Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 60: Choice (2)

Chapter 60: Choice (2)

Gin gently moved before me, I felt him tightly hugging me. Suddenly his sleepy eyes opened and stared at me. “Sleep, Shia.” He ordered. I tried to smile and bring myself closer to him. I felt his lips on my forehead before he kissed it.

“Good night, Shia.”

He closed his eyes once again as I did the same. But before that, I watched his face. Gin, if I could be selfish, I want to have you. But in this place where freedom and lives of people like me were hanging on the hands of somebody else, there"s no place to be selfish. So Gin, do everything to live, okay?

"Good night, Gin."



Rowdy. I was almost going deaf to the shouts I heard from outside. I don"t know how many people arrived in the dome today. But the said dome inside the building was huge. Come this morning, aside from the parents or school officials, the place also housed even the few selected students and key people from every town around.

I can"t help but feel nervous while standing behind the big silver double doors that separated us from those outside. Within minutes we were called to present ourselves. It"s the official opening day of the 23rd Linus Cup. The last day we could stay outside the arena.

I surveyed my group mates. Luna has been tapping her shoes on the floor because of nerves. Cain has been letting out deep breaths. Apart from those, we"re all silently awaiting in the dark hallway. No one wanted to speak. Few minutes pa.s.sed and the speech of whoever"s out in front finished. The grip of my sweaty hands tightened on the hem of the formal dress I was wearing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let"s start the program! Delegates from different districts, it"s time for the Introduction to the Council."

Suddenly, the door opened in front of us. All of us almost jolted. The bright light shone and quickly spread to the dark hallway we were staying. The irritating noise doubled. When my sight adjusted to the light, the first I saw was the silhouette of a man standing by the center and the bleachers that were full of people.

“From the Northern District — Dione!”

The people applauded. It seems many came to watch them since the dome almost vibrated from the applause. They"re one of the richest towns in the district where they belonged. Suddenly the light dimmed along where the man was speaking earlier. Soon enough, from the open door opposite from us came out six people. But I could not clearly see their faces because of the lights. And too far.

“From the West District— the joint Team of Shou and Shinoa!”

People were applauding again. The team from the combined town of Shou and Shinoa came out. But from our direction, I can"t see them. And the lights in the center of the dome remained dim.

The introduction of teams continued.

“From the South District— Kimmyye!”

South. This meant that he"ll be next. The spokesman took a deep breath before saying the next group.

“Also from the South District— Boran!”

My heartbeat inevitably beat faster when I heard that place. But I made it not noticeable with my teammates. The only one who realized my reaction was Gin.

I slightly turned to him. He was standing quietly and looked serious while waiting for the name of our town. He seemed very calm. The aura of a Team Captain has reattached on him. The same authority and confidence that, at this critical moment, only a Team Captain can possess.

“From the East District — Prum!”

I breathed deeply when I realized that we"re next. My eyes returned in front. Before stood the chance I"ve been waiting for so long. Lucas, we"re finally going to see each other.

“From the East Districts— Hesperia!”

We started walking towards the dazzling light after the door. We walked with our heads held high, with pride and utmost confidence that we can muster at this moment. I heard the screams of the people around us. It filled my ears. For a second, no other things existed but the noise and light we"re walking forward to.

It seems like I wasn"t myself at that time. Each steps on the floor were seemingly detached. What presented to me were the bright surroundings and the faces of the thousands of people who were watching us. They"re cheering but even the noise seemed to bypa.s.s my senses.

We climbed into the s.p.a.cious and dimly lit stage. Once again we"re covered by the dark backgrounds. I was startled when someone held me to a.s.sist me standing on the circular platform of the stage. When each of us was standing atop that thing, the man by the center talked again.


Suddenly the light in the stage lit up. Dazzling. I don"t know where to look. There"s light in the middle, and there"s also light surrounding the side of the circular platform thing. I squinted my eyes to see beneath the annoying lighting background, but when I finally adjusted my sight, I finally noticed a man staring at me.

He blinked when our eyes met. Disbelief.

He stepped forward and it seemed like he wanted to leave the ring where he was standing on. He remained staring at me. He"s observing me— my entirety. Now we can observe all of our opponents, thus finally seeing him again. That familiar face, his brownish hair, and his eyes— those comforting deep hazel eyes that made me feel like I"m home. Finally— I"m home.

But instead of staring him like how he"s doing to me, I kept looking ahead of me. I was breaking inside, but I needed to show that I can endure and I don"t care. I felt people stared at us, and the nearest part of the stage seated the top people of the Council. They can"t find out that Lucas and I knew each other. In the corner of my eyes, I could see that he was still staring at me, a mixture of confusion, concern, and great fear was visible on his face.

I almost wanted to let go of my mask and turned to him, look at him and let him know that it"s really me— the Shia that he knew. Lucas" groupmates turned to him when he almost jumped down in their own ring. Lucas, don"t. Please don"t stare at me that way. You need to be strong. You have to accept it.

He hesitantly returned and stood straight on the platform. And I nearly felt weak on my knees when I heard him call my name again.


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