Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 61: Stanford (1)

Chapter 61: Stanford (1)

We left the stage one after another when the Introduction to the Council has ended.

They"re done inspecting us all through while looking down at the folders where our names, positions in the group and the abilities we possess were all indicated. They"re the only ones who knew about these details; with these, they will know who they should focus on in the actual Game.

I descended from the stage with Luna and only then did I realize that my feet were losing their strengths. I almost held unto Luna"s shoulder to support myself which made her head turn to me with a confused expression. However, I forced myself to smile and told her that I only lost my balance but the truth was that I"ve already been shivering and feeling weak since earlier. I didn"t know if the people watching us, or even the council, noticed this. When Lucas stared at me, I can"t help losing my strength and feel the weakness that enveloped me.

We walked back to the door where we came from as the other groups did the same. I didn"t look back so that I won"t see Lucas again. We went straight out of the dome, returning to the main building.

The road we took was quiet as it"s quite far from the populated exits for the audience of the program. I was at the back of the group so when we finally reached the end of the dark hallway, I immediately noticed that my groupmates ahead of me had stopped. Confused, I continued walking so that I could catch up to them but when I saw the reason why they halted, I wished that I remained at the dark hallway.

The exits for each group ended in a similar location where the doors were all adjacent to each other. It looked like everyone was all here in the only exit far from that for the general populace but still near to the main building.

Few people were looking at everyone, seemingly observing each from every group, while some others were whispering to another while looking at the other groups. The rest continued walking as if indifferent to it all. I slightly turned and looked around the surroundings and thankfully, Lucas" group didn"t arrive yet making me heaved a huge breath.

I just don"t think I can face Lucas at this moment.

Little by little, the people left the wide hallway through the elevators, and since the others arrived first, we let them be. Gin told us not to make a fuss with the other groups while we"re outside of the arena because we have lots of time doing so when the game finally started.

When our group was almost the next one for the elevator, I suddenly stopped when I heard a familiar name.

"Lucas, are you okay?"

I paused as I was about to enter the elevator, hearing the footsteps of Lucas" group walking toward us. I wanted to turn my head around but I knew I shouldn"t. In front of me were my companions, waiting inside the elevator. And behind me was Lucas.

Cain looked at me with a confused face. "Shia, enter the elevator already," he said.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to forget the presence of Lucas and finally entered the elevator. My group was watching me. I knew they"re wondering about my behavior, especially Luna. I stood straight and faced the outside. While the door of the elevator was slowly closing, I saw him again. He was staring at me. His expression was still the same…

Questioning, confusion, and perplexed.

He took a step towards us as the gap from the elevator"s door became thinner as the second pa.s.sed. I half-closed my eyes because of the pain I was feeling. His eyes were asking:

Shia, what"s happening?

My companions hurriedly changed their clothes. Everyone was so harried inside the suite. The reason for this was because in a few minutes the official farewell to the parents will come so I know they can"t help it. However, instead of rushing, I only sat at my bed while looking at the gla.s.s wall or watching the surroundings. I didn"t have any parents to prepare for events such as this and I also didn"t care.

I still felt weak because of what happened earlier, Lucas didn"t deserve this kind of torture. He didn"t have any knowledge that we will meet here. He looked so confused, so out of it. And I was afraid that our reason for joining this game was actually for each other. If only I could talk to him in any way that will not break the rules of the game.


I was startled when I heard the knock on the door. I heard Miss Aura"s voice calling my name.

"What?" I emotionlessly answered.

The doork.n.o.b turned and then she entered the room. Her eyes flickered when she saw me.

"Why haven"t you changed?"

I looked at my clothes and saw the same one that I wore in the program.

"Do I have to?" I asked, "I don"t have any parents coming," I continued with no interest in my tone. I have no time for this issue now; I already have many things in my mind to waste my attention of having no parents which I"ve already accepted a long time ago.

I noticed that Miss Aura froze. "Some people want to see you."

I looked up at her with a furrowed forehead but I found out that she"s also confused.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stanford want to see you."

I was even more confused when she said that. Why? What do they need from me?

Miss Aura noticed the silent question etched on my face.

"Shia, this is a request from the Stanfords."

I simply looked at her. I can still remember what happened to me when I came near the Stanfords. I didn"t need that confusion now; I"ve already got many things to think about.

"Please go."

But just like before, and also for the last time, I wasn"t able to do anything.

This was the Stanford we"re talking about. One of the most powerful families in the town of Hesperia; someone like me cannot just refuse their request. Thus, I wasn"t able to do anything but change my clothes and wear the dark blue formal dress that was prepared for the activity this afternoon. I stared myself at the mirror before I left the room. For the last time, I will meet the Stanford family.

What can it do to me anyway? After this, we will be isolated until the time of the Game arrives. It"ll be better if I meet them now to learn what they really need from me.

I left my room and saw that there was no one left in the suite. My groupmates have already left; even Miss Aura was nowhere to be seen. When I exited from the suite, I saw a female waiting for me by the door. She was wearing a uniform that showed her ident.i.ty as an employee of the building. She asked for my surname.

"Sheridan," I answered though I didn"t know what it was for.

She started walking and I just followed after her. She escorted me to one of the doors in the floor situated above our suite. Every door we pa.s.sed through, there were names imprinted on it.

Grey. Hunter. Kingsley. Parson. Sarton.

Probably, my groupmates were also in their respective rooms together with their parents. I even heard that Priam was also here.

The female suddenly stopped when we reached the final door. She stared at the sign on the door before she returned her eyes to the folder that she"s holding.

