Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 41: Weakness (2)

Hey guys! We"ve just opened our discord channel. Hope seeing you there so we can talk about things and yeah. XDD

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Chapter 41: Weakness (2)

It was quite late when the birthday party for Princ.i.p.al Bins started. It was supposed to be at eight o" clock but it started around nine-thirty. The guests, although mostly aged, were not complaining.

Some of these elders were leaders from different academies―the Headmasters of Prum, the former Headmaster of Salem which recently closed down, the Headmaster of Boran and lastly, the Headmaster of Kimmyye. There were also some important figures from Hesperia.

But this gathering was no longer the same with the previous one wherein most of the attendees were parents. The people tonight were more particular; the dinner was fewer but finer and more dazzling, everything felt more exclusive and exorbitant.

I sat quietly at our table, placed near the corner, together with the whole group. The tables and chairs were covered with a simple white cloth with detailed embroidery that"s made of gold silk. The seats were arranged in a winding circle from the center of the s.p.a.cious hall.

My dress tonight was more comfortable than the previous one. It was a long flowy white, almost silver, dress that when standing up, the hem flew freely. It reminded me of those dresses for the summer by the store in town.

But the shoes were of different issue. While waiting for the start, I quickly removed the expensive shoes I was wearing and laid them on the floor, below our table.

We"re the only students on this occasion. It seemed to be one of the privileges for being a member of the group—to be invited to exclusive gatherings like this. As a consequence, it"s inevitable that the visitors’ attention will be focused on us.

I knew the issue about me being added to the group representing t.i.tan Academy had no particular impact with them. They just did not care whether I came from town or originally one of the members of the group because for them, an enemy simply was an enemy—where ever he/she came from. And this was a good opportunity to study our levels.

The compet.i.tion has not even started yet and they already act like that.

“The Headmaster of Boran keeps looking at us.” Commented Luna.

Everyone on the table had paused. Ethan and Cain cut their silent talk; Victoria even actually looked at the person Luna was referring to. However, Gin still hadn"t said anything from when he arrived. He just sat there opposite to me, with his hands crossed in front of his chest as though he was in a deep-rooted thought.

“Maybe he’s wondering who’s who.” Victoria replied while turning her eyes back to the group. “Who’s the Captain, who’s the defenses—to let his students know who they should target first.”

Ethan nodded. “At this time of the Game, it’s essential to make every moment an opportunity to get an advantage.”

I sneakily observed the guy Luna was referring to. He"s a Headmaster after all—he"s in the late forties, but still, he looked younger in several years to Headmaster Gray.

I was about to retract my gaze from that man when I realized something. He was looking precisely at me. I clearly saw the recognition in his eyes. I was surprised.

Did he know me?

If the music did not flourish through the hall he wouldn"t take his attention from me. He slowly gaited the woman with him—probably his wife.

The music was soft and cla.s.sic, something similar with Princ.i.p.al Bins" taste. But I couldn"t calm down because of him. Some visitors already walked to the center of the hall to dance, while my eyes were still looking at that person.

Have I―seen him before?

Suddenly, a tuxedo blocked my eyes. I silently cursed while trying to find the Headmaster of Boran again in the hall—that"s until I heard a guy spoke.

“Daaamn. You just ignored me, you know that?”

I got distracted when I realized whose voice was that. Automatically, a glare shot from my eyes when I looked up the tall and handsome man in front of me.

There’s no doubt about it. Gin’s brother is hot—but f.u.c.king insane.

A snide smirk was immediately plastered on his face. “Better.” He muttered.

I rolled my eyes at him. Whatever.

I ignored him and continued sitting neatly by my chair. He just laughed at my reaction. He shook his head lightly—as if being severely amused. Suddenly, his face became serious then he laid out his hand in front of me.

“May I have this dance, Miss Sheridan?”

I looked up at him again as if he had completely gone insane. While from the corner of my eyes, my sight caught a glimpse of Gin. He suddenly stiffened—his jaw was clenched. Priam, on the other hand, stared at me expectantly with that annoying smile on his face; as if, he’s genuinely waiting for my answer. I breathed deeply, annoyed on the scene he was trying to make.


Suddenly, I was startled to see the eyes looking at us. People around came interested with our conversation. Who wouldn"t? It’s Priam Gray, a former Captain, a victory holder, a Headmaster’s son.

Great thinking, Priam. I silently cursed when I realized what he wanted to happen. I couldn"t do anything but wore my shoes back from under the table. I saw Luna’s concerned stare. I managed to smile at her to a.s.sure that it’s perfectly fine with me, before finally standing from where I was.

