To Marry You

Chapter 40

Shengsheng"s Huang Yu

Huang Yu dawdled at Liu Shenghao"s house for several days without coming out. The teacher said that the test would be moved up! If it were before, Huang Yu would have swelled with happiness, but yesterday when he went home, his dad said that he would have to go intern at the company during break. Nine to five, getting trampled on, without freedom! To him, this was simply a death"s notice! However, studying was most import right now! His family"s Shengsheng said, that if he tested well enough he would take him out to play! If I go out with Shengsheng right when break started, Dad won"t see me. Even if I get caught, Shengsheng will definitely be on the frontlines! thought Huang Yu happily. Faced with love and freedom, he firmly picked freedom! So…

"Whack!" Liu Shenghao used a rolled up book to hit Huang Yu. "What are you thinking about, huh? Looking so happy!"

"Hehe, nothing." Huang Yu scratched his head.

"If it"s nothing, then start reading. I"m going to monitor all your bad habits." Liu Shenghao batted away Huang Yu"s outstretched hand. "Read it. When you"re done, call me. I"m going to bed."

"You"re sleeping again! You just got up ten minutes ago!" Huang Yu said dissatisfied. "You don"t seem afraid to sleep yourself into a pig!"

"Hm?" Liu Shenghao turned around, lifting his shirt with one hand to expose his eight-pack, while using his other hand to scratch his head to show off his arm muscles. He looked ta Huang Yu and asked, "What did you say just now?"

"I was saying that too much sleep is not good." Huang Yu smiled foolishly. Yesterday, he had been taken care of very fiercely. HIs back still hurt! It wasn"t good to overdo it on the exercise either.

"Don"t you know that you"ll get skinnier if you sleep more?" Liu Shenghao ignored Huang Yu and walked into the bedroom.

"Is that true?" Huang Yu felt that something was strange.

"So you"re saying you want to add another layer to your stomach, and you don"t want to spend more time in bed."

"Isn"t that you!" Huang Yu leaped to his feet.

Liu Shenghao hadn"t entered the bedroom yet. He leaned against the door jamb and watched him. He asked him with a smile, "What about me?"

Huang Yu harrumphed but sat down with a red face. He mumbled quietly, "You"re always looking down on me."

"When you"re done reading, call me."

"Got it! Master1indicates someone of a middling aged, as opposed to young master.!"

Liu Shenghao ignored him and immediately went in to sleep. Meanwhile, Huang Yu"s "hehe" laugh had bubbled up again. Master, Master Liu! Shensheng got old! Haha!

At three in the afternoon, Huang Yu finished reading his book. He went to go wake up Liu Shenghao, but no matter how much he exerted himself pulling or tugging, he could not wake him. "You sleep like a dead pig." Huang Yu climbed on the bed to look at the enviable face of Liu Shenghao"s. He had eyebags! Huang Yu was shocked and poked them. "Who told you to do that for so long without stopping. You got ugly!"

"That"s because a certain person kept shouting to not stop." Liu Shenghao"s Ang Lee eyes would not open. He pulled Huang Yu into his arms.

"You"re talking nonsense!" Huang Yu quibbled.

"Go back to sleep. Then we can go to Lu Xu"s place." Liu Shenghao raised the temperature of the air conditioning. Yesterday night, Huang Yu kept blowing his nose. At the middle of the night he had got up to stuff his nose with little b.a.l.l.s of tissue. When Liu Shenghao woke up this morning he was shocked. He immediately fed him two pills. This guy was not afraid of choking to death!

Liu Shenghao waited for a long time till he didn"t hear anything. He opened his eyes to look. This guy! He was already asleep.

The two of them finally were out the door at almost six o"clock. Huang Yu was waiting for the elevator while looking around at the neighbor"s doors. That Dan Ni hadn"t appeared in a while. Where"d she go? He was just about to say something about it when Liu Shenghao called him into the elevator.

"Shengsheng, you should teach me how to drive!"

"Just go to a driving school."

"I"ll get tan! Sun Yidan attended one, and in just a few weeks she was already black as charcoal!" Huang Yu shook his head in fear.

"Didn"t you say before that it was more attractive for men to be tanner." Liu Shenghao continued to blow through Huang Yu"s facade.

"Then if I tan, you can"t not want me anymore."

"It"s not that I won"t want you. I won"t recognize you." Liu Shenghao walked out of the elevator and into the parking lot.

"See what kind of person you are?" Huang Yu angrily stamped his foot behind him. As he rode the car, he started mimicking Liu Shenghao"s expressionless face, like he was above the common populace.

