Tower of Karma

Chapter 11


Hyun* (ひゅっ)


The blade of the sword shone with a gleaming light, cutting through the morning mist.


“Sh, fuh, seyah.”(しっ、ふっ、せやっ)


At first, Willian would move by copying what he would find in the books. He would learn a whole page, then two, three, ten… The more he knew, the more he had for forming his own fighting style. He would read through the vast and deep world of books, test what he learned, and would decide whether he would adopt what he learned or not. And so…




A beautiful and rational blade. This was Willian´s swordplay. It was the collection of his knowledge and testing.


Willian would train with his sword only when there was n.o.body around. It would be deep in the night or early in the morning. This was a habit he had since the time he used to be called Al, and it was a daily routine he wouldn´t skip even if it was raining, snowing or windy.




Willian had noticed long ago the gaze that was directed to him.




Willian wiped the considerable amount of sweat he got by training and turned his eyes to the direction of the gaze. The figure that was looking at him from the window hurriedly ran off.


“…I don´t really see how it is fun to watch me though.”


It has been that way in those last few days. At the first time, the ones to watch him training were Karl, Ainhart, and even Louran himself.However, because Ainhart and Louran became tired of watching him train, they wouldn´t wake up early to watch his training anymore. Karl still wanted to train together with him, but when the time would come, he would be sleeping. The only remaining person was…




Since their first meeting, she hadn´t been able to look at him straight in his eyes, and besides, it was difficult for Willian to deal with her in his position. Just so she could have a peek at Willian, she would do all the effort of waking up early in the morning. Probably, the person herself still didn´t realise that Willian had already become aware of her.


“”Even though they said she was shy with strangers. What is she thinking about.””


When Willian turned his eyes away, the gaze would suddenly come back. While feeling annoyed at the gaze he was receiving from his back, he kept pretending not to notice it.


“”Well, this the last day. If I keep caring about that, I will be the one at loss.”



“Now then, I will be going!!”


Karl said his goodbyes in good spirits. Louran was waving his hand with a smile, Ainhart had only come to show his face, and Lutogarde was restlessly covering her face.


“Willian-kun, you too should take care.”


“Thank you for the concern.”


Willian deeply bowed his head. As if Ainhart didn´t have any particular interest in Willian, he didn´t even glance at him. To Willian, the fact he was receiving that kind of dry reception made him more at ease than otherwise.


“”The problem is…””


Willian´s eyes met with the ones of a certain someone that had been giving him glances since a few moments ago.




And in that same instant, she immediately looked away.


“”…It is Lutogarde.””


To the point it had already become a standard custom, just like always, Lutogarde was looking at Willian. It wasn´t a dignified look, but one that was closer to a peeking look. Besides that, if their eyes were to meet, she would turn her eyes away.


“”Really, what is she thinking… I have no idea.””


Pushing away all the troublesome thoughts, Willian kept his expressionless face.


“Ah, by the way, it seems that Lutogarde has something to give to you.”


Lutogarde became startled with Louran´s words. Then, she hesitantly curled up behind her elder brother and gave Karl a necklace that had a blue jewel at the center. Karl´s face became bright.


“Wah, it´s a sapphire. And it sparkles with the light… So as I expected, this is…!”


It had the beauty that even caught Willian´s attention. With light shining on it, it became even more beautiful. The “六条の光” six tones of light shone like stardust. This was an gem Willian, who had dealt with many merchants, has never seen. Moreover, the gold decoration enveloping it was also beautiful. No matter how much one was to sell this for, there would never be enough money for someone to buy it.(TL note: I can´t find what this means anywhere. I translated it to six tones of light, but I don´t think it really means that. It is probably a reference to something -.-)


“That sapphire… Is it fine, father? This is something that we are supposed to be selling, right?”


“The one who bought it and made the decoration was Lutogarde herself. Well, it is a protective charm, so I think it would lose effectiveness if you won´t get excited about it even if a little.”


Getting excited about it even if a little. Those words made Willian´s face twist for a second. If he was to sell that jewel, he would probably get enough money to buy a stand-alone house here in Arkas. As to be expected, it is a bit lacking for one to be able to buy a house at the n.o.ble district, but even so, the argument was still valid. (TL note: I couldn´t find other word to describe it. For those that didn´t understand what I meant to say by stand-alone, it pretty much means that the house is like a normal house, and not an apartment that you would need to share the building with other people.”


“So, does this mean they would be able to get a much bigger house than the one they have?”


Even for n.o.bles, something like that was expensive to the extent that one wouldn´t casually gift it away. But if that was the first campaign of their son, it might just happen. Just maybe though.


““…First campaign…. Well, I guess it is. The battles that will happen from now on will be on a different scale from the little skirmishes at Raconia. It is definitely not a gift you would give for your son to be a footsoldier on a skirmish.””


Willian deeply thought about it.


“Uh, ummm.”


While Willian was being distracted with his thoughts, Lutogarde approached him. Willian got surprised by that. And in reaction, Lutogarde also got surprised.


“Wh-what would it be, Lutogarde-sama.”


Seeing Willian´s cramped face, Louran laughed.


“I said Lutogarde had something to give you, didn´t I? This is your share. Of course, the decorations were handmade by Lutogarde herself.”


Lutogarde gave Willian the necklace while looking downwards.


“I-is this… for me?”


Willian´s eyes became wide-open by being given that. The words he uttered left his mouth in a trembling voice.


“Is it not good?”


“I-it´s not that!? Rather, for me to so suddenly be given such an expensive item!”


What was in front of his eyes was a deep crimson gem. There was a decoration made of silver enveloping it. The decoration made of silver by itself was already something that had the cost common people wouldn´t be able to pay. In addition to that, the crimson gem was a…


“Hou, is it a ruby? It looks like father is really daring.”


