Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 47: Evoke (1)

Chapter 47: Evoke (1)

Two days had pa.s.sed after the scene that took place in the hallway, where the old woman was almost hit by a chandelier. Until now, I still didn’t know who she was. She wasn’t even familiar with me.

Miss Aura sent me to her office after the incident. She asked me if I knew the old woman I had saved. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Do I look like I have any idea of what happened? I didn’t even understand why that old woman looked at me like that.

She also said that I couldn’t go to that part of the castle since only important people could go through there. And it wasn’t good if they saw a mere student like me there. If only I knew that I shouldn"t have gone there. Does she think that I want to meet people like them?

She also said something else. If there was something troubling me, for me to trigger my senses. She even mentioned Gin, but I did not let her see that I was affected by the name that she mentioned. I know what I have to do. And I shouldn"t make a mistake for the second time.

I went out of her office that afternoon when she called me again. I grunted and turned to her.


“I have to remind you about Sat.u.r.day’s event. Don"t be late. It’s lunch in Stanford’s mansion.”

My forehead furrowed at what I heard. Stanford? “What event?” I asked. I seem to not know again.

She paused. “It’s for Corrine’s birthday.”

So I was now in the training room, raving and getting angry at the dummy in front of me because I had to go to the event that was connected to that girl.

I mean, come on. We almost had one week left. We needed all that time to train. Then we still have to go to a birthday party?

I remembered Miss Aura’s words. “Corrine is a former member. It’s a form of respect.” I wanted to roll my eyes at that. Respect is earned. And as far as I was concerned, I couldn"t see her effort to deserve that.

But I couldn’t do anything but obey. The event was the last thing the group had to go to before the Linus Cup. It was a special request according to Miss Aura. It wasn’t like a party you could expect from a Stanford. It was only a small get-together with the group.

Yet, I still didn’t want to go. Especially since it was the home of Corrine Stanford. I didn’t want to step into a place that she dominated.

Yes, I feel bad for her. I get her point. She just thinks of what’s best for the group and Gin. There was even a time when we had the same thoughts. But this didn’t mean I had forgotten what she did to me.

It was a mistake to spread the information about my past and Lucas could be implicated. When that happens I will never forgive her.

I played with the dagger in my hand and threw it again to the moving dummy. It immediately penetrated its chest. The dummy was almost broken at what I did. Because of.

The group didn’t have training because of the event later. Maybe they were getting ready now. I sighed and sat down on the floor while leaning against the wall.

I didn"t saw Gin all morning. Actually, yesterday at breakfast was the last time saw him. Luna said he had special training that his dad a.s.signed to him. Priam might even be in the Academy again to a.s.sist him.

Help? Tss. Those two siblings? Impossible.

But I haven"t really talked to Gin properly so I don"t what is happening. The last time I heard him was when he talked with Corrine at the Breakfast Hall. And that was two days ago. After that, he had been in a special training.

I took a dagger again from the table next to me.

He was the Captain after all. When we needed to be ready, he needed to be even more so. But I felt like something else happened. I don"t now. Is it because he"s ignoring me? d.a.m.n it.

I turned and looked at the door of the training room when it opened. Luna entered and searched for me in the dark room. I sighed and got up from the floor. I shook the back of the pants that I wore.

“I’m here,” I muttered.

The lighting in the training room lit and saw me. She smiled. “It’s dark here. I thought you were training?”

“As if there"s a difference if there’s light or not,” I answered.

She just laughed. “It’s eleven o’clock, Shia,” she said. “Corrine’s party starts at one.”

I squinted in the air. “Right.”

Luna walked towards me. “Miss Aura said your dress is already in your room,” she said.

“Shia, it will be the last event before the Cup. We only have several days. We need you at that party.”

“I know. Did I tell you I’m not going?” I asked with arched eyebrows. She smiled. Believe me, if only I can, I would rather.

I was preparing for Corrine’s party. The dress that I found in the bedroom was a cream-colored garment with a flowy and embroidered lace flowers design. I wore it and looked at myself in the mirror.

I could see the fake me again. These dresses and silver shoes were not me. But just a little more, and I could go back to what I was before. Only a few days left. I"ll make sure I’ll be back.

A servant came into my room to fix my hair. She put it in a messy bun with loose strands framing my face. She also said that the rest were outside the castle, waiting for the vehicle that would take us to Corrine"s house.

I went out of my room after a few minutes. It was a good thing I didn’t see that many people along my way. Only missing is they look at me from head to toe. Do they think I want to wear this?

My friends were waiting on the side of the castle. Victoria, Luna, and Cain. The students were looking at them because of their clothes. Victoria was wearing a fitted black dress and Luna’s was pale pink. Cain wore a dark blue polo and really handsome. They are really used to it.

“It"s good that you descended,” Victoria commented and glared at me. Or is it just her resting b.i.t.c.h face? I don’t know the difference.

“Let’s go, ah,” Cain remarked to lighten the mood. He looked at the black vehicle from the back of the castle that was heading to us. “That’s our ride.”

The long vehicle stopped in front of us. How far is their home Corrine from here? Cain let us in first, being the gentlemen that he was.

“Where are the two?” I asked myself when I noticed there was only us in the vehicle with the driver.

“They went ahead first,” answered Luna beside me. Oh okay. “Miss Aura and Sir Apollo are also there.”

Cain went inside the vehicle and shut the door. It started to run. I never spoke again. I didn’t know how far Corrine"s house was or what part it was in the town. I also didn’t care. I hoped that this day would end soon.

I looked outside the window as Luna and Cain talked. We were facing each other inside the vehicle. They were talking about Corrine"s last birthday.

We pa.s.sed on the other side of town. This was the opposite of what we often pa.s.sed through whenever we went downtown, so I wasn’t familiar with the road. I started to get bored on the ride. That was because what we pa.s.sed are full of trees.

It was almost half an hour and I didn’t realize that made me almost fell asleep. Then I just went back to the present when the vehicle slightly stopped.

“Victoria"s house.” I heard Luna say.

The vehicle continued when Victoria said something. I didn"t really hear much. I watched the mansion we pa.s.sed. It was huge, surrounded by tall walls and thin, elegant gates. It was also very nice. There were vehicles, fountains, and a well-kept garden.

There, I found out that the trees that we pa.s.sed by were replaced by large houses. Not only were they large, but high. That street was nearly surrounded with large houses that were wider than the plaza downtown. If so, Victoria and Corrine are neighbors?

“Are we near?” my drowsy question.

“Somewhat,” Cain replied.

The vehicle continued to run. Their street was so nice and tidy. The plants were trimmed. There was a street light in every corner. We pa.s.sed the street and we were again covered with darkness because of the trees around us. We were slightly going up.

A few minutes pa.s.sed and a s.p.a.cious road greeted us. There was a tall gate. Stanford. That was the simple cursive sign placed in the gate archway. I suddenly remembered the first day I entered the t.i.tan Academy.

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