Folded lines appeared on my forehead as I also read it.


"We"re here," she said.

I just looked at her and wondered if the files on her hand were updated. Corrine"s surname, who was the previous Seer of the group, was the one on the door. Not mine.

The female stepped aside as if cueing me to enter. I didn"t speak a single word as it seemed she didn"t notice the difference. I just let out a sigh and held the doork.n.o.b to open the door.

I immediately froze up when I saw the people inside the room. Mr. Stanford was standing by the window, looking outside as if he"s been waiting for a long time. On the other hand, Mrs. Stanford was sitting on a luxurious sofa, anxiously caressing her hand, seemingly nervous. And Corrine. Corrine was also in the room… Just what is happening here?

They were startled when they heard the door opening and saw me. Mrs. Stanford suddenly stood while her husband turned his head to us; then Corrine suddenly approached and hugged me…

Chapter 62: Stanford (2)

Corrine suddenly approached and hugged me…


"Shia, it"s good that you came. We thought you won"t come and meet us."

The severe nervousness and relief can be clearly heard in Corrine"s voice, and this made me even more confused. She immediately separated from me when she saw my expression and worriedly looked at her parents as if saying that they should face me instead. Her mother approached me and I can"t help admiring her beauty. She"s very elegant and graceful.

"JShia," she called in a weak tone. "I"m very happy to see you before the Game."

This is weird. There"s something on the expression of these people as if they knew something and it"s related with me.

I was more surprised when Corrine"s mother came closer and hugged me very tight and then suddenly started crying. With this, I wasn"t able to move a finger.

Hold on. What"s happening?

"I never thought… you"re finally here now… I know you"re…" she said things I wasn"t able to understand. Her cries made her voice broke each time. "We did our best to get you out from the game… but we"re too late… we cannot change it anymore…"

Her hug tightened even more and my hands moved to hug her back but I immediately ceased it. I looked at the others in the room instead, asking for answers.

Tell me, what"s really happening?

"Selene, calm down, please," her husband said. "She mustn"t be perturbed like this. What you"re doing is not helping."

She suddenly separated from me and faced her husband, "Edward, do something! Do anything! Everything!" she begged.

"We already did everything, Selene," he weakly answered. "But we don"t have the time to prove that she"s the one we"re searching for. Our adversary here is the Linus Cup, a long time respected tradition; and she"s one of its partic.i.p.ants."

"But I know! I can feel it! Edward—"

I just watched them not knowing why I can"t seemingly find my breath. While watching this family in front of me—their conversation, there"s this familiar but distressing feeling that"s slowly returning to me. The noise, the voices, the thin line of sound making the insides of my head whittled in pain.

No. Not now. I don"t need this now.

I felt nauseous; I wanted to leave… even my head was aching.

Mrs. Stanford calmed down by the time she looked at me again and even her husband. I didn"t hear what other things they talked about as nothing entered my mind ever since. Mr. Stanford walked towards me and gently hugged me. I wasn"t able to move again. Corrine came next; she wiped the tears on her eyes then smiled as she hugged me. I just looked at them since I didn"t know what my reaction should be. Then Corrine"s mother approached and hugged me again.

"Shia," she called. "We will still do everything to get you out of the Game so please do everything to remain alive. Please come back, I"m begging you," she held the side of my face and smiled even though tears were forming again on her eyes.

"Jane, my daughter."

I wasn"t myself when I left the room. My mind was floating as I didn"t know what just happened.

After I finished talking with the Stanford family, I was told to go to a certain room where my companion and their family were currently at. Corrine and her parents didn"t follow as they needed to immediately leave after saying their goodbyes to me.

Luna"s father was there and even Cain"s family and Ethan"s grandparents, as well. However, Gin and his family were nowhere in sight while Victoria"s family didn"t attend the small meeting.

Ethan"s, Luna"s and Cain"s parents were kind. Luna"s father talked to me while Ethan"s grandparents placed me in their embrace. The twin siblings of Cain just gaped while looking at me as if they couldn"t believe I was in front of them. But I wasn"t able to repay their goodbyes and advices because even I, myself, didn"t know what to do. I just watched my companions said their farewells to their respective families as the sound for ending this meeting rang.

Luna was crying as her father profusely tried to stop her tears. Ethan"s grandparents were showering him with hordes of advices especially his grandmother. The twins were loudly bawling as Cain tried to cheer them up even though he was about to cry himself.

I looked at them and I can"t help my sadness on these scenes. Gin"s words resounded in my head.

Will you still be there for us when the Game starts? Will I still see you after the Game?

I wiped the unexpected tears flowing down on my cheeks as I watched my groupmates. I may not be there for them after the Game but I will do everything so that all of them may return alive.

We said our last goodbyes and returned to our suite to rest and then arrange our things before finally changing our clothes because at exactly 6 o"clock in the afternoon, we will completely disappear from this world. We"re going to be isolated from our own group, from our parents, from this world. Until tomorrow, when the Game will start, can we see ourselves in the arena again.

I didn"t notice that I fell asleep. It must have been because of the pain in my head earlier. When I opened my eyes and saw the time, I cursed. It was already quarter to six.

Sh*t. I immediately jumped from the bed and was thankful that I already dressed myself before I took a nap. I observed my room to check if I forgot something and only then did I realize that I only spent a single night at this place. I let out a huge sigh and hurriedly left. The surrounding was silent. The suite was already abandoned.

They didn"t even bother waking me up?

When I exited the suite, I almost b.u.mped at the person who stood in front of the door. I immediately stopped before I completely hit that somebody.

