Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 11: The Seer (2)

Chapter 10: The Seer (1)

A girl with messy hair entered the training room, her hair was done in an uneven bun, with a bright yellow scarf on her gray uniform, a necklace made of different types of beads, and books that she can barely carry. She entered the training room out of breath.

"Sorry, I"m late. I"ve just come from the Hall and they said that you"re all here." She put the book on the nearest table and the katanas and weapons on it nearly fell off.

"Sorry." She said again and picks them as she puts them back in place. She looked to our direction and awkwardly smiled. "Have I miss something?"

Victoria rolled her eyes. "She"s here, the weirdo." she muttered. The woman named Luna ignored her even though it was heard in the whole room.

I also noticed at that time that Corrine disappeared from the room. Did she follow Gin? I remember the wounds on Gin"s hand. Where did he get those? Is it because of his ability? I was about to ask Miss Aura when Luna"s eyes met mine.

"What happened to you?" She asked when she noticed my wounds. She knitted her brows and observed me like a valuable specimen.

"How awesome? You really didn"t feel any pain." She walked towards me smiling. In the whole day that I was in this place, it was only now that I"m seeing a normal person. Normal in a way that she is not perfect compared to the people in this place and also, Teacher Apollo. The two of them were the only ones who somewhat knows about the life outside the palace.

"I"ve always wanted to see you," she excitedly said to me. She took my arm and observed it. What is her problem?

"Luna this is Shia Sheridan." Miss Aura said after clearing her throat. Luna seems to wake up as she released my hand and introduced herself properly. "I"m Luna Sarton. I"m the healer of the group." She introduced in a lively voice. She looked at the others in the room, most likely to Ethan and Cain. "Good morning to you."

"Healer?" I asked.

"Yes. And you are the seer. Victoria is the deceiver. Cain and Ethan are the primary defense and Gin is the Captain."

I frowned.

"You know that, don"t you?"

I was totally rendered speechless. What is she saying? Miss Aura cleared her throat once again.

"As you know, Shia. There are positions in the group. They are of prime importance when you are in the game."

Miss Aura looked at the other members. They returned to what they were doing as if they aren"t supposed to listen because they probably knew about it.

"They are the codes used to choose each member of the group to be balanced. A complete team should have a healer, primary defense, a deceiver, a seer and a captain. That is the standards of t.i.tan Academy. It may be of different standards with the other schools that you"ll fight against but nevertheless, and also because of the many years of partic.i.p.ation in the compet.i.tion, they all know that"s the format of almost all groups that will partic.i.p.ate because the most important ability to win are there." Teacher Apollo suddenly stands from his chair and spoke. But before that, he first threw his cigarette on the floor and stomped it.

"As what has Luna said, she is the healer. It is needed in the group for you all to last longer. Victoria is the deceiver. She can get information from the opponents using her ability. You are the seer. You will be the one to keep them away from danger. Ethan and Cain are the primary defense that will protect the group and Gin is the captain that will bring you all out alive in the Game to win"

"Okay," I answered, half-heartedly.

"But that doesn"t mean that if you are not the primary defense then you won"t need to fight."

Teacher Apollo took a dagger from the nearest table and threw it without warning to the direction where Victoria is standing. My eyes almost popped out at what he did. Victoria seems to have no idea. But the next thing that happened almost made my jaw drop. Victoria stopped when the knife was almost a few inches to her. Then she quickly dodged it. The knife hits the solid wall and pierced between the two stones. She frowned when she turned to us.

"If you need an example, at least give a warning!" She said in irritation. "Don"t just casually toss whatever things that you pick up. My hair was almost cut." She inspects her hair on the side before she continued what she was doing.

"See that?" Teacher Apollo said who seems to not hear Victoria"s complaints. "She"s a deceiver but she can avoid attacks and can fight. All of you will be a target there. Because in this game the more you kill the more points you have. Each member has corresponding points, if a member dies the group will lose a point and the points that the member had will go to whoever killed that member. So, you have a better chance of winning if you all return alive."

Miss Aura stood up from her seat. "It looks like there"s no food left in the breakfast so it"s better for you all to go to your homeroom. I"m sure that Princ.i.p.al Bins and Headmaster Grey will wonder and find us. It"s better if they can find some of us even just in the cla.s.srooms."

Miss Aura looked to me. I know what she"s thinking. "Shia, you need to stay here with Luna. You need to recover from your wounds before you go out from this training room."

Wait, what?

[ED: I thought you knew what she was thinking?]

"Don"t worry, we will return here later at ten o"clock for the group"s training session. As for now, I"ll talk to your teachers and to the Princ.i.p.al."

The others also stood up and started to fix themselves to leave. "In less than a few hours that the whole group are together, there"s already a spark that happened." Cain jokes referring to what happened earlier. "The best team."

I don"t know if he"s joking or what. Maybe he can"t help from laughing while he and Ethan left the training room. "Bye guys!" He said before they were completely out from our sight. Followed by Victoria without even saying goodbye. Then Miss Aura and Sir Apollo.

"Luna, take care of her." Miss Aura said when they were almost at the door.

"Don"t worry Miss Aura, I will take care of her." Luna replied. The two nodded and left the training room. And now, I"m alone with the girl named Luna.