"When we get back make Lu Xu teach you. I"ve been busy with some things recently." Liu Shenghao looked at Huang Yu and couldn"t help but laugh. "Stop doing that with your face. It doesn"t look good when you frown."

At the mention of Cheap Lu, Huang Yu shook his head. "I"d much rather go to driving school!"

"Suit yourself."

When they got there, Huang Yu very familiarly pushed the door open and sat down inside and started to order. At this hour, there were more people then usual here, so the parking lot outside the store was full. Liu Shenghao had to circle around the parking lot for a long time before he found a s.p.a.ce. When Liu Shenghao went inside, he saw Lu Xu and Huang Yu in a fierce squabble. Liu Shenghao ignored them and sat down on his own. He called over the waiter to order food, and even listed several dishes, but the waiter smiled and told him that they were ordered already. Liu Shenghao also asked for several bottles of black beer, but the waiter told him it was ordered already.

Liu Shenghao could only wave them away. He took out his phone and logged into Huang Yu"s account to play Plants vs. Zombies. The username was very good; "Shengsheng"s Huang Yu". The owner of the name was a little stupid. For the last few days, Huang Yu forgot about the time when he was playing, affecting all the things that he wanted to do. When he would see Huang Yu stamping his foot because he couldn"t win, Liu Shenghao would smoothly propose an "equivalent exchange". Huang Yu hesitated, but in the end still refuse. HOwever, every time they exchanged, his face always had the most brilliant smile.

When Xiao Yuan brought them the beer, she also explained that there were a lot of people at this time so the food would arrive more slowly then normal. Liu Shenghao nodded.

LIu Shenghao was taking a drink when he almost choked to death by Huang Yu"s words.

"Shengsheng! Cheap Lu said my son was ugly!"

"Cough, cough… what son!" Liu Shenghao immediately took out some napkins to dab at his wet clothes. Huang Yu also acknowledged that he was the one causing trouble and helped him clean up.

"Cheap Lu, it"s all your fault!"

"AI! You hit me! You hit me! I am your older brother!" Lu Xu said aloofly.

Huang Yu was so angry he didn"t know what to say. Liu Shenghao then said, "Huang Yu, you can tell on him."

A brilliant idea! Huang Yu happily took out his phone. "That"s right! Cheap Lu, just you wait!"

"Telling on people is something a kid would do. Are you still a kid?" Lu Xu ridiculed.

"I am what I am." Huang Yu didn"t care. I am still young! Still young!

At this time, the food arrived. Liu Shenghao decisively separated the two and put down his phone. "Behave you two. Otherwise, get out."

Huang Yu and Lu Xu immediately behaved themselves and started to eat the food obediently. After eating, Lu Xu and Liu Shenghao had some business things to talk about. Huang Yu sat by himself and played games, when some person sat down across from him. Huang Yu felt someone sit down but he didn"t say anything. There were a lot of people eating this time, and a lot of people waiting. And, as the lover of one of the co-owners! Huang Yu had the responsibility of keeping the restaurant"s best interests in mind.

That person then lit up a cigarette. When he smelled the smoke, Huang Yu wrinkled his  nose. He lifted his head and said, "You can"t smoke here, sir." As a result that person actually held the cigarette b.u.t.t in front of his face then used the other hand to flick ashes at him. With a provocative expression he looked at Huang Yu. "You won"t die from breathing in some smoke."

Huang Yu looked straight at him unhappily. "Sir, this is  arestaurant. You aren"t allowed to smoke here. It"s not good for the other customers."

"I said that you won"t die from breathing in some smoke!" That person actually got angry and started to shout, attracting the gaze of the people next to him.

Xiao Yuan, who Liu Shenghao asked to watch over Huang Yu, also came running over and said to that person, "Sir, you aren"t permitted to smoke here."

"So what if laozi smokes! I am in your way! Do you really not know that the customer is king!" He then stubbed his cigarette out on Huang Yu"s unfinished cake. "Laozi is giving you face!" Then he carelessly shoved Xiao Yuan to the side and went out.

How could Huang Yu bear having someone throw a fit in front of him! And he even ruined the cake! Huang Yu angrily grabbed the cake off the table and threw it at the person. Although Huang Yu can"t be said to be tall, his throwing arm was very accurate. At this moment, the cake very unmistakably hit that person"s head. That person shrieked, and turned around to glare at Huang Yu. "You little b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You dare hit laozi! I see you don"t want to live!" At this, he headed straight for Huang Yu, but was stopped by some of the staff. But they were all women! What could they do! Huang Yu immediately cursed Cheap Lu to death! Did he not want to hire any men?

