Chapter 14

Chapter 14 childhood sweetheart

Running out of the office, he dared not to think the reaction of Lin Qingxue . He did fear of her before . But now with his outstanding score, he felt much relaxed in front of her . And in less one month, he would graduate and leave the school . Only more crazy behavior could worthy this golden youth age .  

“Seems Miss Lin does not have a boyfriend . In high school these three years, she always wear that style outfit, which makes her look like an old maid . No wonder she cannot find a boyfriend . But her looking and shape are in top list . Oh the hug! None of the girls in my cla.s.s could match up .

The ruttish boy could not stop thinking his teacher .

“Gosh, I got another 5 seconds . It is 67 seconds now . Could it be the result after I touched Miss Lin’s Aha, it is cool!”

The secret weapon he could use is the power to pause time . The more he could pause, the more powerful he could be .

Having a fast lunch in the dining hall, he back to the test room . The afternoon testing subject is Chinese Language in which is the only one he has confidence and can showoff . Since young, he has shown the talent to write . He has obtained many big and small rewards from those writing compet.i.tions .  And he liked reading modern and ancient Chinese language novels . He is good at cla.s.sical Chinese writing too .

So he did not plan to use his magic power to copy answers . He could make 110 points himself . Good enough to stay above average .

The test went smoothly . He still paused a dozen seconds to copy for a few question he could answer . And it was very obvious that other students like to glance him now and then, especially those male students, they glanced with some odd expression .

No doubt, the reason is the show happened between his and Qin Yanran around noon .

Qin Ranran also looked at him differently now . there is more

wonder and curiosity . Especially so far he still looks quite confident . This makes her feel uncomfortable now .

“If, if it really happen that he ranks in Top 50, what I can do?”

But Su Lin does not have time to care how they think now . And no point to explain anymore now . What he need is waiting for the day when scores are published .

Walking back home, he stopped at the door of his house . And as usual, he took a look of Sister Zhu’s house . But this time with some guilty . The door is open, which means someone home, is that Aunt Liang or Sister Zhu?

Usually, when he back from school, he always go to their house first to see his Sister Zhu . He can push door open to let him in while without knocking . That house is more like his real home . But after what happened yesterday, he is hesitate to go there now .

“The door is open, will Sister Zhu in bath again?

He crept to move toward their house, right near the door, he heard the quarrel between Sister Zhu and her mother .

“Mom, I tell you, I won’t go any blind date . Why it still exists now days . Why you give me s.h.i.t right after I back from work . ”

She sounds very upset . Yes that is right . In their house, such quarrel becomes the so old story . Liang Gui zhu worried too much of her daughter’s marriage .

“You such stubborn girl, what is wrong with blind date . Don’t you see the TV show called “If you are the one” , hosted by two bald guys, that is blind date too . TV blind date . Why only you think it is out of date? And this time, the guy is a rich guy . His family owns an electrical factory in west of the city . They have vehicles and apartments . Some many girls are dreaming this opportunity to meet him . Why just you say you don’t want to go?”

Liang Guizhu tried to hold down her temper to explain to her daughter . But

But this stubborn daughter replied with a pouting mouth” his rich is his business, not my business . Whoever want to go just go . I won’t! Mom, please start cook, I am starving . ”

“You idiot, how old are you now, don’t you should consider your own future?”

Liang Guizhu sighed with disappointment . She could not understand why her daughter hates blind date so much . She arranged a few times before . But the daughter just let the guy waiting and never show up . What is wrong with her, maybe she found her Mr . Right already?

But she excludes this possibility . She knows everyone her daughter hanging out . If there is a Mr . Right, no way she does not know .

“Director Qin in hospital, or Doctor Liu of ENT department? The driver Hu, or the delivery man Zhang? No no no,  my daughter is not a princess, but she has her standards to pick . Who is in the world this Mr . Right? ”

Running wildly inside her mind, and the yesterday picture flashed and been caught, she said to herself “the neighbor boy Su Lin?”

She could not get rid of this thoughts after it come up . And the more she thinks, the more she think that must true . Su Lin will be 18 this year, no more a little boy . They are childhood sweethearts and what happened yesterday seemed so suspicious .

