To Marry You

Chapter 6

The Huang Dignity

Huang Yu had the driver send him to the meeting point for the talk. On the way, he got off of the car to buy a bundle of his favorite white beach roses. He was going to give them to his beloved Shengsheng!

When Huang Yu arrived at the restaurant, he stopped anyone from accompanying and walked in on his own. After talking to the greeter, he was respectfully led to the room. He stopped the greeter from knocking on the door and had him leave first. He went in on his own.

Knock, knock, knock. Huang Yu"s etiquette teacher was not bad at all. He would never look through someone else"s things without permission, and he also wouldn"t use his cellphone.

"Please enter…" said the person inside. Huang Yu almost squealed at the familiar voice. His fair face immediately colored.

He took in a deep breath before pushing in thee door. "Hi, I"m here…"

Liu Shenghao nodded, but didn"t say anything and didn"t move. Huang Yu pulled out his own chair. Though he wanted to sit next to him, there were only two chairs… Although it was situated directly across from Liu Shenghao, Huang Yu still wanted to drag the chair!!!

"Young Master Huang is not sitting?" asked LIu Shenghao.

"Oh, no." Huang Yu could only sit down. When thinking of how to go over to him, he suddenly remembered he was holding flowers. He got back to his feet and approached Liu Shenghao with a smile. "These flowers are for you. I hope you like them."

"Oh!" Liu Shenghao raised his eyebrows. "Thank you, but I don"t like beach roses. However, I will receive Young Master Huang"s feelings with true grat.i.tude…"

Huang Yu felt a bit hurt, but took the chance to pull over his chair. Good thing the table wasn"t big. "Then what do you like?"

"I do not believe that Young Master Huang has not looked into my, Liu"s, prefereenes. Isn"t it quite impolite to pursue someone this way? Has Young Master Huang heard of "catering to whims"?" Liu Shenghao said while handling the flowers.

"I didn"t! I try to understand what the person I like likes myself! That is more sincere," Huang Yu retorted.

"Then I"m really receiving Young Master Huang"s deep love…truly an honor."

"What is going on with you today?" Huang Yu scratched his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Your speech and actions…"

"I thought that Mr. Huang invited me to discuss company matters. Instead it was to chat with Young Master Huang. It seems that I, Liu, can only "cater to your whims". I never thought that the dignified Mr. Huang would conduct talks this way. But no matter, in the end Mr. Huang sides with Young Master Huang…"

"Shut up!" Huang Yu suddenly shouted.

Liu Shenghao looked at Huang Yu with surrpsie.

Huang Yu was angry. He would not let anyone talk about his father this way! Huang Yu pulled his chair back to its original position. He sat down with his back straight up. "Begin! The topic you wanted to discus…"

Liu Shenghao put down his flowers and straightened up across from Huang Yu. "You know what we"re going to discuss? You looked at the materials?"

"You just tell me!" Huang Yu saw Liu Shenghao"s dissatisfied look and added, "I will have someone from the company bring over the materials."

Liu Shenghao stopped him from dialing a number. "Never mind. We can ignore that for now. We should talk about us."

Huang Yu nodded and instinctively scooted his chair closer. He met Liu Shenghao"s eyes and smiled shyly.

"Why do you like me?"

"Because you"re you!" Huang Yu declared.

Liu Shenghao shook his head with displeasure. "I am ten years older then you. You"re not seeing what you think you are, and you still haven"t…"

"I will be an adult next month! On June 8th! Today is May 13, so you still have time to think of a gift! I will invite you to my birthday celebration!" chattered Huang Yu happily.

"That"s not it!" Liu Shenghao knocked on the table harshly. "I don"t like little kids! I don"t like people who always laugh in front of me, who don"t stop talking. And that"s you!" When he saw that Huang Yu didn’t understand him, he shook his head. "Never mind. I"m just asking you, please don’t disturb my life! You"ve already caused enough unnecessary trouble! Can you agree to this?"

"How can I?!" Huang Yu was shocked. "I don"t do that! I don"t even call you!"

"Everyday, you send me over a hundred mails and messages to my work account. After school you come find me whether I"m working or not. Huang Yu, I don"t actually have to entertain you! It"s because you are the Huang family"s son that I let you do this, but it seems that your company doesn"t want to work with us…"

"No, that"s not true!" He leapt to his feet. "I only know your work email and phone! I go find you because I want to see you! Could it be you don"t want to see me?"

"Huang Yu, I don"t like you! I don"t want to see you either!" Liu Shenghao raised his voice.

"Why? Could it because I am a man that I am not even allowed to pursue you?"

"That"s right!"

"You will regret it!" he shouted angrily. He flung open the door and left. Liu Shenghao sighed and sank back in his seat. Finally, it was over. Kids would be kids, once they met an obstacle they would give up…

Bang! The door was flung open again forcefully, and Huang Yu walked back in. "I will have the employees talk to you! And, and, and I won"t give up!" He then ran out.

Really, such a kid. Now this kid was not just lightly worked up. Liu Shenghao rubbed his forehead. Did he say too much? He should"ve done it more slowly…

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