Transcending Evolution

Chapter 8: Repairing the Array

Transcending Evolution Chapter 8: Repairing the Array

Moments later, a face that was still ice-cold yet unable to cover up the joy in her eyes, Qin Xue quickly walked in. She had clearly used a lot of effort to calm her mood, but her tone was still urgent.

"You could find the problem of the array?"

"It was just by a fluke." Gu Yue cunningly answered.

"Help me fix the array, and you can put any condition in return." Almost without hesitation, Qin Xue resolutely said. She originally just saw that Gu Yue was full of confidence in himself and could easily resist Aunt Mei"s imposing pressure, therefore, she wanted to see his ability.

Naturally, she had not thought that he would be able to solve the problem. She merely thought that if he had the talent of being a rune master, then she could try to nurture him. If she was really able to nurture a rune master, then next time they were in such trouble, the martial building wouldn"t be so pa.s.sive.

Of course, trying to find anyone in a crisis, it wasn"t like there wasn"t a hint of hope in the depths of her heart. But that is merely a hint, to actually hear that Gu Yue had unexpectedly found out where the problem in the array, she also found it hard to believe.

"Miss, Xiao Yue only have the cultivation of a body refining boundary, it is uncertain if this array can be fixed." Aunt Mei tightly followed, heard what was said and answered.

"The reward can be slowly discussed, let"s first give it a try!" Gu Yue paid them no heed and waved his hand: "So who will help me?"

"I will!" Qin Xue"s eyes flashed and coldly said. She was naturally not convinced by Gu Yue"s words; it was just that she had found several rune masters from the black market to come take a look, but it was to no avail – they weren"t even able to find the right pillar of the array. Gu Yue having the courage to set on the task, had already made her have a whole new level of respect for him. "How do you do it?"

"Simple, you control the True Yuan in your body well and follow my guidance and smoothly input it into the array." Gu Yue adjusted his position and lightly said while facing her right, extended hand.

If this were someone else, they would certainly ask some more questions. For example, a refine body boundary grade 2 side dish, would you really be able to bear my True Yuan? Or repairing the array, why are you not using a rune brush, rune ink and so on. But Qin Xue"s temper was cold and did not ask anymore than she already had. In any case, whether or not he could fix the array, they would naturally see the outcome in a moment and the results were all that mattered.

"Alright!" Responding with one word, Qin Xue stretched out a delicate hand and fit it closely with the back of Gu Yue"s right hand, her True Yuan quietly rushed out like a clear spring, and slowly poured into Gu Yue"s body. She was a martial art expert in the end; she could easily tell Gu Yue"s const.i.tution and that he was only able to withstand a very limited amount of her True Yuan energy, so she poured her Yuan Qi in very carefully.

With their two hands touching, Gu Yue could feel her hand was warm and soft, gentle even. It felt good, and he couldn"t help but be moved. However, the Yuan energy flowing into his body made his heart shake and he hurriedly dispersed those thoughts, condensing his mental power to guide this frightening amount of Yuan.

That"s right, it was frightening. Qin Xue was already controlling the delivery of her Yuan energy in a detailed degree, yet Gu Yue could only use the word "frightening" to describe it. It was as if there was a mercury pillar in his meridians bubbling and moving, that kind of weight and pressure was a visceral feeling, making him want to wish for death.

"Too strong! So this is the True Yuan of a martial artist at the Yuan Gathering Boundary? If this really enters my body and could not be controlled, then I"m afraid even one thread of it would be able to kill me. A trace of cold sweat beaded on his forehead, Gu Yue used his mental power to it"s utmost to guide the True Yuan along its proper course.

This is the way Gu Yue thought of, since he didn"t have True Yuan energy or telekinesis himself, then he would rely on an external force. Qin Yue who is at the summit of Yuan Gathering Boundary had an abundant amount of Yuan energy, and because of her cultivation, controlling said energy wasn"t a difficult matter. The only problem was that she did not know how to repair an array.

That being said, she would need Gu Yue"s guide to have her True Yuan flow through the back of his hand and take it along with his own qi. With his mental power guiding it, it became possible to change the array.

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