"Sh*t!" I shouted due to shock.

Ethan looked at me then laughed. "We"re about to be isolated from the world and you"re still your typical cursing self, Shia."

"I thought everyone"s already there," I answered.

"That"s why I was tasked to get you because you"re the only one absent," he informed while smiling. "Let"s go?"

I looked at Ethan and found he"s very calm. It was as if he"s not worried about anything, as if our destination wasn"t actually isolation. I hoped I could be as calm before the game just like him because currently I felt like exploding. The things in my mind weren"t as clear anymore and I can understand nothing even more. I was only forcing myself to finish every needed process, which I had no idea what or why I was doing it.

We reached the designated underground floor for the group; it"s the lowest floor in the building that I was able to reach. It was even lower than the dome or the underground station and the surrounding became much darker. A sound rang from the elevator Ethan and I was riding and when it opened, we"re welcomed by a dimly lit hallway.

I immediately heard voices that were talking. When we exited the elevator, I noticed that even Miss Aura and Sir Apollo were there with the group. Sir Apollo and Gin were talking while Miss Aura was talking with Luna and Cain. Victoria remained silent and when Ethan and I approached, they all stopped and turned to the two of us.

Sir Apollo looked at his wrist watch and said, "We have five minutes left." He faced the whole group and immediately spoke, "When you enter that pa.s.sageway, all of you won"t see us again unless your group wins." I observed the silver doors in the hallway that Sir Apollo pointed out. "I hope all of you remember the things that we"ve taught you. Do everything you can to follow the plan," he said.

"Think of the plan so you won"t panic at the early hours of the Game. All of you will be alone during the first day. Your main enemy in the Drift is your own actions—your actions without thinking about its consequences to you, your group and even to your enemies. Almost half of the partic.i.p.ants die in the Drift phase. Keep calm; when you find your other members, you"ll have bigger chances of surviving the other phases." Sir Apollo stared intently at us, one-by-one, as if memorizing the faces of his students.

"I have a big trust in this group because all of you have experienced a lot of things. Of all the groups that I handled, your group is the hardest to teach; it was hard for all of you to cooperate with each other and everyone pa.s.sed through numerous troubles and fights. For the past couple of months, I saw how all of you survived those anarchies that tested you. I saw you grow, not just an individual but as a group." For the very first time, I saw an expression on Sir Apollo"s face that I haven"t seen since I entered t.i.tan Academy. It was a smile—a smile filled with pride. "Bring that camaraderie to the arena and return with your lives intact."

The group members looked at each other, Luna and Cain smiled as if they can remember the things mentioned by Sir Apollo.

Miss Aura faced our group and then hugged us. "We are waiting for your return," she said as she tightly hugged us one after another. "You"re always be the best group for us, remember that," she smilingly said as tears danced on the edge of her eyes. We tried to smile as Miss Aura let go of us.

"One minute." I heard Sir Apollo called.

I was shocked when Luna suddenly hugged me. "Shia, we will still meet, right?" she whispered to me.

I felt feeble when I heard her but I still nodded and forcibly calmed my voice so she won"t notice the cracks in it. "Of course." I don"t know, Luna.

"We"ll all still meet at the Game," Cain said with a laugh. "Find me, okay?" he teased. However, even his voice was shallow. Cain approached us then he joined the hug. Even Ethan joined in as he dragged the frowning Victoria who wasn"t able to do anything but join the hug, as well. I looked at Gin who was just standing there so I grabbed him. "Come on," I said as smile formed on my face.

But unknown to them, my tears were slowly failing me. I remembered what Cain said when our group got together the first time. I won"t ever forget that day.

"In just less than a few hours that the group got together, there"s already a spark. The best team!" (ED: Chapter 10: The Seer)

I never wanted to be close to anyone, never opening up or investing my emotions to something that will eventually disappear. I couldn"t take that risk because I was always the one left behind to remember everything. But this group—this group became an important part of my life, and even if the time came when we needed to leave each other, I won"t regret being one of them.

The sound which acted as the signal to enter the closed door by the hallway sounded. We separated from each other, laughing because of the whispered jokes. We said our goodbyes to each other and waved our hands as we slowly walked to the doors respectively a.s.signed to us. We knew that the moment we entered these doors, we will only meet each other at the arena.

Miss Aura and Sir Apollo watched all of us while they remained at the dimly lit hallway.

When I was directly in front of the door a.s.signed to me, I looked back to my companions. I looked at them one by one—the cheerful Luna, the mischievous Cain, the ever frowning Victoria, the kind Ethan and the serious Gin.

My eyes met his, I smiled but tears slowly fell from my eyes.

The best team.

Chapter 63: Survival (1)

I screamed because of the extreme pain I suddenly felt. It was nauseous; its intense effect on my body almost made me vomit. I quickly stumbled up from the bed I laid but numerous hands suddenly pushed me back. With my blurred vision, I realized the outline of these people around me. They"re wearing white lab coats.

“Don"t move. This will be quick. “

I screamed again when I felt the sharp thing that"s injected on my wrist. I struggled again because of the familiar pain but I couldn"t move further because they"re holding both my shoulders and legs down on the bed. My vision was still blurry and out of focus while I felt my mind"s floating high. What is happening?

The last thing I remembered was being sent to an isolation room. It"s a white room with nothing inside. I stayed there for some time doing nothing but sat on the floor and considered all the things that can happen to me inside the game. My stay nearly made me mad because it felt that the time in that room wasn"t running.

