us on leather seats are the only sound. While we were getting farther away, gradually losing the scanty opened light from within the t.i.tan Academy. Gradual we swallowed the dark. I noticed that Luna turned in the direction of the school for the last time. She put her palms on the window and seems to want to hold the whole thing in her hands.

I also looked like her. Traces of the black silhouette of the tower on the grayish sky and seemingly floating light from several open windows in t.i.tan Academy. I watched how it gradually diminished and lost in my sight. I guess this is goodbye, huh? While we were getting farther away, I felt that my stay in that place was only a long dream. A castle on a hilltop, surrounded by woods and forests, where the most luxuries people in our town are studying. The Academy was completely out of my sight.

I returned to the fixed seat and again turned to the front. There’s a heavy sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Dread? Fear? Sadness? The volume which I feel seems to be racing in my thought to be noticed. No one wants to give up. All need to dominate. I remained silent and compelled to calm myself. The trip was still quiet. Even Luna and Miss Aura weren’t talking. A while later, I leaned my head on the headrest and close my eyes for a moment.

But quickly I opened my eyes when realize that had we pa.s.s by the town. I quickly peeked out the window. Unlike other places in Hesperia, the town is always awake. Not the noise nor the light, but the atmosphere. You know there is a moving, breathing, behind the dark and old streets and lanes, the blinking street lights in every corner, the sound of animals foraging in the trash bins, on some people who get up early to start the day.

There are strange things in the dawn that I love. A strange feeling. The noisy and chaotic place gets silent that even pleasure seems to weary too and need to rest. The silence seemed to listen. And the only awake was in different places— between yesterday and tomorrow.

We pa.s.sed the downtown and even if it"s dark, I could easily see each establishment here. This is where I grew up. It became my playground as a child. This is where I worked, every day I walked through its uneven road going out and to my house. We pa.s.sed the downtown and now is in the boundary of the town. I looked in every house we pa.s.sed, I want to see my house. But I can’t see anything because of darkness.

I just sighed and leaned again in the chair. You see, I won"t be able to see you again. The vehicle continued to drive, I could not take a nap even though my body wants to. So I stayed looking outside. I don’t know how many minutes or hours before I heard the voice of Miss Aura that has broken the silence.

“We are near the train station,” she said before us which startled Luna who had almost fallen asleep next to me. “There is a train that"s only for the event of Linus Cup. It’s an express transportation so rather than two days will get us to the boundary of Shou and Shinoa this afternoon.”

It"s silent again inside of the car after she spoke. I watched the dark surrounding from the window. I watched the bright building not far from the front of us that seems to irritate gold light bulb in the darkness. It was an open area brick building the size of the downtown market. But unlike the chaotic and muddy market, the train station is one of the most well-kept buildings in town. Complete facilities and clean because often the users here, those frequent people who go out of town for important things, are more elevated in society. A few minutes later the vehicle stopped.

“We’re here.”

The first to get out was Miss Aura and Ethan. We followed by Luna. When we got out, I suddenly felt the cold wind of dawn. It nearly penetrated my skin. I had to the tighten more the jacket I wore. I noticed the vehicle Gin rode coming. The vehicle stopped and one by one the people were getting out. Sir, Apollo Victoria, Cain, and Gin. Gin and my eyes met. But I was startled when Luna pulled my arm.

“Let’s go.” she silently said.

I just nodded and followed. We entered the open building. A slightly blinding light greeted us. This is not the first time I came here. Sometimes I send Lucas or my grandfather when they need to go to the other town. The lights lit when we walked in. They probably expected us. There were some people I saw. Uniformed guards and other personnel of the station.

They watched us. Are they the group that will partic.i.p.ate? Will they return back alive or will this be the last step in the Hesperia? Even if they had a poker face and looks professional, I see the obvious fear and admiration in their eyes. Greeted by Miss Aura and Sir Apollo was a man there waiting for us. We slightly approached railway, railways that pa.s.sed the district of East where we were one in the very end.


TN: Pardon if this chapter has some mistakes. This chapter is still unedited.

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