Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 37: Drunk (2)

Chapter 37: Drunk (2)

I ran swiftly to the lake located behind the castle which was also almost surrounded by the tall trees. I stumbled over the slippery weeds along the way. Good thing that the area was somehow bright because of the round moon.

I stopped upon reaching the big tree by the lake. I looked around while trying to find him. Where the h.e.l.l are you, Gin? Out of nowhere a shadow of a guy walked out from not so far away from me. The silhouette of the man was tall and lean, just like Gin. But there seemed to be something wrong with him. I just couldn"t exactly pinpoint what it was.

I walked towards Gin; still hardly believing that my inner warning was all just about this. Is this what I"m worrying about? The captain is just having a walk through the night, along with the lake. Why should I care about this?

I stopped walking even though there were still a few meters from him. I watched him in the middle of this darkness. He didn"t seem to even notice me. His hands were in his pockets and he looked to be thinking deeply.

I heaved a sigh. Great. Is this some kind of a joke?

“Hey, Captain.”

I had no idea what else to do so I just called to him. I thought if I didn"t do anything, he won"t notice me even until I watched over him the whole night. He was startled when he heard my voice.


He turned to my direction and I noticed his eyes. They were exhausted. His hair, too, it’s as if he ran his fingers through them multiple times already. A habit he only did when he"s so frustrated or annoyed.

“What are you doing here?” He asked me.

“I think I’m supposed to be the one asking you that.”

I heard him scoffed. Even in a dark environment like this, I could still see his features— and it did not help. I was still quite aware that I’m physically attracted to Gin.

“Is it a crime having some fresh air?” He asked in a mocking voice.

“In the middle of the night?” I countered.

“It’s more peaceful.”

“Beside the lake?”

Gin smirked. “You want to join me for a swim?”

“No,” I answered quickly.

I heard him chuckle. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

He shook his head in a manly way and then walked over to me. By then, I was fully aware that this was not the right place and time for the two people like Gin and me to talk.

(ED: Em quite curious how anyone can shake their head in a "manly" way.)

Gin did not stop until he had gotten close to where I was standing. When we"re close enough, just an inch away from each other, he slightly bowed to come near my face.

“Everything.” He whispered. I noticed the smell of alcohol in his breath. “Everything is f.u.c.king funny.”

It’s weird how he sounded so serious while saying those words— threatening, even.

“Gin,” I hesitated. “Are you drunk?”

He just smiled slightly as if my question did not even bother him. “So?”

“We have trainings tomorrow,” I answered.

He laughed. A superficial laugh. “I do this all the time.”

I froze at his answer.

“I f.u.c.king do this to ease my mind.”

My forehead furrowed. I remembered what Victoria said by the dinner earlier.

“Are you okay?”

He took his eyes off from me and seemed to laugh again at my question. He’s really drunk.

“I’m more than okay.” He answered in a deep almost husky voice.

“You don"t look like one.” I pointed out. “Well, it"s better if we go back before—"

I was startled when Gin dipped himself towards the lake. He kept walking to the water until it had reached his legs.

“I always wanted to know how deep this water is.” He muttered.

He was watching the calm water. In that exact moment, it sank to me why I was here— he wanted to test the water.

“You shouldn"t. You’re drunk. It"s better if we go back inside.” I told him in an almost commanding voice.

“Go.” He said. “I will stay here for a little while.”

No. I’m not that stupid to let you. I walked towards him in the water, soaking my night robe"s hem in the process; but I didn"t care.

“Gin, come on.” I pleaded.

He just kept looking in the middle of the lake. “You know what my Dad told me?” He asked as I got next to him.

“He told me to say sorry to my members because they have a failure for a Captain.” He said calmly.

I wasn"t able to utter a word immediately. I felt like I went deaf when I heard what he said. “Wait, what?” I asked in a disbelieving tone.

“He said if only I was half as good as Priam maybe he would be a little proud of me.” He replied still without looking to me.

I didn"t feel any emotions from his voice; no pain, no disappointment. He seemed already accustomed to it and he didn"t even bother to direct any emotions to anything said.