The isolation stage was made to have the partic.i.p.ants re-focus without the presence of other people; gave them time to think about things like strategy; and finally prepared themselves for the Game. But it did not help me. It made me revisit all the things I"ve been trying to forget before I stepped into the arena.

“It"s set.”

I heard the conversations of the people  around me. A holographic image appeared on the clipboard that the woman was holding which was followed by the sounds coming from my wrist. I tried to check what"s on it. When I lifted my wrist, I saw a green dot flashing there. What the f.u.c.k?

“We have five minutes.”

They held me, a.s.sisting me out of the bed. I didn"t know where we"re going or what was I doing here anyway. I fell asleep in the isolation room and woke up in here. We started towards the exit of the room. I was still out of it, only seeing distorted images around. I heard them talking but I couldn"t understand anything. Is it because of what they injected me? What did they really do to me?

Once again, we entered another room. Totally dark. I can"t see anything except the small lights on the path we treaded. I felt a platform in front of me. They a.s.sisted me until I was properly up there.

“The sensor will be activated the moment you step into the arena.”

That was the last I heard before something suddenly blocked me from those people with me. It was gla.s.s. Then finally, it sank to me what"s really happening. I felt as though I was doused with freezing water. I was actually trapped in that gla.s.s tube as the platform I was on gradually moved up. Wait! I looked back at the people in white coats as they watched the holographic image of a timer. They"re counting. But I can"t hear them. I tried hitting the gla.s.s in front of me.




“I want to know something!”


I finally lost my strength when I can no longer see them as they stood directly below me.


The ceiling above suddenly opened as the intensely bright light greeted me.


The platform stopped moving. The silence that embraced me almost made me deaf. The sun was almost at its peak in the blue sky while a quiet verdant forest surrounded me. I blinked but didn"t immediately leave the metal thing that I was stepping on. I heard my heart beating hard. I didn"t know if it was because of the extreme nervousness or fear, or maybe both.

It took me a few minutes  before I stepped out into the ground in front of me. The moment both my legs were on the ground, I noticed something blinked on my wrist. The green light swiftly disappeared and was replaced with some numbers. It looked like a score counter was on my skin.

It said.

The number of points equivalent for my life. I flicked my wrist and the image changed. I saw five consecutive 30s and a single 100. These were the counters for my entire group. That meant they"re also here now. Everyone"s in the arena with me. This made my chest suffocated with extreme anxiety. Finally, it has started.

The Linus Cup has officially begun.

On my first hour in the arena, I almost can"t move away from the black platform where I originally came with. It"s my recognized safe zone; as if leaving this place will send me to certain danger. But I knew I had to move. I started walking inside the forest. I had no idea what direction should I begin with. I also had no idea who shall I first meet. An ally or an enemy.

I didn"t know how many hours had already pa.s.sed. The only proof that the time was running inside this forest was the sun"s changing position above. The sun was blazing at its peak. It should be noon now. I started to feel thirsty. My only source of legit food in this place was through exchanging it with my points. Medicine, food, needs like weapons, or even a simple blanket, will be purchased with points. But I will never risk it. Because the moment it"s completely depleted, the sensor will activate and the arena itself will kill me. Three of the partic.i.p.ants on the previous Game died due to the depletion of their points. They were blasted by the very ground below their feet on the first second they"ve lost all the points they held.

I endured the sun"s heat and continued searching for my companions. Search. Gather. Secure. It was the group"s strategy. And as much as possible we"ll never hunt anyone down unless provoked. But I needed points or maybe a river to fill my thirst. s.h.i.t. I can"t execute my plan if I was weakened like this in the coming days.

I abruptly stopped walking when I felt a sudden movement. Something in the forest started to move frantically—fast and forceful. The dry leaves on the ground scrunched loudly beneath its weight. I became alert and observed it. The downside of a seer, I"m defenseless. The upside, I can predict the slightest movement. I turned to my left. The plants behind a tree slightly stirred. It was still farther away if observed. Almost some meters away from me. Its movement continued. But it wasn"t going towards me or anywhere. It was as if it"s stuck in that certain place.

My forehead knitted but I never removed my wariness. A few minutes pa.s.sed before its movement finally stopped. The quiet surrounding returned. What the h.e.l.l was that? I was thinking of my next move. I have no weapon at hand but it"s clear to me that I need whatever resources that"d cross my path. I walked towards the direction of the previous noise. Every step I made on the ground was sure as I prepared myself in case of any attack. But as I approached, I suddenly thought that it might not be an enemy in the first place. I reached the very front the tree but nothing happened.  Then, I heard a strange noise. I looked down the shrubberies and finally realized what was happening. I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought it was something else.

I sat across the lush but th.o.r.n.y plant and gently lifted the area where a small deer was almost plopping on the ground. It looked like the hind foot was stuck in whatever was within the plant. It wasn"t able to move and I heard it groaned softly. It wondered me that there were actually animals in this place. I watched the thing that trapped the little deer and suddenly froze. 

Wait, this is not an ordinary trap.

I suddenly stood up and looked around. None. There"s no danger lurking. It"s likely the one who made it has already left. I sat again and inspected the th.o.r.n.y branches wrung to the foot of the little deer. This made it seems that the branch moved on its own and bound it here. I knew this technique. It once happened to me while training with Ethan. Maybe he"s nearby? I immediately drained that idea. No. I shouldn"t a.s.sume anything. He may not be the only one with that ability here. There were various facets of ability manipulation existing in our G.o.dd.a.m.n system. I tried disentangling the deer from the heavy wringing of the branches. It got slightly injured because of the thorns. I had no idea why I was doing this. It"s not like it would help me or something. I wouldn"t eat it anyway. I didn"t have anything even a freaking source of fire.

