To Marry You

Chapter 14

One-Track “Huang”1Instead of “one-track mind”, it’s one-track “huang”, used to describe Huang Yu’s stubborn personality hehe

Even if Huang Yu didn"t know how to face Lu Jiangyu, for the past few days, he sat next to his dad while he called Teacher Lu, oh, no, Daddy, just like a little kid waiting for his daddy to return from a business trip. Huang Qishan would sometimes tell Lu Jiangyu that Huang Yu was sitting next to him. When Lu Jiangyu heard this, he was very happy; he hadn"t met Huang Yu since that time.

Huang Qishan would sometimes put the phone next to Huang Yu"s ears, to let him talk with his daddy, but Huang Yu would always act like a shy little kid. He wouldn"t say anything, just listened to Lu Jiangyu speak. Huang Qishan sometimes felt like he was raising a young maiden, a really-wants-to-talk-but-can"t-kindergarten-aged young maiden! He didn"t know if he should be happy or sad.

Of course, Huang Qishan only let Huang Yu stay next to him for a few moments before chasing him off. How could he let a kid here his phone call with his lover! So these three people living in one city were living in two different locations. It was a bit strange, but it was an emotional time for them, the warmth they were making up for.

But some encounters were inevitable. Besides being father and son, Huang Yu and Lu Jiangyu were also teacher and student. Huang Yu couldn"t possibly skip cla.s.s forever, and how could Lu Jiangyu be willing to part with the work where he could see his son.

Huang Yu dragged his feet until Friday, until his dad kicked him to school. Huang Yu went to school carrying a big black bag, and his newly bought to cla.s.s. Today besides going to cla.s.s, tonight he would be going to Shengsheng"s house! He was really excited!

Huang Yu didn"t have much in the way of friends. There was a female student that he would talk to in cla.s.s, but she didn"t come today, so no one saved him a spot. He came later today, since his dad craftily dragged him out of bed just in time. There were still seats in the last row. He normally sat in the back so he could sleep or play, but something was not right with his brain today; he directly went to the first row and sat down.

The girl next to him was very happy; after all, Huang Yu was very beautiful…

The first period was Lu Jiangyu"s cla.s.s. Huang Yu set out his notebook and took out a pen, then stared at Lu Jiangyu…

Lu Jiangyu feigned calm as he delivered his lecture, but if you paid close attention, you would see that his face was slightly flushed. However, the majority of people didn"t notice. Huang Yu didn"t either. He would just raise and lower his head from time to time, scribbling in his notebook.

Lu Jiangyu"s feelings were very complex. He hadn"t seen Huang Yu today. He wanted to ask him if he was eating well, sleeping well…

Finally, it was the end of cla.s.s. Lu Jiangyu started to gather his teaching materials, when some students went up to ask questions, He was giving them an answer when a female voice exclaimed "Ah! Huang Yu, you drew Teacher Lu! It"s so similar! Practically identical!" Other people also nodded their heads in praise. It was really identical; he captured the att.i.tude very well!!

Huang Yu picked up his things and smiled at them. He walked over to the podium and asked, "Teacher Lu, can I ask you some questions after cla.s.s?"

Lu Jiangyu nodded. No one else found it strange; it was hard for fine arts students to find work. In fact, everyone had to work hard. Especially considering Lu Jiangyu was a good-looking teacher; there were many more students asking questions.

Huang Yu followed Lu Jiangyu to his office. Second period started, so they were the only two people in the office.

Lu Jiangyu poured Huang Yu a gla.s.s of water. He sat down and asked, "What did you want to ask?"

"Today, I found that we are very similar…" Huang Yu grasped the paper cup and said.

"En…" Lu Jiangyu became excited by what Huang Yu was saying, but he didn"t know what to say. "So, are you doing well?"

"Of course I am!" said Huang Yu with a smile.

"En, that"s good…" a silence fell between them.

"Do you want to stay at my house tonight?" Lu Jiangyu blurted out. Huang Yu was shocked by this and reflexively shook his head. He did not like sleeping in other people"s house. Once, when he was young, his dad was playing mahjong late in the night, so he sent him to a friend"s house to sleep over and went home by himself. As a result, Huang Yu woke up at midnight and started to cry and couldn"t be consoled. In the end, Huang Qishan had to drive over to take him home. But he was fine in Shengsheng"s home, so there should be no problem at Daddy"s house! Or so Huang Yu was thinking.

Lu Jiangyu froze, somewhat at a loss. "S-sorry, I was too hasty."

"No, not at all!" Huang Yu clapped his hands. "I have plans this week, but next week, Daddy."

"That"s good. W-wait! What….what did you just call me?" Lu Jiangyu looked at Huang Yu in shock.

"Daddy!" Huang Yu called out.

Lu Jiangyu covered his slightly moist eyes. How was his child so kind and cute.