The man still managed to move forward. Huang Yu mussed his hair! What a madman! Don"t think laozi  can"t beat you up! Just as Huang Yu managed to shakily put up his fists, Liu Shenghao hauled that person back and tossed him to the side. "You dare touch laozi"s person!" After this, he rained his fists on him. The bellyful of anger he was holding in was now pouring out. Liu Shenghao"s blows were getting fierce.

Lu Xu sensed something was wrong and pulled them apart. "Don"t make a scene. Let me handle this, let me handle it!" He pushed Liu Shenghao to Huang Yu. "Take him away." Huang Yu was frightened. His family"s Shengsheng was beating someone so fiercely!

Huang Yu was scared enough to immediately take him outside. "Let"s go, let"s go."

Once the two were out of the restaurant, Lu Xu yanked that person to his feet. "Brother, are we going to settle now or go to court?"

"Settle my a.s.s! Oof…" That person took a sudden fist to the stomach and knelt back down on the ground.

"You dare make trouble in my restaurant! Are you tired of living!" Lu Xu clapped his hands to get someone to escort him out, but when the four women came running, he had to take him out himself.

Xiao Yuan ran out after him, worried that that person would keep on making trouble. Lu Xu waved his hands. "Relax! I can handle it!" Who knew that Xiao Yuan would turn shy and run away. Lu Xu watched that employee running away strangely. "The girls nowadays can really run fast, but I should have some men too! The good days are ending!"

Liu Shenghao drove the car down to the seaside. After parking, he went down to stand by the railing and started to smoke. Huang Yu followed him. Liu Shenghao then voluntarily put out his cigarette.

"It"s okay, you go ahead and smoke. I can"t smell it right now."

"Is your nose stuffed up?"

"It"s okay."

"We"ll go back soon."

"Are you feeling bad?"

Liu Shenghao nodded. "It"s probably because these days I"m lazing around at home all the time."

"Is that bad?" Huang Yu asked.

"I"m so lazy I"ll start growing mold. Also, I want to earn to support you!" Liu Shenghao rubbed Huang Yu"s head. "Based on the way you spend money, we"ll have to start eating air."

"You don"t need to support me! I can also support you!" Huang Yu stepped onto the railing. "Aren"t we lovers? We have to do everything together."

Obviously it was a very simple sentence, but when Liu Shenghao heard this he suddenly wasn"t angry anymore. He looked at Huang Yu smiling so brightly, and he suddenly thought that he was an idiot. But being stupid was good too. "I know."

"That"s great! We should go for a walk on the beach before going back!" Huang Yu excitedly jumped over the rail. "Come on!"

"Why do you suddenly want to go for a walk?" Liu Shenghao also clambered over the railing.

"The one hundred things lovers need to do! Dates are a battleground! Hahaha! I am too smart!" Huang Yu happily grabbed his hand and interlocked their fingers. Hold on tight! "We will be together our whole lives."

"Whatever you say." LIu Shenghao squeezed his hand back. Thank you for liking me.

A seaside stroll was truly very romantic! Huang Yu had a little bit of alcohol that night, which made him drunk enough to keep confessing to Liu Shenghao in all kinds of ways. "I love you!" "I like you!" he also sang a song. Liu Shenghao didn"t do anything but sat on the sofa and watched his performance. Of course, he set up the camera. How could he not record such a "cherished memory"! Later Liu Shenghao could make Huang Yu see how much love he had for himself! Also he could see what gla.s.s cup he broke. Although it was a treasured item, Liu Shenghao would not make him pay up! Because Huang Yu loved him!

However, the next morning, Huang Yu did not appreciate his outstanding confession performance, because he had caught a cold! And he seemed to have a fever. Liu Shenghao regretfully fed Huang Yu some medicine and pulled him in to sleep in his arms.

"Shengsheng, I don"t feel so good." Huang Yu"s nose was stuffed up, and he felt sore all over. It was really horrible.

"It"s your own fault! You wanted to go for a walk!"

He didn"t think Liu Shenghao would say something like that, so he couldn"t stop his snort of laughter. Of course, some snot came out as well. Liu Shenghao coldly pa.s.sed the tissue to Huang Yu. "Wipe it yourself!"

"Shengsheng, you"re really funny!"

"Funny my a.s.s! If your fever hasn"t gone down by this afternoon, I"m bringing you to the doctors for a shot!" he threatened.

"Shengsheng, I don"t want to!" Huang Yu begged for pardon. Liu Shenghao harrumphed and went to boil some water for him.

After Liu Shenghao and went out, Huang Yu immediately sat up and said to himself helplessly, "Shengsheng is just too cute! Who is scared of shots nowadays!"

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