When it was freed, it almost jumped away from me. Great. It quickly ran towards one direction. I sighed and watched it running. However, as I stared the little deer, I suddenly remembered something…

Chapter 64: Survival (2)

s.h.i.t. Why did I forget about them? This was a forest. This was my freaking territory. I grew up making places like this as my playground. Suddenly, I found my momentary confidence because of this realization. I knew the rules of the forest. I knew how things work here. I immediately followed towards the deer"s direction. I was still cautious but more confident about my actions. Due to the technical trainings and artificial environments brought by the real-life simulator of t.i.tan Academy, I almost forgot where I came from. My origin. What it really felt like outdoors; when inside the real jungle, the behavior of the animals, the flow of the air, even the texture of the trees and the consistency of the forest ground. They may have added things around like traps, mine bombs, those kinds of deadly s.h.i.ts. But this was still a forest. And every living creature in the forest was connected to something else. It"s the rule of an ecosystem.

My face glazed when I found out that my suspicion was right. Just ahead of me, I saw the deer stopped by the river set in the middle of the forest. I sighed of relief upon seeing the dazzling clear water under the sun. I continued to run until suddenly my legs stopped out of danger reflex. Blinking, I carefully inspected the little red light by the ground which was almost at the tip of my shoes. I was rooted on my spot. It suddenly blinked until the rest gradually revealed themselves on my path. I seemed to have activated something.

f.u.c.k. Mine bombs? I quickly jumped away. No. I know didn"t step on anything. Movement activated?

I was in the middle of panicky dodging away from the bombs when I noticed another thing. I whipped my head to the side, instinctually evading the incoming dagger that tore my direction. I was shocked with how fast things had suddenly happened. Where did that come from? Looking around, I suddenly found myself gazing upwards. s.h.i.t. Another dagger came flying to me. I got a glimpse of a woman squatting on one of the branches while holding nearly half a dozen daggers. Where did she get those? I ran away from her. I knew she would follow me. She"s one of the members of Dione.

As I fled, I tried to feel her ability. She was very quick even while moving around branches. It"s definitely a skill a.s.sociated with her ability. I ducked when I felt another dagger coming close behind me. Then I heard her cursed out. Stupid, I"m a seer.

I finally faced her when I realized what she"s capable of. Did she have the density control? Was that why I can"t almost hear her every steps through the branches just because she can control her every actions? She can control every impact of her body weight. Heck, she"s almost flying!

She also stopped when she saw me suddenly facing her. This would be hard for me. I can predict the direction of the dagger when it flew towards me but her every actions would not be easy to guess since she can remove the impact of her movements. I needed physical pressure to know someone"s next move. And she has none.

Slowly, she smiled. She played the dagger in his hands. She didn"t look like attacking anytime soon, she was also studying me as I studied her movements. I couldn"t help but notice the items she was carrying. Did she exchange some of her points?

“Well, well, what do we have here?” she asked while smirking. “Hmm, let me guess. A primary defense?” as she suddenly laughed. “Ah, how about a deceiver?” I didn"t know if she"s intentionally giving incorrect guesses but then her face suddenly went serious. “Whatever it is, it doesn"t matter because your points will eventually be mine.”

She stood up from the same branch. There was no noise from her movements from up there. She"s almost floating a few inches from the branch itself. Weak point. I need her weak point. I knew simply dodging wasn"t enough. I needed to be more on offense. But how? I don"t have anything—suddenly, I was shocked when I remembered—the mine bombs. The f.u.c.king mine bombs. I pulled back and quickly ran right back into their direction. As I expected she followed me.

“Running again?” I heard her say while laughing. “Do you have nothing to do but run away from me?”

f.u.c.k you.

She continued jumping on the tree branches as she followed me. But I still have to make her go down to the ground. I"ve no idea if she knew about the bombs that"s why she"s staying above but I still have to try it. I stopped running when I felt the threat a little centimeter away from my foot. We"re here. In the garden of freaking mine bombs.

I peeked behind me. They"re still not blasting away. I was right; they needed pressure to fully activate. These types of bombs, when stepped on, you must not leave or else they will blow up. I wasn"t sure if it"s because of my enhanced senses that"s why I can see the tiny lights covered with dry leaves and soil. But whatever the reason was, the other person didn"t notice them.

She furrowed her forehead. “Tired?” she asked with a vicious grin.

I also returned her a smile. “Tired being a monkey?”

She was caught in that insult. Insults seemed never part of her daily life. Actually, she"s a beauty and probably someone rich. She"s from Dione, after all, one of the richest cities in the district. She gritted her teeth.

Come on, get mad. And the get down here!

“Stupid,” she said. “Do you even know what group I came from?”

“I don"t care. We are all equals in this arena, flying monkey.”

“What the f.u.c.k did you say?” Typical rich kid.

Suddenly, she pulled a dagger from the bag behind her. She aimed the weapons towards my direction but I quickly dodged it. I noticed that there was a slightly increased in the pressure on her actions. But that wasn"t enough. I have to make her step the ground.

“Come on!” I suddenly shouted, challenging her. I retreated and silently focused to avoid stepping on the next red light behind me. “Afraid to get dirty, rich kid?”

The anger on her face grew stronger. “Don"t you ever call me names—”

In a swift, almost sudden move, she came down flying towards me. She didn"t bother to control the weight of her body and she was too fast, as well. She appeared in front of me, so sudden that I almost cursed out loud, quickly backing away due to surprise. I did a quick turn to avoid her and the bombs but she got a hold of my shoulder and I felt the pointed tip of the dagger on my side. s.h.i.t.