It couldn´t be helped that Ainhart became surprised about that. In this age, rubies were one of the most expensive gems, only next to diamond. Its price couldn´t be compared to a sapphire. The ruby was a rarity that couldn´t be found in the territories the seven kingdoms controlled. That was the main reason why its price had increased.


“Hm, this is something Lutogarde insisted me to do. She would say only a ruby would suit you and she wouldn´t hear anything I would say. She even said it was fine even if she had to sell all her jewels for that.”


With her face red in embarra.s.sment, Lutogarde angrily looked at her father. Louran made a wry smile and shook his head while saying “Good grief”.


“Please, accept it. She had already prepared the one for Karl beforehand, but yours was one she made in hurry. She also had prepared its design the day after she met you, and she probably pulled through the whole night at that. It will be very heart-breaking to her if you won´t accept it.”


Willian didn´t know what kind of face he should do right now. When Willian moved his trembling hand to get it, he ended up touching Lutogarde´s hand, which gave her a fright. However, right now, there was no way she could allow herself to act frightened. The size of the ruby, and also its color and shape were all nice. With only this gem, it is possible to build a whole mansion just like the ones around here.


“”This isn´t something you would gift a person you just recently met, you know!?””


Willian was looking at Louran. Louran was showing a happy smile.


“”…Is he planning on investing on me? It looks like I am valued absurdly high.””


Willian tightly grasped the ruby in his hand. A feeling of ardor that felt as if he was holding heat itself was going through his hand. The gem was only a inorganic substance. It had no consciousness. But even so, with how much of a rarity it is considered and also because of its colossal price, people would be welled up with excitement and start imagining things.


“Thank you very much, Lutogarde-sama, Louran-sama. I will definitely answer to your expectations.”


He would answer to them. What Louran probably wanted from Willian was for him to protect Karl. Even if he wasn´t given something like that, Willian had already intended on doing so, but now that he was gifted that, he once again made up his mind. this meant that Karl had at least more value to Louran than this gem. If Willian was to make a blunder and fail at protecting Karl, he couldn´t even start imagining what kind of retribution would come.


“…Uhm, ma-may you have good fortune at war.”




“”In the end… I can´t understand what Lutogarde is thinking. Really, what is this person thinking about.””


While giving out that response, Willian was being held back by those complex feelings. It was easy to understand Louran´s intention. He wanted him to protect Karl, and in addition to that, be of use to the Teirah household. However, Willian couldn´t understand Lutogarde´s intentions at all.


“Hmph, giving the jewel to the man.”(TL note: ふーん、お手製の石を男にねえ It feels like he is telling about how Lutogarde was giving the “man” the “ring” when the man is the one that was supposed to be doing that.)


Lutogarde was glaring at Hainhart, who had thrown a remark of profound meaning. While saying “How scary”, Ainhart returned to the residence by himself. With blushing cheeks, Lutogarde, who was left behind, kept being silent.


“Then, shall we go, Willian?”


“Yes, that´s right, Karl.”


Both hanged the necklaces they received at their neck and looked south. From here, they wouldn´t be able to see it, but distant in that horizon was Raconia, which was the place their campaign would happen.


“”Finally the opportunities are coming to me. If Karl, who is from the n.o.bility, is promoted, I will naturally be promoted as well. If Karl advances forward, so will I. For now, let´s make our name in his shadow. And then, one day…”


Both Willian and Karl started to walk. Whether there was something ahead, n.o.body knew.


“I will be leaving Karl on your care.”


Louran was making a gentle face, but the voice he used to call for Willian felt like needles that were p.r.i.c.king him. While saying “Of course”, Willian showed a smile.


“”I will also eat him up. Isn´t that right, nee-san?””


The reflected light of the crimson gem that was waving by his chest made it look like it was burning. This expressed very well the scorching heat that was flaring up inside Willian´s heart.


“…Please, be safe.”


After seeing the two walked far enough so that her voice wouldn´t be heard by them, Lutogarde muttered. By her side, Louran could be seen making a complex face.


“”Now then, what will his existence bring to our family?””


Whether he would be a remedy or poison, Louran couldn´t know.


“By the way, Karl.”


Going through the gates of the n.o.ble district, the two of them were now walking through the residential district.


“Hm, what is it?”


Willian asked Karl one thing he had been wondering about.


“What does your family do for living? I´ve heard a bit that you own a company.”


The Teirah household was one that dealt with trading. Their family by itself didn´t amount to much, but the influence could clearly be seen. They were so filthy rich to the point of giving a ruby necklace to a complete stranger. This was something that made him wonder about it.


“Hm, our company deals with clothing and ornaments. We also work with the crafting of jewelry made of gold, silver and gems. Because of all that, the Teirah family is very popular. Lutogarde is also a very famous ornament designer. The daughter of a n.o.ble working makes up a bit of a bad reputation though.”


The surprising reality. Willian was finally able to understand. Many of the companies that dealt with jewelry and clothing that Willian knew of probably belonged to the Teirah household. It seems they are very rich. It is said that jewe business was something profitable even at normal occasions, and since that´s the business they deal with…


“I-I see… This is very incredible.”


Because of Willian´s reaction, Karl made an expression that was filled with mixed feelings.


“It isn´t that much. My father is only the third generation in the history of our family, and we don´t have any accomplishments in the military. As n.o.bles, we are only second or third-rate.”


“”…You might be second-rate as a n.o.ble, but you probably have a lot of money when compared to other n.o.bles. The Teirah family is incredible.””


Willian once again was made to understand how incredible the Teirah family was.


“”Well, maybe I was able to get a bit relieved only because he was just a baron, I guess.”


The top Willian aimed for was distant. For the moment, he needed to get achievements in the great war that was going to happen at Raconia.

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