Chapter 11: The Seer (2)

"You really are something, aren"t you?" Luna said with a smile while treating my injuries.

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Compared to the alcohol and medicine a while ago, my injuries seemed to be in a time lapse because of her ability. She could heal a wound ten times better and faster if she"s the one who did the procedure.

"It"s the first time someone injured Gin in their first try," she said with a laugh. Her necklace clatters every time she moved. "And the first girl," she added with amus.e.m.e.nt. "And you tend to counter his every decision. It looks like Cain is right. This is the best group so far."

I want to laugh at what she said. Best group? BEST GROUP!? Does she know that their Captain almost killed me? Just so he"d be sure I wouldn"t be a headache and follow what he wanted!

"How did you even know that?" I asked. "You were not here earlier."

"I met Corrine and Gin in the corridor," she answered.

I can"t help but scoff. What"s with those two? They have this thing going on since last year. My attention was gone from my wounds because of what Luna said. I found myself listening involuntarily.

"There was no formal agreement but everybody knows they"re inseparable," she nodded as if agreeing with her own statement. "Anyways, I"ve always been fascinated by your special ability," she continued, still focusing her attention on my injuries.

"It"s a wonder how you can control your senses. Like you have your own anesthesia. But you know what"s deadly about this?" She continues talking and did not care if I"m listening or not. "You will never know if your body is in its limit. You can die without even knowing it."

"I"m not that stupid," I muttered.

She laughs. "But you"re hard-headed," she said, amused.

Minutes pa.s.sed and we"re still in the training room, as she healed me and didn"t stop talking, I lost interest to listen and started to feel sleepy because of her healing me. I still haven"t slept since last night. When will this day end?

"Hey, Shia. Let"s go." I felt like I went back to the present time as Luna stood in front of me.

"Where are we going? Aren"t we going to wait for them here?" I asked. And I"m also lazy to go out and see the nonsensical world above.

"Are you not hungry?" She asked. "Let"s go." She pulled me and there I noticed that I was completely free of injury.

We went out of the training room and returned above. The light above was dazzling. Far from the dungeon-like atmosphere in the training room. The hallway now is quiet. No students roam. They are probably in the cla.s.srooms.

What about the other members of the group are they also in their respective cla.s.srooms? I can"t imagine them listening to the teachers. Because of their bickering and noise as if there"s no tomorrow. We walked silently towards the Breakfast Hall. I still can"t get over with the carpeted hallway and chandeliers. I heard some voices of teachers in the rooms that we pa.s.sed.

"What are you studying here?" I asked in a simple manner.

"A lot of stuff. But the seniors now are mostly studying about careers. You know about UBSL, right?"

I stopped. It"s been a long time since I heard that word. It was back when I was still studying in the town because they mentioned it almost every day. The Unified Bureau for Special Laborers. It"s those few people in the Magic World who were permitted to go out to the normal world for a special job. They accept contracts for government, organizations, and individuals. I knew some people who went to the normal world.

"One of the goals of t.i.tan Academy is for the graduate students to work in the UBSL. That is the most prestigious outside world organization in the Magic World so far. For now, the rate to pa.s.s and have the chance to work is 15 percent. Very low even for a high-ranking organization like this. The exams there are fair. It doesn"t matter if you are a fifty years old veteran or an eighteen years old fresh graduate from an Academy. You"ll all go in the same procedure."

"At least there still some who pa.s.sed," I answered silently. If I think about it I can"t reach that level. To be a part of USBL. Only the high-ranking people are there. Maybe one of the teachers here, or high ranking officials like Princ.i.p.als or Heads, or members of the Magic Council. As for now, there are three levels of employment here.

The informal workforce, that"s us, those who don"t have advanced training. The recognized workforce, the graduates of Academies and other inst.i.tution. And the UBSL.  The people who can go to the normal world to work.

"That"s why we are somewhat lucky." Luna continued talking while we were walking. "Almost all the groups who wins in the Linus Cup have a privilege acceptance in the UBSL."

I suddenly stopped and faced her. "Oh?"

She wondered at my reaction. "That"s one of the prizes in the Cup. You can"t be thinking that we are only fighting there and risk our life for a mediocre compet.i.tion. This is serious business, Shia."

We quietly walk after that. Now it"s clear to me. That"s why the reactions of the other students are like that when they see the group. They also wanted this. And they are looking at future people who, if they are lucky to survive, will be part of a prestigious organization.

"The pressure is always on," Luna added.

We almost reached the Hall when she suddenly stopped. I wondered and also stopped like her.


She suddenly covered my mouth before I even finished my sentence. She pulled me into a corner near the window. She went behind the thick curtain and pulled me inside.

"What is wrong with—!" I hissed. But I was suddenly stunned to silence as to what I saw next.

"Headmaster Grey can"t see us loitering in the corridor especially after what happened earlier," she whispered just a few inches before my ears.

As if on cue, Headmaster Grey pa.s.sed in front of us. But that"s not what really made me dumbfounded. Gin followed him walking. Their faces were serious and look like they were talking. The Headmaster looks calm but his aura is telling me otherwise. He seems to be restraining himself from shouting at Gin and from being angry.

"… such a disappointment." I heard the Headmaster say. "I"m expecting a lot from you, Gin. I don"t have an incompetent son." I froze. Wait, son?

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