“No way, there must somethings going on between them . I need have a good talk with my daughter . Su lin is a young boy but she is an adult now . ”

She turned back, staring at her daughter, questioned with a sharp tone “you dam girl, tell me, did you seduce the neighbor boy Su Lin?”

“what !”

The aggressive Ye Xingzhu almost got a tremble when she heard her mother’s abrupt question . She was nervous but tried to keep an clam appearance and replied “Mom, don’t talk so ugly, what is called seduce . Su Lin and I are just like blood elder sister and young brother . How come you think that way?”

“Blood sister and brother! You think your mother stupid, nothing know? Yesterday were you in

you in the bathroom alone?”

Actually, Liang Xingzhu just guessed by the backpack of Su Lin . she does not hundred present sure Su Lin was inside the bathroom with her daughter . But just by such a question, her daughter seems very panic now . “Mom, that is non sense . How come I take bath with Su lin, non-sense! ”

Seeing the panicky expression of her daughter, Liang Xingzhu got the answer . She stopped question with just one word “you better know well what is right . ”

She left to cook for dinner . Ye Xingzhou could not keep clam anymore .

And there is another one who is also scared by the words .  The one standing outside and overhearing everything—Su Lin .  He almost started to run away when the mother asked “Yesterday, were you really in the bathroom alone?  ”

And Ye Xingzhu’s reply is just to admit she is not alone . Her mother did not mention Su lin in her question . But she replied with Su Lin’s name . She just confessed without being pressed .

“Gosh, My dear Sister Zhu, now how you mom will think of me?”

Outside the door, Su lin ran wildly in his mind with anxious, trying to find a way to explain to Liang Xingzhu, clarifying this misunderstanding . If she talked to his parents, without a doubt, his mother will beat s.h.i.t out of him .

“Dam, Su Lin, you little b.a.s.t.a.r.d . ”

Having no chance to change her nurse uniform, the upset Ye Xingzhou moved to and fro inside the living room, and grumbled with fist holding . In a moment, she came to the door .

“Dam, she will see me, better hide now”

It is too late, Ye Xingzhou saw him and stopped him “Su Lin, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, why you hide outside, you dirty sneak, what you are doing there?”

Finally finding a vent for her mad, she reached a fast hand and caught his ear . Her chest moves with panting .

“Jesus, it is hurt, let me go, Sister Zhu, let me go ”

Su lin is begging for free . His l.u.s.t eyes could not leave from that plump bosoms under the white nurse uniform . He waved his hand in front of Ye Xingzhuof Ye Xingzhu “Sister zhu, if you not let me go, watch out my catching paw”

It surly works . With this threaten, Ye Xingzhu screamed step back, loose her hand immediately . Stamping on the floor with nipped lip, she scolded “Su Lin, you rascal!”

“Sister Zhu, that is unfair, I did not do anything, I did not touch you at all . It is you, a.s.saulting a teenager now .  If paparazzo heard this, a report of “pervert little nurse s.e.xually abuse a handsome teenager” will be super popular .

“Dam, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, who is pervert little nurse? You b.u.t.t wants a spank?  How long you not been beaten up to allow you so annoying? ”

Ye Xingzhu p.i.s.sed off by Su Lin’s words . No more caring catching paw, waving her hand, she came forward and punched his head heavily .

Bang . .

A clear and loud bang .

Su Lin holds his head with painful expression and says “you pervert little nurse, if you damaged my head and make me dumb, you need take the responsibility if I am not doing well for the college entrance examination . ”

“You rascal, shut up, you wanna another punch?”

Glaring and moving forward, Ye wants to give him another beat . But now Su Lin already prepared for it . His snapping hands stretches out to her bosom .

Ye Xingzhu had to edge herself to avoid being caught .  But her too big, Su Lin caught all within his hand even she tried to tune to sideway .

And not just catching, Su Lin squeezed the soft without any hesitation .

The squeeze has huge effect . Ye Xingzhou felt her strength is sucked away . She could not stand straight anymore . When she tried to edge herself already put her in a non-balanced position . But the last strength to hold the balance is gone with that squeeze . Before she fell into ground, she reaches her hand to catch Su lin’s wrist .


