Transcending Evolution

Chapter 10: Hoodlum

Transcending Evolution Chapter 10: Hoodlum

Edited by JFantasyBooks.

Welp. Took some medication. Slept a whole night and a whole day. I’m just glad I woke up in time. Anyway, enjoy.

Qin Xue did not go back on her word. After the array was repaired, a credit of one million was direct deposited into Gu Yue"s account. The only reason as to why it was less by five hundred thousand was because it was a regulation; they had to wait until the array continued to work and confirm there weren"t any problems in the longer run before the transaction was fully completed.

After from this, Gu Yue looked at the small computer chip in his hand. Inside it was a member"s sequence of the Chu Han Martial School, and it was equivalent to an old member"s membership. As long as it was installed into his own ident.i.ty microchip, from here on afterwards, Gu Yue can come and go in the member"s area as much as he wants and enjoy the treatment of an honorable guest.

It was Qin Yue"s gift as thanks; as a member of the martial building, the qualifications alone needed two hundred thousand credits. So, just this one member"s card is already more than ten years of what Gu Yue could make, salary wise, when he did odd-jobs.

"A pity! The Chu Han Martial School is really good, but for my safety, it"s best that I do not use it." Gu Yue sighed. He knew that after repairing the array, he had inevitably got involved in opposition on the one who caused its ruin. So, before he has the strength to defend himself, he had to keep a certain distance from Chu Han Martial School.

Scholars would use words to cause disorder while knights would use power to commit a crime, even if it"s the Common Era, there are still plenty of criminals against the law, not to mention the current New Age where everyone is practicing martial arts. Ever since the catastrophe, where humanity faced the last of their days and society and order collapsed into confusion, human life really is like mustard.

[TL Note: Worthless]

Until the New Age was established and society once again settled down, the legal system and inst.i.tutions on the surface appeared sound where everyone is equal. But Gu Yue knew, equality was always relative,but strength was absolute. Those who are strong with a profound cultivation, their life had already evolved and were completely different from ordinary people. So how could there be true equality?

With his mere second refinement, oh, no, he now completed his third refinement. Although he merely borrowed Qin Xue"s True Yuan, he had still entered that True Yuan during the process, even if it was a thread of it; it was still very enjoyable. As a matter of fact, Gu Yue who had been bitterly cultivating for two years but had stopped and been unable to make a breakthrough, and yet, he had just broken through like that.

A second refinement or a third refinement, there weren"t much of a difference; in the end, he was still a piece of trash who could not protect himself against the powers in this city. If news really did leak, then the one behind that event would want to kill him. If they wanted to kill, then they could kill him, easily. A fatherless and motherless orphan like him, who would help?

Before he had strength, even if he had a membership card, he did not dare to use it himself. And that was primarily because a member"s information was entered into the internet, if a poor broken loser suddenly became a member of a martial school, everyone would know there was something up.

"I have money now!" Although the membership card was useless, the account balance in his ident.i.ty chip was real. When Gu Yue left the martial building, he felt like his whole person was as light as a feather.

One million! And he got it just like that? Thinking about before, his monthly expenditure was always kept at two hundred yuan or lower, so you would know how much of a huge sum this one million is.

If one had money, one must use it. Furthermore, Gu Yue knew his own body"s condition. To not be able to break through in two years wasn"t because he fell into a bottleneck, in the final a.n.a.lysis, it was merely because of inadequate nutrition. He urgently needed medicine that could help his cultivation and nourish his blood.

Now, there were many choices to be had; the simplest was naturally to buy some gene medicine; one bottle of swig of a high-level supplement, and his nutrition-deficient body would be able to return to proper state. But it was pity. Someone buying a bottle worth two hundred thousand credits was almost as loud of an a lert as someone owning a membership to a martial school. And again, that would be as if he were courting his death.

If he could not buy some expensive gene medicine, then he could only buy some medical ingredients. He went out of Chu Han martial building and went straight to the food market.

