Tomb Raider King

Chapter 284: The Devil at the Exhibition (3)

Chapter 284: The Devil at the Exhibition (3)

I heard back from the publisher and they updated 279 - 290. They are going to be here because they took out some parts that I want everybody to have a chance to read so once 284 is released to the public, they will all be updated. 279 - 284 are all in this chapter for now so please use a search function to get to 284 if you want to skip but you should probably reread as some things did change.




The attack from the artifact headed for Joy suddenly disappeared.

To be more accurate, the artifact withdrew its attack on its own.

‘What is going on?’

Something was weird. Joy was fine despite not having a single artifact on her!

The Monarch of the Heavens figured something out and started frowning.

‘Did this punk perhaps……?!’

Something came flying toward him before he could finish the thought.


It was a fire extinguisher.

“Ah, that d.a.m.n lunatic. I couldn"t grab an artifact in the end.”

“J, Joy!”

“I was sure that he would use a good artifact since he is a Monarch.”

“Joy, are you crazy?!”

All of Harvard was in uproar right now.

It was a big issue that a Monarch had visited the campus but there was a woman who had kicked that Monarch to the curb!

Furthermore, that woman was upset that she did not manage to grab an artifact from the Monarch!

“Joy, are you okay? Isn’t that guy your twin brother you talked about before?”

Joy scoffed in response.

“Who said he was my twin? That’s just a look-alike.”

“What? A look-alike?”

She had last seen Ju-Heon in Korea 17 years ago.

They had not been able to see each other since then. Actually, the truth was that Ju-Heon refused to meet with her.

Maybe he was justified with his actions.

‘Especially after that kind of goodbye.’

Originally, Ju-Heon was supposed to be adopted with her. They were supposed to go together.

However, Ju-Heon stole the to-be foster parents’ wallet on the day of the adoption. Furthermore, he started a fire in the to-be foster parents’ car.

He then held up a can of oil and spewed some nonsense.

‘Get lost. Or you"ll be lit on fire next.’

Her adopted parents had said they couldn"t handle such a child and left Ju-Heon behind while taking her with them.

She could not even dream of meeting Ju-Heon until she became an adult. She did track Ju-Heon down while she went on a trip to Korea as a middle school student, but… He had left her hanging.

She had somehow managed to get his number and call him, but…

‘Get lost. I don"t have a sibling like you.’

He ignored all of her messages and letters.

It had been close to 20 years since she had not seen him.

Forget his face, she didn"t even know his voice.

That was why she had been shocked to see the look-alike appear in front of her today.

She really wondered if the guy was Ju-Heon.

Her friend Arthur asked her about it as well. It was because that guy looked identical to Ju-Heon he had seen on TV.

"Are you sure that’s not your twin brother?”

“No. They don’t look alike at all! Their noses are completely different! His nostril is tilted 1 cm in comparison and the shape of their ears is different too. I"m sure of it.”


“I now understand why you don’t have a boyf……ugh!”

She ruthlessly pummeled her friend.

“It’s a good thing I remembered that guy"s face.”

Although she was saying that, the Youtube video she saw while looking for some research materials had been extremely helpful.

She had stopped tuning into any form of media ever since the artifacts appeared because she hated both artifacts and artifact users, however……

‘I"m sure of it.’

The man in the video had been Ju-Heon.

Joy sighed.

‘That look-alike from earlier and all these artifacts…’

"What the h.e.l.l is he going around doing?”

She sounded a bit concerned.

Back in New York, Yoo Jaeha was smiling like a buffoon while looking at a picture Ilya had taken.

“Our Ju-Won really is pretty.”

Ilya had visited Harvard under Ju-Heon"s orders.

It was easy to teleport stealthily thanks to Seol-A"s Heirloom and his spellbook artifact.

He took a picture and brought it back, but this d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d……

“Captain-nim, please give me your twin sis…… ugh!”

Yoo Jaeha was. .h.i.t by a steel mug and beaten to a pulp. Ilya whispered to him after seeing Jaeha in pain.

“Tsk, you get rejected by Seol-A so you go for the Captain-nim’s sister now?”

“W, what?”

Yoo Jaeha became fl.u.s.tered and Ilya wickedly added on.

“What’s wrong? You confessed to Seol-A and she rejected you.”

Yoo Jaeha urgently covered Ilya"s mouth.

“Hey, that’s from the past life…… That’s so long ago! We only care about the right now! That"s a dark page in history! You deserve a dropkick for that!”

"Well, whatever. Give up on the Captain-nim’s sister.Even that Maitreya was beaten to a pulp.”

Yoo Jaeha"s jaw dropped in shock after hearing about that.

"What? Ju-Won beat the h.e.l.l out of the Maitreya?! That crazy Maitreya?!”

"She even tried to steal his artifact. His son was attacked as well.”

“What? That b.a.s.t.a.r.d has a son?”

“His unborn son.”

Yoo Jaeha started to shake in fear after hearing about the attack. Ilya, who had seen it all in person, was also shaking.


“I guess they really are siblings……”

Blood definitely does not lie.

‘They act the same way!’

Ju-Heon was calm. Actually, he complained about what Joy had done.

“d.a.m.n, she should have just cut it off while she was at it.”

“It’s h.e.l.l enough with what she did okay? The Maitreya almost lost his son and went straight to h.e.l.l. The Monarch of the Heavens almost became the Monarch of Eunuchs.”

“Sounds good. It’s not like a Maitreya needs that.”

They all shook in fear.

‘Well, to be honest, it doesn"t seem like the Captain-nim’s sister would be taken down so easily.’


She was the almighty Seo Ju-Heon"s other half!

It was obvious that his sister would also be a fireball.


“Will you be okay? Captain-nim?”


“Captain-nim, maybe you’ll get beaten to a pulp too when you get to see Ju-Won.”


That might actually happen. He had been neglecting her for the past 17 years.

“Well, it’s not like she’ll want to see me anyway.”

There was no need for him to go find her. Even if he did go, he would not let her hit him just because she wanted to do so.

“But Captain, the Monarch of the Heavens"s artifact didn"t seem to work on Ju-Won. She didn’t seem to have used an artifact, so how……”

Jaeha: “That is a bit odd. Did she have some kind of artifact related ability?”

Ju-Heon: “Ah, she does.”

“Excuse me?”

“Her Affinity level is no joke.”

“………Excuse me?”

Ju-Heon picked his ear with his pinky.

“How do I explain this… You know how I have 100 Dominance and 0 Affinity? She"s 0 Dominance 100 Affinity.”


“While I find Affinity to be completely useless, her Affinity is so high that the artifacts don"t want to attack her.”

Ilya and Jaeha both dropped their jaws at the same time.

‘Something like that is possible?!’

Yoo Jaeha was extremely flabbergasted.

His Affinity was quite high compared to the others on this tomb raiding team but forget not attacking him, the artifacts treated him as a pushover!

He did not have the time to test his sister’s abilities in the past.


Unfortunately, he had seen his sister again for the first time in his late twenties. He had Inspector Kim help him find his twin sister but she was already suffering from a severe case of tomb syndrome at that point.

She was almost a corpse and all artifact-related abilities had fallen.

She was in the critical care unit so he could not even meet her. All Chairman Kwon told him was that he would give Ju-Heon some healing artifacts if...

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