“Got you.”

We"re almost face to face while the bomb light was just at the edge of my shoe. One wrong move and we"ll both die. I can"t die yet. I stopped her other hand to send the dagger away from my body when she finally stepped on the ground, willing to fight. That"s it. I slightly turned her in the direction of the bomb but she was stubborn. So I kicked her side which bowed her crouching as I added another elbow attack. She now missed her dagger which I immediately picked up and stabbed towards her direction. She back-stepped as she tried evading my attack but she stepped on to something.

s.h.i.t. The bomb.

I promptly jumped away when I saw the light blinking rapidly. The woman looked at me but did not leave her position. I don"t know why on that final moment I had second thought against doing this to her. But I had to save myself.

“Come on!” I shouted again when turned for the last time. “Kill me!”

When I saw her move, I dived to the cover of a tree, leaned on it, covered my ear, and shut my eyes. It almost deafened me, the power of that explosion. The earth trembled dangerously and the wind surged violently as it pa.s.sed by both of the tree"s sides. A few flying debris grazed the long sleeves I was wearing. Then, I felt her body as it collapsed to the ground.

It was a few minutes before I was able to stand up in my place. Everything seemed to settle down very slowly. The dust and the uproar in the jungle made by the explosion had cleared out. However, I noticed a thing moving on my wrist. I looked down and saw as the number changed. From 30, it became 52.

I wanted to celebrate but I just can"t do it. I cursed this b.l.o.o.d.y game.

Chapter 65: Switch (1)

One by one, I inspected the things I got from the flying monkey girl while sitting under the tree near the river. I didn"t want to call her that way but I don"t really know her name. And after what I did, I had no plan of knowing anything about her. From her torn backpack, I found a number of daggers, a water container, some basic first aid supplies like alcohol and bandages, and a pack of bread. Hah. She actually traded points for these things.

I immediately took a hard roll of bread and ate it. This wasn"t an ordinary bread. It"s very condensed and tasted like crushed vegetables and meat mixed in with the bread. Good choice, flying monkey. After I inspected her equipment, I returned it to the bag pack and hung it on my back. I also didn"t forget taking the dagger and hang it on my waist. It"s better to be ready. Because I don"t know what to expect next in this forest.

I slightly leaned on the trunk of the tree behind me. I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes. I felt no immediate danger around me. Maybe flying monkey was the only one closest to me. I opened my eyes and looked at the bright colored of the sky. The sun was now setting. It looked like I made it in the first day of this game.

After a moment"s rest, I immediately stood up to find a secured place to spend the night. I"ve been wasting too much time. I walked a bit away from the river. I didn"t want anyone to find me whoever should be looking for water in this area. I watched the dark woods. I can trade my points for a comfortable bed or tent. But I wouldn"t waste it that"s why I"d just sleep anywhere.

I observed one of the tall trees and started climbing it. When I grabbed one branch that I chose, I instantly lifted myself using my hands. As I stood up, I lightly jumped to test the strength of the branch. I think this is good. When I was sure that it would support my weight, I carefully sat down and found a comfortable position before leaning on the rough trunk of the tree. I couldn"t risk being below the forest ground at night time. It"s too dangerous. I wouldn"t know who can see me. It could be a wild forest animal or worst, an enemy.

Gradually, I was wrapped in the tranquil surroundings. Only the natural noise of the forest can I hear. The insects, the wind breezing into the lush trees, the flow of the river which wasn"t that far from me. I looked down at my wrists where the points I got were stamped. 52. I flicked it and the list of points of my teammates appeared. They also survived this day. Gin has 155 points. Ethan remains at 30 as well as Luna. Cain has 56 points and Victoria has 45 points.

I closed my eyes and slightly leaned my head on the trunk of the tree. How are they? Is there someone injured? Are they sleeping now or still walking in the woods or fighting? Lucas, how are you? I sighed. Tomorrow, I needed to move out again, get away from the river, away from this part of the forest and find my friends. I didn"t know why but my tears suddenly fell. I wanted everything to be done. I sorely wanted all of this to stop. I opened my eyes and looked up at the sky to observe its blackness. At least we"re under the same sky.

I woke up the next morning with a sore body. It has uncomfortably stiffened because I leaned on the tree overnight while trying to prevent myself from falling. I woke up a few times in the middle of the night because of the rustles and noises I heard. I immediately jumped to the foggy forest floor after I completely woke up. I stepped on the wet ground made by the dew and thick fog in the area.

I readied the backpack behind me and started walking back to the river. The sun"s light rays entered the forest from the crevices of the tall trees. In honesty, it"s such a beautiful view of the forest at this hour. The surroundings were so peaceful and quiet and yet alive. I could feel the insects moving and other small animals as they seemed to be waking up from the long sleep. The forest seemed to be breathing and preparing for the new morning.

I arrived at the river and washed my face. I also ate and refill the water in the container. The container filters the water that enters and when it comes out it"d be clean to drink. I arranged my stuff and closed the bag pack. And then, I watched the foggy area. I have no idea where to start. All I knew was I needed to get far away because my teammates seemed to be not in this part of the arena.

While walking, I realized how important time was as Sir Apollo talked about it to the group before. I don"t know how many died yesterday, on the first day of the game. The countdown will be based on our count. And no one knew when will it start. Maybe tomorrow or on the next days. I have to make sure that the group has come back alive before that time came. But finding them this way was harder than I expected.

