Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 61: Stanford (1)

Chapter 61: Stanford (1)

We left the stage one after another when the Introduction to the Council has ended.

They"re done inspecting us all through while looking down at the folders where our names, positions in the group and the abilities we possess were all indicated. They"re the only ones who knew about these details; with these, they will know who they should focus on in the actual Game.

I descended from the stage with Luna and only then did I realize that my feet were losing their strengths. I almost held unto Luna"s shoulder to support myself which made her head turn to me with a confused expression. However, I forced myself to smile and told her that I only lost my balance but the truth was that I"ve already been shivering and feeling weak since earlier. I didn"t know if the people watching us, or even the council, noticed this. When Lucas stared at me, I can"t help losing my strength and feel the weakness that enveloped me.

We walked back to the door where we came from as the other groups did the same. I didn"t look back so that I won"t see Lucas again. We went straight out of the dome, returning to the main building.

The road we took was quiet as it"s quite far from the populated exits for the audience of the program. I was at the back of the group so when we finally reached the end of the dark hallway, I immediately noticed that my groupmates ahead of me had stopped. Confused, I continued walking so that I could catch up to them but when I saw the reason why they halted, I wished that I remained at the dark hallway.

The exits for each group ended in a similar location where the doors were all adjacent to each other. It looked like everyone was all here in the only exit far from that for the general populace but still near to the main building.

Few people were looking at everyone, seemingly observing each from every group, while some others were whispering to another while looking at the other groups. The rest continued walking as if indifferent to it all. I slightly turned and looked around the surroundings and thankfully, Lucas" group didn"t arrive yet making me heaved a huge breath.

I just don"t think I can face Lucas at this moment.

Little by little, the people left the wide hallway through the elevators, and since the others arrived first, we let them be. Gin told us not to make a fuss with the other groups while we"re outside of the arena because we have lots of time doing so when the game finally started.

When our group was almost the next one for the elevator, I suddenly stopped when I heard a familiar name.

"Lucas, are you okay?"

I paused as I was about to enter the elevator, hearing the footsteps of Lucas" group walking toward us. I wanted to turn my head around but I knew I shouldn"t. In front of me were my companions, waiting inside the elevator. And behind me was Lucas.

Cain looked at me with a confused face. "Shia, enter the elevator already," he said.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to forget the presence of Lucas and finally entered the elevator. My group was watching me. I knew they"re wondering about my behavior, especially Luna. I stood straight and faced the outside. While the door of the elevator was slowly closing, I saw him again. He was staring at me. His expression was still the same…

Questioning, confusion, and perplexed.

He took a step towards us as the gap from the elevator"s door became thinner as the second pa.s.sed. I half-closed my eyes because of the pain I was feeling. His eyes were asking:

Shia, what"s happening?

My companions hurriedly changed their clothes. Everyone was so harried inside the suite. The reason for this was because in a few minutes the official farewell to the parents will come so I know they can"t help it. However, instead of rushing, I only sat at my bed while looking at the gla.s.s wall or watching the surroundings. I didn"t have any parents to prepare for events such as this and I also didn"t care.

I still felt weak because of what happened earlier, Lucas didn"t deserve this kind of torture. He didn"t have any knowledge that we will meet here. He looked so confused, so out of it. And I was afraid that our reason for joining this game was actually for each other. If only I could talk to him in any way that will not break the rules of the game.


I was startled when I heard the knock on the door. I heard Miss Aura"s voice calling my name.

"What?" I emotionlessly answered.

The doork.n.o.b turned and then she entered the room. Her eyes flickered when she saw me.

"Why haven"t you changed?"

I looked at my clothes and saw the same one that I wore in the program.

"Do I have to?" I asked, "I don"t have any parents coming," I continued with no interest in my tone. I have no time for this issue now; I already have many things in my mind to waste my attention of having no parents which I"ve already accepted a long time ago.

I noticed that Miss Aura froze. "Some people want to see you."

I looked up at her with a furrowed forehead but I found out that she"s also confused.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stanford want to see you."

I was even more confused when she said that. Why? What do they need from me?

Miss Aura noticed the silent question etched on my face.

"Shia, this is a request from the Stanfords."

I simply looked at her. I can still remember what happened to me when I came near the Stanfords. I didn"t need that confusion now; I"ve already got many things to think about.

"Please go."

But just like before, and also for the last time, I wasn"t able to do anything.

This was the Stanford we"re talking about. One of the most powerful families in the town of Hesperia; someone like me cannot just refuse their request. Thus, I wasn"t able to do anything but change my clothes and wear the dark blue formal dress that was prepared for the activity this afternoon. I stared myself at the mirror before I left the room. For the last time, I will meet the Stanford family.

What can it do to me anyway? After this, we will be isolated until the time of the Game arrives. It"ll be better if I meet them now to learn what they really need from me.

I left my room and saw that there was no one left in the suite. My groupmates have already left; even Miss Aura was nowhere to be seen. When I exited from the suite, I saw a female waiting for me by the door. She was wearing a uniform that showed her ident.i.ty as an employee of the building. She asked for my surname.

"Sheridan," I answered though I didn"t know what it was for.

She started walking and I just followed after her. She escorted me to one of the doors in the floor situated above our suite. Every door we pa.s.sed through, there were names imprinted on it.

Grey. Hunter. Kingsley. Parson. Sarton.

Probably, my groupmates were also in their respective rooms together with their parents. I even heard that Priam was also here.

The female suddenly stopped when we reached the final door. She stared at the sign on the door before she returned her eyes to the folder that she"s holding.

Folded lines appeared on my forehead as I also read it.


"We"re here," she said.

I just looked at her and wondered if the files on her hand were updated. Corrine"s surname, who was the previous Seer of the group, was the one on the door. Not mine.

The female stepped aside as if cueing me to enter. I didn"t speak a single word as it seemed she didn"t notice the difference. I just let out a sigh and held the doork.n.o.b to open the door.

I immediately froze up when I saw the people inside the room. Mr. Stanford was standing by the window, looking outside as if he"s been waiting for a long time. On the other hand, Mrs. Stanford was sitting on a luxurious sofa, anxiously caressing her hand, seemingly nervous. And Corrine. Corrine was also in the room… Just what is happening here?

They were startled when they heard the door opening and saw me. Mrs. Stanford suddenly stood while her husband turned his head to us; then Corrine suddenly approached and hugged me…

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