With her snap catching of his wrist, the pulling makes him out of balance too . Su Lin fells right into Ye Xingzhu with his hands still catching her and right in the positon, his lips touch hers .

Chapter 14 childhood sweetheart Running out of the office, he dared not to think the reaction of Lin Qingxue . He did fear of her before . But now with his outstanding score, he felt much relaxed in front of her . And in less one month, he would graduate and leave the school . Only more crazy behavior could worthy this golden youth age . Seems Miss Lin does not have a boyfriend . In high school these three years, she always wear that style outfit, which makes her look like an old maid . No wonder she cannot find a boyfriend . But her looking and shape are in top list . Oh the hug None of the girls in my cla.s.s could match up . The ruttish boy could not stop thinking his teacher . Gosh, I got another 5 seconds . It is 67 seconds now . Could it be the result after I touched Miss Lin s Aha, it is cool The secret weapon he could use is the power to pause time . The more he could pause, the more powerful he could be . Having a fast lunch in the dining hall, he back to the test room . The afternoon testing subject is Chinese Language in which is the only one he has confidence and can showoff . Since young, he has shown the talent to write . He has obtained many big and small rewards from those writing compet.i.tions . And he liked reading modern and ancient Chinese language novels . He is good at cla.s.sical Chinese writing too . So he did not plan to use his magic power to copy answers . He could make 110 points himself . Good enough to stay above average . The test went smoothly . He still paused a dozen seconds to copy for a few question he could answer . And it was very obvious that other students like to glance him now and then, especially those male students, they glanced with some odd expression . No doubt, the reason is the show happened between his and Qin Yanran around noon . Qin Ranran also looked at him differently now . there is more wonder and curiosity . Especially so far he still looks quite confident . This makes her feel uncomfortable now . If, if it really happen that he ranks in Top 50, what I can do But Su Lin does not have time to care how they think now . And no point to explain anymore now . What he need is waiting for the day when scores are published . Walking back home, he stopped at the door of his house . And as usual, he took a look of Sister Zhu s house . But this time with some guilty . The door is open, which means someone home, is that Aunt Liang or Sister Zhu Usually, when he back from school, he always go to their house first to see his Sister Zhu . He can push door open to let him in while without knocking . That house is more like his real home . But after what happened yesterday, he is hesitate to go there now . The door is open, will Sister Zhu in bath again He crept to move toward their house, right near the door, he heard the quarrel between Sister Zhu and her mother . Mom, I tell you, I won t go any blind date . Why it still exists now days . Why you give me s.h.i.t right after I back from work . She sounds very upset . Yes that is right . In their house, such quarrel becomes the so old story . Liang Gui zhu worried too much of her daughter s marriage . You such stubborn girl, what is wrong with blind date . Don t you see the TV show called If you are the one , hosted by two bald guys, that is blind date too . TV blind date . Why only you think it is out of date And this time, the guy is a rich guy . His family owns an electrical factory in west of the city . They have vehicles and apartments . Some many girls are dreaming this opportunity to meet him . Why just you say you don t want to go Liang Guizhu tried to hold down her temper to explain to her daughter . But this stubborn daughter replied with a pouting mouth his rich is his business, not my business . Whoever want to go just go . I won t Mom, please start cook, I am starving . You idiot, how old are you now, don t you should consider your own future Liang Guizhu sighed with disappointment . She could not understand why her daughter hates blind date so much . She arranged a few times before . But the daughter just let the guy waiting and never show up . What is wrong with her, maybe she found her Mr . Right already But she excludes this possibility . She knows everyone her daughter hanging out . If there is a Mr . Right, no way she does not know . Director Qin in hospital, or Doctor Liu of ENT department The driver Hu, or the delivery man Zhang No no no, my daughter is not a princess, but she has her standards to pick . Who is in the world this Mr . Right Running wildly inside her mind, and the yesterday picture flashed and been caught, she said to herself the neighbor boy Su Lin She could not get rid of this thoughts after it