I started walking the path that followed the flow of water in the river. I stayed in the jungle, but I made sure that the river was not far from my sight. Water was the first thing anyone in this arena will search for, so it will be easier for me to follow it in a distance. Right now, this was the easiest way to find anyone in my group—and even the enemies.

The whole morning pa.s.sed by in the silent surrounding. I wasn"t used to it. But I still couldn"t be complacent. The sun started to climb its highest peak. Noon pa.s.sed and I felt I was slowly running out of time. It was nearly late in the afternoon when I stopped walking in the woods. I felt something strange around. It seemed like it suddenly went silent. Even the natural noises in the woods seemed to have disappeared.

I held the dagger hanging on my waist and stayed alert. I slightly took a step back when I saw a woman coming out behind a tree. She calmly walked towards my direction. She carried no weapon or anything with her. She just walked toward me. The f.u.c.k? I watched her expressionless face. She"s a member of the joint group of Shou and Shinoa. I didn"t show how intimidated I was in her presence. She seemed to have no intention of attacking me unlike the flying monkey girl that threw me a dagger on the first second of our meeting.

She stopped a few meters away from me. I didn"t like her calmness. I preferred if she"d go straight on attacking me. But she seemed to be not that kind of opponent. She"s thinking and studying me instead. I saw it in her eyes. I can"t help but worry about it. In this area, the brain was one of the greatest enemies.

“Quite impressive for a fear-stricken person like you.”

My body went cold at her voice. No emotion. I felt like talking to a doll. Her curly ginger hair wasn"t even helping either. I hid my emotions with a sharp look at her.

“Oh?” I answered with no interest.

I needed to know her ability quickly. Because based on her actions and the warning that my body was giving me, I know this one was a danger to me. She kept watching me. It"s irritating. Is she not attacking me?

“I can smell your fear from here,” she said. She twitched her head to the side as if a.s.sessing me. I got goose b.u.mps. “Fear and unstable emotions. The putrid stench is circulating over your body like an open invitation. An invisible arrow pointing an easy target.”

I was so angry about what I heard. What she said didn"t sink in immediately because of my anger. Who is this woman? She looked like a doll but when she spoke she"s like a demon. I took a deep breath since I needed to calm down. I shouldn"t be rushing things.

“I"ve been hunting you down all morning,” she said slowly.

I almost cursed. If my body could scream, it would be this one word. Danger. It"s as if telling me to stay away, have as much distance as possible from this freak. The fear in my system started to spread. It was worse compared to yesterday.

“Did I scare you?” she asked while looking straight to my eyes. “I can detect your growing fear.”

I blinked. Detect? My ears rang when she said that to me. s.h.i.t.

“I"m a seer.”

I didn"t speak. She herself confirmed what I have in mind. She said it without hesitation. There was no fear in her as if I could never use the information she provided. Now I know. It was clear to me why I have this irritation towards her. We"re both holding the same positions. I watched her seem unaffected by what I found out.

“Too bad I"m also one.”

This was the very thing that my body has been warning me since earlier. She"s a G.o.dd.a.m.n seer. I knew the mind of a seer.  And it"s not good. I needed to know immediately the ability she held.

“But I"m better.”

What she said didn"t immediately register in my mind and then she suddenly attacked. s.h.i.t! She swiftly got near me. I tried preparing for her attack. I was in full offense position with my senses up and a dagger in my hand. But then, I suddenly felt her cold palm on my shoulder before she moved back away. What"s going on? The gap in meters between us was back while she only watched me again.

Something is wrong here.

Chapter 66: Switch (2)

I felt again her body preparing to attack. She detected my fears and emotions. I could feel her movements. It"s a seer against seer. But what ability she held? Until I could figure it out, it will be dangerous for me.

I readied myself when she attacked me again. I have to be calm. As she approached, I quickly struck my dagger on her direction. I felt the dagger slightly graze her arm. Her black cloth was slightly torn apart. She stepped back again and made some distance between us. f.u.c.k. It seems like a cycle.

I was panting as I watched her from where I stood. I found her sleeves, looking for the wound I made. But I was surprised when I felt a painful wound on my own arm. I groaned. What the f.u.c.k?!

I felt like I lost my breath when I saw the cut on my skin. It"s the exact wound I gave her. I turned to her direction and found her standing there and still watching me, apparently waiting for my reaction. Suddenly I felt cold when it sank to me what she could do. Body switching.

“Did your own attack hurt?”

I held to my bleeding arm as I felt the pain of a deep wound on it. She held the ability of conditional body switching. She switched our body condition that"s why my own attack affected me.

I grabbed hold the dagger tightly on my hand the moment she walked up to me. But I didn"t know if I could use a knife against her. She stopped just as we"re both staring at each other, face to face. She didn"t attack. She just stared at me. I wanted to lift the dagger in my hand and thrust it on her chest. But I know I can"t do that. This is infuriating. I shouldn"t have let her got near me earlier. Stupid, Shia.

“Now you know why I"m a better seer than you,” she said with no emotion in her voice. I was even more irritated. “Kill me, seer,” she commanded. “I"m standing unguarded and open. Kill me.”

f.u.c.k you! I didn"t stop myself from spitting her in the face. She was shocked and reached for her wet cheeks while still looking at me. She then slowly wiped it and seemed to let me see the stupidity that I did. But I"ve never been this angry again towards another person for a long time.


She suddenly reached my neck and grasped it tight. She violently pushed me to the nearest tree. I almost lost air when I hit my back on the rough trunk. She"s very strong. She tightened her hand grasping my neck, almost causing me to lose my breath. But it didn"t have any effect on her body. Why? Why is she not affected by the switching?