Huang Yu pulled a stool over to Lu Jiangyu. He spread out his arms to hug him, but suddenly forgot how. Lu Jiangyu rubbed at his eyes, and once his tears cleared, he saw Huang Yu"s outstretched arms, about to hug him, his little face faintly flushed. Lu Jiangyu reached out and wrapped him in a hug. "Sorry, my child…"

Lu Jiangyu was extremely thankful to Huang Qishan for raising this child so well. He was so moved that his son was such a good kid. He thought that his kid would have complaints against him. After all, he hadn’t" been by his side for over ten years. Even if he had left initially because of a misunderstanding, he found out the truth later. When he went to find his child, he heard from Yuan Kai that his child was with Huang Qishan, but because of his father"s att.i.tude, he was scared that his father would hurt his kid and Huang Qishan. When Lu Jiangyu caught sight of his sleeping child, and Huang Qishan"s expectant gaze, Lu Jiangyu was still afraid that his firm father would hurt them. Like a coward, he had said ugly words to Huang Qishan. Ignoring his lover"s hurt expression, he chose to go back. At the time he had thought that they would live well. If only he had been more daring! If he had been a bit braver, he would not be without his lover and son for over ten years.

"Daddy did it to protect us!" Huang Yu patted Lu Jiangyu. Then, putting on a hurt face, he said, "But it"s not like I"m not mad."

"Enen, no matter what, Daddy will accept it!"

"Then I want Daddy to celebrate my all my birthdays with me!"


Huang Yu touched his bag, and asked Lu Jiangyu quietly, "Are Daddy and Dad getting together?"

"En?….Yes, it should be so…" Lu Jiangyu said unnaturally.

"Not just should! Dad really misses Daddy!"

"Me too." Lu Jiangyu suddenly realized that what he said amounted to a confession to Huang Qishan in front of his son. He couldn"t help but blush.

Huang Yu was also thinking that evil grandfather, preventing their family from being together. But he couldn"t completely blame him… but now everything was great! And it would be even better in the future!

"Daddy, I"m going first! Give this to Dad!" Huang Yu took out the sketch of Lu Jiangyu he had made during cla.s.s and gave it to Lu Jiangyu.

"En? What is this?" Lu Jiangyu took it; his drawing skills were quite good!

"Dad said that he hadn"t seen what Daddy looked like during cla.s.s! Hehe~ I"m going now~" Huang Yu slung his bag on his back and gulped down the rest of the water.

"Where are you going?"

"To Shengsheng"s house… Daddy, you know right?" Huang Yu asked carefully.

Lu Jiangyu looked at Huang Yu with some worry, then smiled. "Daddy knows! Don"t worry. As long as your willing and happy, Daddy will support you."

"And if Dad opposes?" Huang Yu asked next.

"I will persuade him, but… if he won"t let you be happy, Daddy will stop him."

Although there was a condition, Huang Yu was happy to obtain Lu Daddy"s support!

"Do you want me to drop you off?"

"No thank you, I have to go buy something!"

"Be careful on the road. Oh, that"s right! Does your dad know?" Lu Jiangyu just remembered something.

"Nope!" After saying this, Huang Yu ran so fast he left behind a whiff of smoke~ If he knew he wouldn"t let me go!

Lu Jiangyu watched Huang Yu run off helplessly. According to Huang Qishan"s temper, if he knew, he definitely would blow up!

Huang Yu first went to eat some snacks, before going to a boutique to look around. Then he ran over to go watch a movie and chose the most moving film. Afterwards, he wanted to cry hard, but not many tears flowed out, a not straightforward kid! Then he went to the KTV to sing for three hours until he felt rejuvenated. He washed his face and went to the supermarket.

When he got to the supermarket, he first bought some snacks, then he went to the vegetables area! How could Shengsheng eat takeout everyday? Not nutritious enough!

He looked around the area and ended up buying some green vegetables. He didn’t buy anything else; he couldn’t cook them! Suddenly, he saw an add for hotpot in the supermarket, and he smiled. Eating hotpot is good! All it takes is boiling! And it is entirely nutritious!

As such, Huang Yu started to fill his shopping cart with ingredients. Ah, some tofu! And crab sticks! Nian gao2a glutinous rice cake often eaten during the new year! Whatever he wanted to eat, whatever he saw, he would grab. When it was time to checkout, he realized he had forgotten to grab any meat. So he scurried over to grab some, but when he came back, the line was much longer. Huang Yu had to wait for a good amount of time! After he got out, it was almost seven o’clock. He hefted his two large bags and secured the bag on his bag. He wanted to give his beloved Shengsheng a call and ask him to pick him up, but then he remembered he had a key. If he was picked up, he wouldn’t get to use it!