“You look nervous.” Priam whispered when I reached his side. f.u.c.k you.

“Oh come on, Shia. Am I really that bad?” I felt the humor in his voice even though I couldn"t find anything funny with his question. He slightly pulled me away from our table and headed to the center of the hall.

I looked at his hand pulling me. It was very soft, delicate. It"s obvious that he hadn"t known anything about hard labor aside from trainings.

“I just want to know something.” He continued while slightly leading me to the center.

Customarily, all these should just be something normal; he, who asked to dance with me. But we both knew that it’s not just as simple as inviting me to a dance. What is he really trying to do now?

He stopped when we reached the center of the hall. I can feel people staring—but I tried to ignore them.

“What do you want to know?” I asked him, almost annoyed.

Priam grinned slowly his ironic smile. “Sshh. Not so harsh, Shia.”

This one has really lost it.

We started dancing. It’s funny how we can dance in a rhythm of a slow calm music when our conversation was on the opposite poles—harsh and irritating; both with the same goal of annoying the h.e.l.l out of each other.

“You know, I love your guts.” He mumbled close to my bare ear. It was clear to me how close he was as he leaned in my direction; he seemed intent to whisper everything he had to say. With his hands holding my waist, I could do nothing but held on his shoulder.

“I hate you.” I whispered back.

He laughed. He looked genuinely amused whenever he’s talking to me. Did he really just meet someone who acts like me and like this?

He leaned again in my direction—his face coming much closer this time. I felt my heart beating frantically because of apprehension. I can still feel the plethora of eyes looking at us. I wanted to push him away but I couldn"t do it without anyone noticing. What exactly is this guy intending to do?

“Happy Birthday, Shia Sheridan.”

I was stunned agape to Priam greeting. I turned and was now completely looking at him. He’s still smiling, though; but that smile was definitely different. The amus.e.m.e.nt already disappeared and his teasing face was also gone. His smile became serious and―nasty, as if he’s silently planning something.

“Consider this as my birthday gift.” He whispered.

In that moment, I felt it. The suspension of my body―as if I was hanging by the air, unable to move. It was like being covered with cement that instantly hardened. Horrified, I could only watch Priam in front of me.

How dare you, you piece of s.h.i.t!

“Sshh.” There he was again with that voice as if mocking me. The people around us had no idea of what"s happening between the two of us. All they saw was Priam leaning unto me, who"s not even trying to refuse him.

“It will not last. Trust me.” He said unhurriedly.

I tried to remove my hands from his shoulder but they wouldn"t budge. f.u.c.k! Just when I was confident that nothing could happen today and this came! d.a.m.n it!

“I just want to know something.”

Priam leaned on my side. He was so close to my exposed shoulder and neck. I can vividly sense his warm breath on my bare skin. He slightly paused as though he was seeking for something or maybe, someone behind me—then I felt him smiled before his warm lips touched my skin.

I wanted so much to get away from him. I wanted to hurt him badly to wipe that f.u.c.king smile off his face. My skin burned from where Priam’s kiss landed. Worse, I felt his kiss climbed to my neck. I shivered as if all the hair in my body was standing on ends. I swallowed but couldn"t do anything but stood there by the center of the hall, in front of this jerk, like a statue—standing in the middle of everyone like some toy.

I felt like they’re laughing at me, amused on this game they have been watching from the start. Stupid, Shia! You’re so stupid to hope that this day would be somewhat special; that—

A noise suddenly broke out. Somehow, I felt its origin coming from behind me. I noticed Priam was no longer near me but was instead violently stepping back and almost lost his balance standing.

Then, I heard the people around us gasped. The next thing I knew Gin was already behind me. He walked past to Priam and punched him and his fist struck his brother’s jaw. Priam, on the receiving end, was nearly about to keel over to the floor. I saw the blood on the edge of his lips.

“f.u.c.k OFF!” Gin was almost shouting while I watched his back in front of me. “DON’T—” I felt the tremendous restraint he had in his voice. “DO NOT TOUCH HER―EVER―AGAIN!”

Priam stood up from the floor as if nothing happened. Holding his jaw, he slowly moved it as if testing for damages; then a smile appeared on his bleeding lips.

“You’re screwed up, bro,” he said. I recognized the satisfaction in his voice. “You are so screwed without even knowing it.”

Priam looked at me. I felt a seeming barrier that had wrapped my body earlier slowly disappearing now.

“This woman—” he started again. He neared towards Gin, who"s still at threadbare on his restraint, and whispered something.

“This woman is going to be your weakness.”

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