Titan Academy of Special Abilities

Chapter 79: Conspiracy (2)

Chapter 79: Conspiracy (2)

It was as if Mr. Stanford never heard him. He walked towards his wife, while she Mrs. Stanford was looking up at him worryingly. They both new what could happen if they push this case against one of his colleague—he can lose his position in the Council, one they"ve worked hard for their entire life. But no uncertainty could be seen on his face, he didn"t care whatever he could lose just to get back his daughter.

"Do you remember the General Meeting held at t.i.tan Academy few months back? It was the first time we set our eyes on our daughter after thirteen years without even knowing it." No one knew why Mr. Stanford was telling such incident but his wife simply nodded at him. "You admire the brave girl who made a scene in front of hundreds of people. Remember how many times you asked me who is she, why did you just saw her that time, and if it was true that she stole the golden crest. I"m not usually concern with a student"s background but because I want to give answers your questions, I looked up the details on how she entered the Academy.”

Mr. Stanford turned back to Headmaster Cornelius.

"I read the investigation and asked about what happened, and it took me back to the night when the theft happened. You were at t.i.tan Academy that night, Arturo."

He stared at him. "It was an official visit conducted by the Heads themselves. You can ask the officials to confirm."

"No need. I know about the meeting," cut Mr. Stanford. "So I know you"re there on the return of my daughter, Jane Elizabeth. You were one of the first people to see her when she came to t.i.tan Academy."

"You are being ridiculous," dismissed the Headmaster of Boran. "How can I recognize someone who had been lost for thirteen years?"

"You didn"t," Mr. Stanford stated, dignified. "You didn"t recognize my daughter right away but you knew you"ve seen her before. And your theory was confirmed when you learned of her skills."

The Headmaster of Boran scoffed. "I don"t think you know that we don"t have the information about the skills of the partic.i.p.ants in the game. All schools are keeping this securely."

"But you"re well aware that my child came from the town. It"s very easy to gather informationthere," replied Mr. Stanford. "And you met her best friend, Lucas Tyler."

The Headmaster of Boran was tongue-tied. In those words, everyone in the Watch Room knew that whatever was going to happen next would hurt the relationship of the two towns and of the Council.

"You can not involve anyone"s name on things you don"t have evidences against with."

"You tricked Lucas Tyler."

Everyone in the Watch Room turned to each other.

"You"re scared for the crime that took place thirteen years ago would be uncovered. The world that my family is coming closer to that of my missing child. You"re scared because you"re in a position you"ve been in for a long time and you do not want to mess everything."

The Headmaster of Boran lightly chuckled. "You are insane."

"You made Lucas Tyler join the Linus Cup. You promised that in exchange for it you would save his friend. But you didn"t." He was being watched by Mr. Stanford, a look full of resentment and rage. "Isn"t that a familiar tactic, Arturo? To make people believe you did them a favor but in reality you did the exact opposite. And you watched them suffer because nothing can destroy someone better than their hope slowly diminishing into emptiness.”

"You know so d.a.m.n well that Shia Sheridan, my daughter, was joining the Linus Cup but you didn"t tell the poor guy, did you?" Mr. Stanford stepped forward. For the first time, a great sense of restrain could be seen on his visage. "Because what you really want is to see both of them in the arena; two different teams, fighting against each other."

"You know what you did will destroy both of them. It was enough to make anyone insane. To kill her only known reason why she wants to live. It was almost a perfect plan. The sin you committed thirteen years ago will die away at the death of my daughter in the Linus Cup. And you made sure Shia Sheridan can never return back.”

"Do you hear what you"re saying, Edward Stanford?" Headmaster Cornelius said as if he couldn"t believe him.

"I want to stop the 23rd Linus Cup," Mr. Stanford said plainly giving another wave of silence. "This year"s Linus Cup was a set up to erase a crime committed thirteen years ago, I will not let that happen."

"This family is insane."

Mr. Stanford remained calm. "The only thing I"ve ever regretted is that I never suspected you. You are my friend, my closest companion in the Council, and even after your name was involved many times I"ve never considered it to be you. You had my trust. And that"s my only regret. "

"Oh spare me with this bulls.h.i.t!" The Headmaster of Boran exclaimed. "A crime committed thirteen years ago? Isn"t that a little too much? I will come with you. h.e.l.l, you can hand me the handcuffs and I"ll do it myself. I"ll let you investigate every inch of my being but you can never stop a long respected tradition such as the Linus Cup.”

Mrs. Stanford stood suddenly. "How can we investigate if the victim is in the arena facing her own death?!" she exclaimed.

The Headmaster of Boran shrugged, nonchalant. "That is your problem, Stanfords. Don"t twist the facts to save your daughter, it"s not only your child who"s inside. There are the Headmaster"s sons, daughters, heiress and children of families who are as powerful and influential as you are."

He then turned to face every families in the Watch Room.

"What do you think those whose child already died will feel if you stop the game now?" he challenged. "They would hate us," he sneered. "They would think the Council is being unfair."

"Fairness could never pay a crime, only justice can." Mr. Stanford.

"Thirteen years ago when I got this position, this very position you dreamed of, the Council chose between you and me and they believed in me more than you. I knew that you felt bad back then but you still greeted me the same and then you asked me if there"s anything I would ask for more. I told you that the most important thing for me is my family"s safety, that I can let go of everything even this position I hold if it will just cause harm to my family. And this is what you used against me.”

"You planned to use my daughter as a threat. But one big mistake you did not expect was that she would escape from you. You first learned of her ability because she used it against you back then, that"s why you can easily recognize her now. It has been thirteen years since and you thought everyone has forgotten this incident. But then you saw her that night on the premises of my own school and thus planned to completely hide the truth for once and for all. But I will not let you.”

"I"ve let my long lost daughter be part of the Linus Cup because I respect the traditions of the world we live in. If anyone knows the meaning of sacrifice, that"s me. This is a sacrifice all parents of the partic.i.p.ants give for the Linus Cup every two years, hoping that the day will come that our kind will be strong enough to stand on our own feet and never have to prove ourselves.”

"But what I cannot take is to use this tradition that everyone respects to cover a grave sin. Linus Cup is not made for the lies of people like you, Arturo Cornelius. If there"s unfairness and inequity here, it"s from you and your greed. "

Mr. Stanford faced the Council.

"The 23rd Linus Cup is a fraud, a set up, and I"m willing to gamble the position that I have to prove it."

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