Huang Yu decided to call a taxi. He waited half an hour before the taxi came. Finally, he could rest. He let out a deep sigh. Just as he was getting cozy, Huang Yu suddenly remembered that today was Friday!!! Shengsheng had said night!!! Would he be locked out today??? Dithering over this, Huang Yu suddenly thought of an idea. He fished out his cellphone and changed the date; now he had a reason.

He made the cab driver drop him off at Building 2. Huang Yu paid him and got off. Without him, he would really die of exhaustion! He carried his things to the elevator and rubbed his wretchedly sore back! He really had to exercise more!

Meeting your love rival was extremely infuriating! Huang Yu just got out of the elevator when he saw Dan Ni closing or opening her door. It was really meeting an enemy on a narrow road3An inevitable clash between enemies!

Huang Yu pretended he didn’t see her. He went to knock on Liu Shenghao’s door. He knocked several times but got no response. Huang Yu took out his phone and was about to give Liu Shenghao a call when Dan Ni suddenly piped up. “Shenghao goes home every Friday. He’ll be back tomorrow; didn’t he tell you? Oh, you should come in and sit. Anyway, I’ll be going out later.”

Huang Yu felt extreemeley regretful when he heard this. Why didn’t he give Shengsheng a call and ask?! The vexed Huang Yu laughed dryly and he put down his stuff down and pretended he was looking for something. Suddenly he remembered he had a key! He was so stupid!

“No thanks! I have a key.”  HUang Yu flaunted his key.

Dan Ni shrivelled as she looked at Huang Yu and left ignominiously. I really cannot look down on this boy!

Huang Yu set his things down inside and lay back on his sofa, motionless. Shengsheng was not coming back today. Should he give him a call? “No!” Huang Yu shook his head. If he was sent back home, it would be too miserable!

Huang Yu fell into an exhausted sleep while thinking this…

“Hey! Hey! Wake up! Wake up! Huang Yu!”

En? Shengsheng"s voice? Huang Yu slowly opened his eyes. He rubbed them and found that it was Shengsheng. "You"re back?"

"Why are you in my house? Get up-"

"Don"t chase me away! I know today is Friday! I just missed you!" Huang Yu interrupted Liu Shenghao and hugged him tightly.

"I"m telling you to get up so you can sleep on the bed! It"s two in the morning; how could I make you go home? It would be way too suspicious if I brought you back now."

"Shengsheng"s the best!" Huang Yu let go and stood up. Who knew that his stomach would growl them. Huang Yu pat his stomach with embarra.s.sment and chuckled.



"I"ll order take out for you!"

"Oh! There"s no need for that. I bought hotpot ingredients! We can eat hotpot!" Huang Yu proudly lifted his ingredients.

Liu Shenghao walked over to take a look. "You bought quite a lot!" He peeked inside, oh! Really a lot! "Why didn"t you put it in the freezer? Good thing the air conditioner is on. Also." Liu Shenghao looked sternly at Huang Yu.

"What?" Huang Yu didn"t understand.

"You didn"t buy hotpot soup base! Were you going to cook it in water?"

"Ah! I didn"t buy any?" Huang Yu pulled open the bag. He really didn"t buy any! "You can"t just cook it? With some salt?"

"Don"t play. I"ll order you take out! I"m so tired. After eating, it"s right to bed." Liu Shenghao went to make a phone call.

"We can"t eat these?" Huang Yu was feeling especially down. He had devoted the majority of his day to this, but for naught!

Liu Shenghao saw Huang Yu looking pitiful, and said resigned, "We"ll eat it tomorrow."

"Great!" Twinkling Huang Yu was back.

After eating and washing up, Liu Shenghao was in his bed. He laid their for a moment, but didn’t feel anyone next to him. His eyes fluttered open to see Huang Yu standing and staring at him. “Why aren’t you coming to bed?”

“You thought about it?” Huang Yu’s voice was impatient.

“I considered it! Now come and sleep like a good kid! Ha! Hurry up!” Liu Shenghao was really quite tired. There were some pressing matters at the company, and he was busy all night too. He talked to his mom for half an hour, who agreed he didn’t have to go home and eat dinner this time. He dragged his exhausted body back home, only to receive a fright when he saw Huang Yu sleeping on his couch. But he did feel like he was missing him!

Huang Yu speedily jumped into bed and quickly pressed himself against Liu Shenghao’s back. He slowly reached out with his arms. Ready! One! Two! Three!

But before he could encircle him, Liu Shenghao turned around and pressed Huang Yu in his embrace. “Go to sleep!”

Huang Yu nodded carefully. But right now, his heart was like roiling sea and surging waves! How could he sleep!

The sleepy Liu Shenghao heard what faintly sounded like laughter, and he felt whatever was in his embrace shaking. Reflexively, he tightened his arms around the “thing,” which only caused the movements to intensify. However, the sleepy Liu Shenghao did not care about that! Sleep was most important!!!

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