“I was always second best—” he paused. “No, I was just a tag along. Whenever there"s an occasion, he will bring the two us, Priam and I; but Priam is the only person he introduces. He always says that I still have nothing to boast around so people don"t need to know me. If I achieve enough, then I will have the right to be recognized as his son.”

I was still watching Gin as he kept on.

“It was never an issue for me. I prefer that because people won"t know that I belong to the perfect Grey father and son, their powerful family— Hesperia’s f.u.c.king "pride".”

He laughed ostensibly.

"But because of the Linus Cup, they can"t help but compare the two us. He was great in games like this. He killed almost half of the contenders in the previous Cup. Because of that, I had to live with that pressure for years just so I can match him or reach him. But still, it was not just him— but also my Dad.”

“You don"t have to compare yourself to anyone," I answered. “A family is not a compet.i.tion.”

“But that’s exactly my family. Priam and I were once close before all this had happened; before he joined and won the Cup, before the pressure to surpa.s.s each other surged to us."

Gin suddenly faced me but since I didn"t expect it I was surprised and had to step back, almost losing my balance.

“f.u.c.k.” I hissed. I watched my clothes as they became more drenched with lake-water. Annoying.

Gin laughed at my reaction. I don"t know if I should be irritated or whatever to this drunkard.

“Is that the word that automatically comes out from your mouth whenever something bad happens?” he asked in an amused voice. He seemed to have forgotten what we were talking about earlier.

“I have my second favorite.” my answer to his nonsense question. Fairly enough, Gin was quite a decent companion to talk to when he"s drunk.

He leaned in my direction as if he"s very interested. “And what would that be?”

“Why should I tell?” I asked him back. I turned my back on him and was just about to go back to the gra.s.sy sh.o.r.e when Gin pulled my arm.

“Tell me.” He commanded.

Wow. Persistent-p.r.i.c.k. Is he really like this when drunk? He gets interested in nonsense things.

“It’s nothing,” I answered while shivering. Does he not feel how cold the water is? Does he intend to soak until morning? He smiled teasingly at me.

Then, I almost couldn"t move because I was so surprised— it was as if a warning; he pulled my arm closer to him and so I got to stand in front of him with no idea what to do— especially when he held both of my cheeks. He smirked. What"s he"s really up to? Is he teasing me?

“Say it.” He whispered.

I swallowed. Shia, he’s drunk. He’s f.u.c.king drunk! Calm down.

I slowly removed his hands away from my cheek. “You’re drunk.”

“Is that it?” he asked childishly.

I smiled at his gesture. I think I like drunken Gin better. He looked at me as if waiting for an answer.

“Yes,” I answered.

“You’re lying.” He pointed out.

“You’re stubborn.” I countered.

“I like you.”

(ED: The heck?! So smooth! Master Gin!!)

I could not answer the last words he said. I could only look at his face. He’s staring down at me with a serious look. I could still smell the alcohol on his breath. I breathed deeply.

Good thing you’re drunk, Gin. Since you do not know what you"re saying.

“Right,” I said. “Can we go back inside now?”

“I want you for myself.”

I stared at him. Can he still hear me?

“I do not share the things I like.” He continued. “Not with Priam, not with anybody.”

And in that moment, it happened— Gin slowly leaned in my direction while the smell of alcohol suffocated me. I couldn"t do anything but retreat, so he held my cheeks once again and this time— I felt his cold lips crushed mine.

Gin was drunk. Surely he didn"t mean any words he said; or maybe he will never remember any of these tomorrow. Nevertheless, in that very moment— he almost sounded true and sincere.

I tried to get away but his hands were trapping me in place. His lips, intoxicating. I could even taste the alcohol from his lips.


I tried to push him but I was surprised when he slowly removed his hand from my cheek and slowly grabbed my nape.

“Kiss me back, Shia.” He almost begged.

No. This is wrong. This is so d.a.m.n wrong! I can"t help but cursed in my head. I started to contemplate if I can punch him to wake him up but he, himself, suddenly stopped. Our lips were still touching and I could feel him smiling through our lips.

“You are now sealed.” He said in a satisfied tone.

He slightly separated his face from mine and looked intently at my eyes.

“Sealed just for me.” He slurred.

Finally, in that moment I was able to say the word he had been asking earlier.


(ED: Second favorite word. XDD)

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