Torchy As A Pa

Chapter 44

THUVIA, MAID OF MARS The fourth volume of the series. The story centers around the adventures of Carthoris, the son of John Carter and Thuvia, daughter of a Martian Emperor.

Grosset & Dunlap. Publishers, New York


SEVENTEEN. Ill.u.s.trated by Arthur William Brown.

No one but the creator of Penrod could have portrayed the immortal young people of this story. Its humor is irresistible and reminiscent of the time when the reader was Seventeen.

PENROD. Ill.u.s.trated by Gordon Grant.

This is a picture of a boy"s heart, full of the lovable, humorous, tragic things which are locked secrets to most older folks. It is a finished, exquisite work.

PENROD AND SAM. Ill.u.s.trated by Worth Brehm.

Like "Penrod" and "Seventeen," this book contains some remarkable phases of real boyhood and some of the best stories of juvenile prankishness that have ever been written.

THE TURMOIL. Ill.u.s.trated by C. E. Chambers.

Bibbs Sheridan is a dreamy, imaginative youth, who revolts against his father"s plans for him to be a servitor of big business. The love of a fine girl turns Bibb"s life from failure to success.

THE GENTLEMAN FROM INDIANA. Frontispiece. A story of love and politics,--more especially a picture of a country editor"s life in Indiana, but the charm of the book lies in the love interest.

THE FLIRT. Ill.u.s.trated by Clarence F. Underwood.

The "Flirt," the younger of two sisters, breaks one girl"s engagement, drives one man to suicide, causes the murder of another, leads another to lose his fortune, and in the end marries a stupid and unpromising suitor, leaving the really worthy one to marry her sister.

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