To Marry You

Chapter 5

The Huang Nose: The Smell Is Not Right

Because Huang Yu felt guilty about his father, he stayed at home for the next few days.

Huang Qishan did not make any comments on Huang Yu’s behavior. Like before, he had breakfast then left and came back at night for dinner. Huang Yu stared at his father deeply, but his dad had no expression, didn’t praise him, didn’t talk sarcastically… Huang Yu really wished that his dad that always mocked him would say something!

Today, his dad was coming home late. When he finished eating, his dad was still not back. Huang Yu sat in the living room and watched TV while waiting. He was also secretly sending Liu Shenghao messages, although he knew he wouldn’t reply.

When he heard the sounds of the car outside, he put away his phone and bounded over to the door, welcoming his dad!

Huang Qishan was barely out of the entryway when Huang Yu came bounding up to him. “Father~” Acting cute to the max!

“En! Did you eat?” Huang Qishan asked while taking off his suit jacket and pa.s.sing it to the butler.

“I did!” answered Huang Yu quickly. This was the longest sentence his dad had said to him in a while! Huang Yu was extremely happy! But…

Huang Qishan didn’t say much else. He told Huang Yu to go rest up; he had work to finish…

Huang Yu nodded his head and remained standing at the foot of the stairs. Thoughtfully, he watched his father go up the stairs. His dad’s scent was wrong! He washed up before coming home. It didn’t seem like a women’s scent. Could it be? Huang Yu suddenly was struck with the thought that his dad might not value him anymore, so he went behind his back to find someone else! Wasn’t this the biggest problem now? Huang Yu scratched his head in frustration. Could it be that his dad really wanted to abandon him, so he was finding a new investment?!

Huang Yu felt even more depressed at this.

The next day, bright and early, Huang Yu woke up and went downstairs to wait for his father to come down to eat.

Huang Qishan came down punctually at 7:30. He was somewhat shocked at seeing his son already sitting down at the table, but he quickly resumed his default expression.

“Dad, I will go with you to the company today!” Huang Yu thought about it last night, and decided that he would follow his dad. His dad was in his prime, but if his dad wanted to find a step-mother or step-dad, he would need his agreement!

“No, I have to go to a gathering today. Next time.”

“Why? I can still go! You can introduce me to them! It will be good for me!”


“Then I will go find Teacher Lu!” Huang Yu said rashly.

“No, I think that your Teacher Lu doesn’t have time to accompany you…”

“How do you know?”

“If you don’t believe me, you call and see.” Huang Qishan said with a “I just know” look on his face.

Huang Yu angirly fished out his phone and dialed Teacher Lu"s number. His call was picked up in after a few moments. "h.e.l.lo, Teacher Lu, this is Huang Yu. I was thinking of seeing you today." Huang Yu quickly declared his intentions.

Lu Jiangyu froze on his end. "Sorry, Xiaoyu, today is not too good for me, maybe…ngh!…"

"Teacher, what is going on with you?" he asked in concern when he heard Lu Jiangyu"s pained grunt.

"N-nothing. I"ll hang up now, you go and have fun…" and he hung up the phone.

"h.e.l.lo? h.e.l.lo! h.e.l.lo?!" Huang Yu angrily threw his phone to the side, but was suddenly struck with worry. He told his dad, "I"m going to go find Teacher Lu!"

Huang Qishan took his hand from underneath the table and flicked Huang Yu"s forehead. "You are not allowed!"

"Why?!" Huang Yu demanded to know.

"I think that you would rather see Liu Shenghao, but maybe I guessed wrong…" Huang Qishan drawled. He stood up and was about to walk away.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Huang Yu hugged Huang Qishan. "Father! Tell me, what is happening?"

"I used the company name to invite him to have a discussion with you. Don"t you want to be with him? Then first you need to have an understanding…"

"Father!" Huang Yu gazed at his most beloved father will star-filled eyes. "Thank you! I thought, I thought…"

"You thought what? Do you think that I would object?"

"Yes…" Huang Yu nodded shyly.

"I still don"t really agree, but you are my only son. I couldn"t bear to see you sad since you were little. I"m giving you this chance now, but whether the outcome will be good ro bad is up to you. Don"t let me see your snot-filled crying face!"

"I won"t! I"m going to change now!"

"Go on."

Huang Yu bounded up the stairs, then came stamping back down. "What should I do about Teacher Lu? I think he"s being bullied!"

"I will go see him for a moment; I have to talk to him about you." Seeing his son"s suddenly hurt expression, Huang Qishan added, "Don"t worry. I won"t make you change schools. I"m just going to have a chat about your grades, and then I"ll think about it again."

“Dad, I love you!”



Huang Qishan turned around and ordered to the butler to send Huang Yu to the meeting place, then left.

He wasn"t driven, instead choosing to drive himself…

Huang Qishan parked the car when he in a certain neighborhood. He walked into a building. If Huang Yu had come, he would have seen that this was Teacher Lu"s house.

Huang Qishan got onto the elevator and looked at his watch. It was 8:10. He put his hand into his pocket like he was fiddling with something… When he reached the twentieth floor, he stepped out of the elevator and walked to room 2004 and stopped. He took out a key and opened the door. If Huang Yu were here he definitely would be shocked. Why did his dad have Teacher Lu"s key! He opened the door and heard the sounds of continuous breathing from a room deeper in… The corners of his mouth hooked up. He shut the door behind him and walked over to that room…

Huang Yu was tidying things up on his end. He had just received a message from "Shensheng"-the very first message! Huang Yu was so excited his hand was shaking! He opened up the message and saw Liu Shenghao had sent him the meeting location. With great difficulty, he replied. Huang Yu"s whole face was steaming hot! So this was the legendary love…

Huang Yu clutched his phone while rolling around his bed~ Now his fantasies would start…finally they would start!!!

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