come up . And the more she thinks, the more she think that must true . Su Lin will be 18 this year, no more a little boy . They are childhood sweethearts and what happened yesterday seemed so suspicious . No way, there must somethings going on between them . I need have a good talk with my daughter . Su lin is a young boy but she is an adult now . She turned back, staring at her daughter, questioned with a sharp tone you dam girl, tell me, did you seduce the neighbor boy Su Lin what The aggressive Ye Xingzhu almost got a tremble when she heard her mother s abrupt question . She was nervous but tried to keep an clam appearance and replied Mom, don t talk so ugly, what is called seduce . Su Lin and I are just like blood elder sister and young brother . How come you think that way Blood sister and brother You think your mother stupid, nothing know Yesterday were you in the bathroom alone Actually, Liang Xingzhu just guessed by the backpack of Su Lin . she does not hundred present sure Su Lin was inside the bathroom with her daughter . But just by such a question, her daughter seems very panic now . Mom, that is non sense . How come I take bath with Su lin, non sense Seeing the panicky expression of her daughter, Liang Xingzhu got the answer . She stopped question with just one word you better know well what is right . She left to cook for dinner . Ye Xingzhou could not keep clam anymore . And there is another one who is also scared by the words . The one standing outside and overhearing everything Su Lin . He almost started to run away when the mother asked Yesterday, were you really in the bathroom alone And Ye Xingzhu s reply is just to admit she is not alone . Her mother did not mention Su lin in her question . But she replied with Su Lin s name . She just confessed without being pressed . Gosh, My dear Sister Zhu, now how you mom will think of me Outside the door, Su lin ran wildly in his mind with anxious, trying to find a way to explain to Liang Xingzhu, clarifying this misunderstanding . If she talked to his parents, without a doubt, his mother will beat s.h.i.t out of him . Dam, Su Lin, you little b.a.s.t.a.r.d . Having no chance to change her nurse uniform, the upset Ye Xingzhou moved to and fro inside the living room, and grumbled with fist holding . In a moment, she came to the door . Dam, she will see me, better hide now It is too late, Ye Xingzhou saw him and stopped him Su Lin, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, why you hide outside, you dirty sneak, what you are doing there Finally finding a vent for her mad, she reached a fast hand and caught his ear . Her chest moves with panting . Jesus, it is hurt, let me go, Sister Zhu, let me go Su lin is begging for free . His l.u.s.t eyes could not leave from that plump bosoms under the white nurse uniform . He waved his hand in front of Ye Xingzhu Sister zhu, if you not let me go, watch out my catching paw It surly works . With this threaten, Ye Xingzhu screamed step back, loose her hand immediately . Stamping on the floor with nipped lip, she scolded Su Lin, you rascal Sister Zhu, that is unfair, I did not do anything, I did not touch you at all . It is you, a.s.saulting a teenager now . If paparazzo heard this, a report of pervert little nurse s.e.xually abuse a handsome teenager will be super popular . Dam, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, who is pervert little nurse You b.u.t.t wants a spank How long you not been beaten up to allow you so annoying Ye Xingzhu p.i.s.sed off by Su Lin s words . No more caring catching paw, waving her hand, she came forward and punched his head heavily . Bang . . A clear and loud bang . Su Lin holds his head with painful expression and says you pervert little nurse, if you damaged my head and make me dumb, you need take the responsibility if I am not doing well for the college entrance examination . You rascal, shut up, you wanna another punch Glaring and moving forward, Ye wants to give him another beat . But now Su Lin already prepared for it . His snapping hands stretches out to her bosom . Ye Xingzhu had to edge herself to avoid being caught . But her too big, Su Lin caught all within his hand even she tried to tune to sideway . And not just catching, Su Lin squeezed the soft without any hesitation . The squeeze has huge effect . Ye Xingzhou felt her strength is sucked away . She could not stand straight anymore . When she tried to edge herself already put her in a non balanced position . But the last strength to hold the balance is gone with that squeeze . Before she fell into ground, she reaches her hand to catch Su lin s wrist . Oops With her snap catching of his wrist, the pulling makes him out of balance too . Su Lin fells right into Ye Xingzhu with his hands still catching her and right in the positon, his lips touch hers .

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