“Do you know why I"m a seer?” she asked calmly as though she"s not currently killing a human. She tried to lift me up from the ground. I almost vomited as I writhed from her arms. “I know every aspect of your body; I know when you"re nervous or trembling in fear, confusion, or craving to kill. Your sweaty hands, your deep breathing, even the current palpitation in your head and the count of your heartbeat.”

She lifted me up further and my vision blurred. I tried to hurt her hands holding me with the dagger. But the effect rather struck my own hand and the blood started to drip from it.

“I can feel you, the same way you can feel the danger around you, I can feel the strength and I can search fears, I know which one to avoid for switching and which one is an easy target, and the latter is you.”

I almost lost my consciousness. But before my breathing stopped, I was able to lift my hand that"s holding the dagger and hit her face. The blade swiftly slid against the smooth side of her face. She backed a step away at my action. Her hand holding my neck was also taken back. I almost fell and dived to the ground. The air returned to me as if I was drowned and was only able to breathe now. I was holding my neck and violently cough. But at the same time the air returned to me, a great pain was also felt on my cheek. I tried to stand from the ground while holding my bleeding cheek—the cheek that she should have the cut instead. I started to suppress down the searing pain but I can"t stop the blood.

“I see you"re desperate.”

I was holding on to the trunk of the tree, trying to calm my trembling body. I"m on the verge of killing her even if it would kill myself on the process. But I remembered the reason why I was here in the first place. I can"t die yet. Not this soon in the Game. I leaned on the trunk and looked at my hand full of blood. I needed to think. I have to know how to hurt her.

“The ability is in my hand,” she said while tilting her head, still watching me. “Whatever you do to me will be yours instead. And whatever I do to you won"t have any effect on me. You either kill yourself by killing me or I"ll kill you. Accept your defeat.”

I wanted to laugh at what she said. Defeat? “Stupid,” I spat. “When I stepped into this arena, I have been already a loser.” I stood up and looked at her. “I"m not afraid to die and if I"m going to be wiped out on this game, I"ll drag you down with me. Seer to seer.”

A flicker of confusion flashed before her eyes. In everything that she said earlier a thing has registered in my brain. The ability is in my hand. Amidst of my bloodied face and arm, I was able to smile. Maybe I"m really desperate. But if I was about to die, it"d be better to take her with me.

I took the dagger again, but instead on pointing at her, I pointed it on my chest. She stared at me. She made a mistake because I have three choices here. If I kill her body, I will die. If she slays my body, she will not be affected. But if I kill myself, then she will be d.a.m.ned. And it"s obvious which option was way better.

“And what do you think you"re doing?”

I smiled. “Killing both of us,” my answer. “I myself will kill myself to kill you.”

I felt her gritting. The only emotion she"s shown since then. “You"re crazy.”

I didn"t answer. I completely pressed the tip of the dagger on my clothes until it was slightly punctured. Now I could feel the cold metal on my skin. I looked up at her and saw how she blinked and looked down at her own chest. Her shirt was torn and a red graze peeked from there.

“I can tone down pain, but can you?”

I used all my strength just to suppress the feeling of pain in my whole body. The blood flowed continuously from my many wounds and that"s the only sign that my condition was critical. I have to hurry up. I needed to trigger her in the fastest way and make her ability that"s holding us to be released. Because I can feel that any time soon my body would give up without my control over it.

“Your body is on the verge of death,” she said as if inspecting the state of my body. “Even if you can tone down pain, it does not change the fact that your body is deteriorating. You"ll die before me.”

I tried to show that I didn"t care. “I told you, I"m not afraid to die.”

I thrust the dagger on my chest deeply. It completely cut my skin. I didn"t feel anything but it was clear in my eyes the tremendous amount of blood that"s coming from it. The woman in front of me gasped because of the pain she just felt. I buried the dagger deeper to my flesh and she almost lost her breath, falling down on the forest floor while still in front of me. It was like watching what should be happening that moment to me. Release it. Remove your ability.

“You b.i.t.c.h.”

I ignored what she said. I looked at her with my blank eyes and pushed the dagger deeper in my chest. She groaned from the pain. How long will you last? I even pressed the dagger until even I can feel a slight pain.

She screamed. And then, she finally let it loose. I felt the absence of pressure that surrounded the both of us. She immediately got up from the ground while holding her chest and gasping her breath. I didn"t waste a moment. I immediately attacked her direction. I thrust the dagger to her chest. But she was able to avoid it. She attacked me but I blocked it with one fist and then pulled her violently. She struggled but I didn"t let her. I reached for her neck and was about to smash her onto the ground. But I groaned and held my own chest because of the pain. s.h.i.t.

She escaped from my grip and started running away. I tried to stand up and turned to her direction. I took a deep breath even though I groaned again. I held the dagger in my hand tightly. I may be desperate and reckless but I"m not going to run away from my enemy. You"re a shame for a seer. With all of my aiming ability, I harshly pitched the dagger in her direction. It accurately struck her back. She continued running until she slowly stopped. I clenched my hands while watching how she suffered. And then, she finally fell to the ground.

I have no idea how long time had pa.s.sed before I approached her body. The number I held hasn"t changed yet, she must still be breathing. I walked towards her until my feet touched her body still on the ground. She was facing my direction with her wide opened eyes. She was glaring at me, her anger showing high. I squatted and took the dagger stabbed on her back. Seconds pa.s.sed and her eyes slowly closed. I saw the change of number on my wrist. From 52 it became 82. I looked at her lifeless body for the last time before standing.

“I"m the better seer.”

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