Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 65: Switch (1)

Chapter 65: Switch (1)

One by one, I inspected the things I got from the flying monkey girl while sitting under the tree near the river. I didn"t want to call her that way but I don"t really know her name. And after what I did, I had no plan of knowing anything about her. From her torn backpack, I found a number of daggers, a water container, some basic first aid supplies like alcohol and bandages, and a pack of bread. Hah. She actually traded points for these things.

I immediately took a hard roll of bread and ate it. This wasn"t an ordinary bread. It"s very condensed and tasted like crushed vegetables and meat mixed in with the bread. Good choice, flying monkey. After I inspected her equipment, I returned it to the bag pack and hung it on my back. I also didn"t forget taking the dagger and hang it on my waist. It"s better to be ready. Because I don"t know what to expect next in this forest.

I slightly leaned on the trunk of the tree behind me. I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes. I felt no immediate danger around me. Maybe flying monkey was the only one closest to me. I opened my eyes and looked at the bright colored of the sky. The sun was now setting. It looked like I made it in the first day of this game.

After a moment"s rest, I immediately stood up to find a secured place to spend the night. I"ve been wasting too much time. I walked a bit away from the river. I didn"t want anyone to find me whoever should be looking for water in this area. I watched the dark woods. I can trade my points for a comfortable bed or tent. But I wouldn"t waste it that"s why I"d just sleep anywhere.

I observed one of the tall trees and started climbing it. When I grabbed one branch that I chose, I instantly lifted myself using my hands. As I stood up, I lightly jumped to test the strength of the branch. I think this is good. When I was sure that it would support my weight, I carefully sat down and found a comfortable position before leaning on the rough trunk of the tree. I couldn"t risk being below the forest ground at night time. It"s too dangerous. I wouldn"t know who can see me. It could be a wild forest animal or worst, an enemy.

Gradually, I was wrapped in the tranquil surroundings. Only the natural noise of the forest can I hear. The insects, the wind breezing into the lush trees, the flow of the river which wasn"t that far from me. I looked down at my wrists where the points I got were stamped. 52. I flicked it and the list of points of my teammates appeared. They also survived this day. Gin has 155 points. Ethan remains at 30 as well as Luna. Cain has 56 points and Victoria has 45 points.

I closed my eyes and slightly leaned my head on the trunk of the tree. How are they? Is there someone injured? Are they sleeping now or still walking in the woods or fighting? Lucas, how are you? I sighed. Tomorrow, I needed to move out again, get away from the river, away from this part of the forest and find my friends. I didn"t know why but my tears suddenly fell. I wanted everything to be done. I sorely wanted all of this to stop. I opened my eyes and looked up at the sky to observe its blackness. At least we"re under the same sky.

I woke up the next morning with a sore body. It has uncomfortably stiffened because I leaned on the tree overnight while trying to prevent myself from falling. I woke up a few times in the middle of the night because of the rustles and noises I heard. I immediately jumped to the foggy forest floor after I completely woke up. I stepped on the wet ground made by the dew and thick fog in the area.

I readied the backpack behind me and started walking back to the river. The sun"s light rays entered the forest from the crevices of the tall trees. In honesty, it"s such a beautiful view of the forest at this hour. The surroundings were so peaceful and quiet and yet alive. I could feel the insects moving and other small animals as they seemed to be waking up from the long sleep. The forest seemed to be breathing and preparing for the new morning.

I arrived at the river and washed my face. I also ate and refill the water in the container. The container filters the water that enters and when it comes out it"d be clean to drink. I arranged my stuff and closed the bag pack. And then, I watched the foggy area. I have no idea where to start. All I knew was I needed to get far away because my teammates seemed to be not in this part of the arena.

While walking, I realized how important time was as Sir Apollo talked about it to the group before. I don"t know how many died yesterday, on the first day of the game. The countdown will be based on our count. And no one knew when will it start. Maybe tomorrow or on the next days. I have to make sure that the group has come back alive before that time came. But finding them this way was harder than I expected.

I started walking the path that followed the flow of water in the river. I stayed in the jungle, but I made sure that the river was not far from my sight. Water was the first thing anyone in this arena will search for, so it will be easier for me to follow it in a distance. Right now, this was the easiest way to find anyone in my group—and even the enemies.

The whole morning pa.s.sed by in the silent surrounding. I wasn"t used to it. But I still couldn"t be complacent. The sun started to climb its highest peak. Noon pa.s.sed and I felt I was slowly running out of time. It was nearly late in the afternoon when I stopped walking in the woods. I felt something strange around. It seemed like it suddenly went silent. Even the natural noises in the woods seemed to have disappeared.

I held the dagger hanging on my waist and stayed alert. I slightly took a step back when I saw a woman coming out behind a tree. She calmly walked towards my direction. She carried no weapon or anything with her. She just walked toward me. The f.u.c.k? I watched her expressionless face. She"s a member of the joint group of Shou and Shinoa. I didn"t show how intimidated I was in her presence. She seemed to have no intention of attacking me unlike the flying monkey girl that threw me a dagger on the first second of our meeting.

She stopped a few meters away from me. I didn"t like her calmness. I preferred if she"d go straight on attacking me. But she seemed to be not that kind of opponent. She"s thinking and studying me instead. I saw it in her eyes. I can"t help but worry about it. In this area, the brain was one of the greatest enemies.

“Quite impressive for a fear-stricken person like you.”

My body went cold at her voice. No emotion. I felt like talking to a doll. Her curly ginger hair wasn"t even helping either. I hid my emotions with a sharp look at her.

“Oh?” I answered with no interest.

I needed to know her ability quickly. Because based on her actions and the warning that my body was giving me, I know this one was a danger to me. She kept watching me. It"s irritating. Is she not attacking me?

“I can smell your fear from here,” she said. She twitched her head to the side as if a.s.sessing me. I got goose b.u.mps. “Fear and unstable emotions. The putrid stench is circulating over your body like an open invitation. An invisible arrow pointing an easy target.”

I was so angry about what I heard. What she said didn"t sink in immediately because of my anger. Who is this woman? She looked like a doll but when she spoke she"s like a demon. I took a deep breath since I needed to calm down. I shouldn"t be rushing things.

“I"ve been hunting you down all morning,” she said slowly.

I almost cursed. If my body could scream, it would be this one word. Danger. It"s as if telling me to stay away, have as much distance as possible from this freak. The fear in my system started to spread. It was worse compared to yesterday.

“Did I scare you?” she asked while looking straight to my eyes. “I can detect your growing fear.”

I blinked. Detect? My ears rang when she said that to me. s.h.i.t.

“I"m a seer.”

I didn"t speak. She herself confirmed what I have in mind. She said it without hesitation. There was no fear in her as if I could never use the information she provided. Now I know. It was clear to me why I have this irritation towards her. We"re both holding the same positions. I watched her seem unaffected by what I found out.

“Too bad I"m also one.”

This was the very thing that my body has been warning me since earlier. She"s a G.o.dd.a.m.n seer. I knew the mind of a seer.  And it"s not good. I needed to know immediately the ability she held.

“But I"m better.”

What she said didn"t immediately register in my mind and then she suddenly attacked. s.h.i.t! She swiftly got near me. I tried preparing for her attack. I was in full offense position with my senses up and a dagger in my hand. But then, I suddenly felt her cold palm on my shoulder before she moved back away. What"s going on? The gap in meters between us was back while she only watched me again.

Something is wrong here.

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