That"s right, the food market. In the New Age, along with the environmental change, in the omnipresent yuan energy, it allowed ginseng and other herbal plants to only need to be planted three to five years to have a very good efficacy, can be comparable to a century year old ginseng of the past.

Of course, the real panaceas are all due to radiation that caused an evolution variation in the herbs; their growth pace remained slow, but were still rare and precious. Though, the effects of these kinds of panacea were simply astonishing. It"s just like concentrated yuan energy, and it was not something anyone could just bear. Speaking of Gu Yue right now, that kind of panacea would be no different from poison to him, it is not something a person in poor health can take, it can also kill.

[ED: Getting tired. Just tell us what would work!!]

In this era where everyone could cultivate, using some time to buy some herbs he could use was a very natural thing. Therefore, in a normal herb market, it is the same as a food market. Common herbs could all basically be bought here.

Of course, he didn"t have a deep understanding of herbs either; the average person would get some herbs for nutritional medicinal cuisines and so on, but the efficiency isn"t all that high actually. If it were before, the well-off Gu Yue would think and buy pills or gene medicine and etcetera, and would probably not choose to buy medical herbs.

Furthermore, evolved beast meat wasn"t something that could be obtained all the time. First cla.s.s evolved beast may only have the strength equivalent to a (yang qi ji), but the nature of an evolved beast is valiant, without a first rate weapon, the normal (yang qi ji) simply cannot compete with them. Moreover, evolved beast were the cunning for the most part, in the case the situation is bad, they will immediately turn and run, it will not stupidly let itself be killed.

After buying everything he needed, Gu Yue walked home happily and full of expectations. His home was not far from the food market, it was only ten minutes on foot, when he walked down the alley, Gu Yue"s sight went dark; a silhouette blocked in front of him.

"Boy, you"re living a pretty good life!" The one before him was a bald man, his age wasn"t much, his appearance being around twenty and his arm had two evil look spiders, he was extremely malevolent.

"You need something?: Gu Yue frowned, he wasn"t any stranger to this man. This ma was a well known hooligan in the area that would normally do shady businesses. What he liked the most was to stop and intercept pa.s.sing students, extort them and blackmail them. The man would commit any crime imaginable. Especially toward orphans that did not have any power. A time ago, Gu Yue was also stopped by him before.

"Nothing really. I was just thinking it was about time for me to have my meal. And Oh, lookie. I see that you bought some ingredients. Why not we both enjoy a meal?" The bald man swept a glance at the package in Gu Yue"s hands, and laughed.

It was obvious what this guy was after. He had been seen buying beast meat. The price of such a delicacy was high, and so, this hooligan would not simply let him off. If he agreed, then needless to say, the ten pounds of one horned bull meat would certainly vanish from his grasp.

"Get out of my way." Gu Yue growled.

"Huh?" The bald man expression changed; he did not think Gu Yue would dare to refuse him. You would need to know, although he was a middle school dropout, he had still cultivated for a few years, so he had already completed his fifth refinement. His strength was higher than Gu Yue"s. "Boy, this uncle letting you even have a taste, is me having you in my eyes. Tsk. To not even appreciate such a favor."

"A good dog would not obstruct the way, beat it!" If it were before, perhaps Gu Yue could only submit to humiliation or try to escape. But things were different now, and against a fifth refinement warrior, he really wanted to fight.

"Boy, because I hadn"t dealt with you for a few days, your courage has certainly grown!" the bald man"s face looked gloomy. With a wave of his hand, aimed a slap at Gu Yue"s face.

The corner of Gu Yue"s mouth rose, revealing a touch of ridicule as his foot not quickly or slowly retreated one step. Just this one step of difference, the bald headed man swiped pa.s.sed Gu Yue"s nose, but he came up empty.

"Oh ho! This little b.a.s.t.a.r.d still dares to dodge!" The strike failed and the bald headed man continued to snort and once again kicked at Gu Yue.

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