Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 331: Global Sensation (1)

Chapter 331: Global Sensation (1)

Chapter 331 – Sensation (1)

“Is the relay communication connection functioning normally?”

“An additional delay of 0.044 seconds.”

“Change the angle. Switch to the DSCS relay satellite. Authorization pa.s.sword 0032.”

“Replacement complete.”

“There may be an error in the Mars observation system. Please restart it manually.”

“Will the route be affected by a restart?”

“It will not. Please restart it manually.”


Inside the manned s.p.a.cecraft traveling from “Earth” to “Mars,” an astronaut got out of his seat and hovered to the cabin’s left side. He then manually pressed the restart b.u.t.ton of the observation system before returning to his seat. Stretching his waist, he said, “The daily inspections are over. I can finally get some rest.”

“You can sleep up to four hours only,” the pilot said as he glanced at the dashboard. “We’ll be entering Mars’s...o...b..t at night.”

Hearing this, the astronaut turned his head and looked at the red planet outside the gla.s.s window. Subconsciously biting his lip, he said, “We’re finally here.”

“Congratulations,” the pilot said while holding a thumb up. “I wish you all the best in your new life.”

“Heh. I know you’re jealous.”

“The living conditions on Mars are so harsh. What’s there to be envious of?” the pilot said, raising an eyebrow.

“How about we switch places? I’ll stay behind while you follow the Captain and the others down to Mars,” the astronaut said with a boisterous smile.

“Are you sure?” The pilot narrowed his eyes, evidently moved by the offer.

“I’m kidding, ahahaha.”

“Do you have nothing better to do?” the pilot said calmly while turning off the audio communication with Earth. Once that was done, he immediately sent a slap to the astronaut’s head and cursed, “You r.e.t.a.r.d! f.u.c.k!”

“Ahaha…” the astronaut laughed even more happily.

However, after a few laughs, the astronaut’s face stiffened as he pointed out the window. “That… That…”

“You have very poor humor. Do you think I’ll be fooled again?” the pilot said as he reopened the audio communication system.

“I-I’m not joking with you this time! Look out the window!”

“I’m not looking.”

“Just take a look!” The astronaut hurriedly grabbed the pilot’s head and twisted it.



“Do you see it?”

“…” The pilot’s mouth fell wide open as he looked at the interstellar s.p.a.cecraft outside the window.

“It’s Transdimensional’s UP’s s.p.a.cecraft! Do you see it?! Speak up!”

“…I-I see it…” Holding onto his aching neck, the pilot said, “It really is unbelievable.”

“Look! The s.p.a.cecraft’s hull is turning translucent! They’re greeting us!”

“What’s all the noise?!” At this time, the captain of the astronauts sat up from the s.p.a.cecraft’s rear cabin and bellowed angrily, “Can’t you see you’re affecting everyone’s rest?!”

“Captain! Come here quickly and take a look!”


“Come quickly!”

The captain skeptically unbuckled his seat belt and hovered his way toward the window. And as soon as he looked out the window, he was stunned immediately.

Over two dozen people were currently floating out in the empty s.p.a.ce some distance away, and these people were pa.s.sionately waving their hands at them…

“Did I take the wrong medicine?” Shrinking back, the captain pulled out the medicine box he carried on his person and inspected the prescribed medication inside. “Did you guys take the wrong medicine as well?”

“Captain, that’s Transdimensional’s UP’s s.p.a.cecraft! They just came back from Proxima Centauri!” the astronaut leaning against the window said while similarly waving his hands at the people floating out in s.p.a.ce. “I can see the UP! This is awesome!”

“Ah…” After remaining in a daze for some time, the captain finally sorted out his thoughts and understood what was going on. Hurriedly, he leaned against the window as well. “This is the content of Transdimensional Review’s latest episode? They visited Alpha Centauri?”

“Yes. You were asleep, so you missed it… Ah! They’re gone…” Looking at the Type-R s.p.a.cecraft making its way towards Earth, the first astronaut pursed his lips and said, “We haven’t even landed on Mars, yet they’ve already returned from the Alpha Centauri system.”

“Wait, Alpha Centauri?! How is that possible?! Can that thing travel faster than light!?”

“According to the information that came in from headquarters just now, that s.p.a.cecraft can move at 5,000 times the speed of light.”

“H-How is this possible…”

“It does so by influencing the expansion and contraction of s.p.a.ce. It doesn’t accelerate to light speed via conventional acceleration.” Returning to his seat, the first astronaut absent-mindedly said, “I heard that the s.p.a.cecraft needs to be outside the strong gravitational field of a star to move faster than light. We are still within the solar system, so they could afford to stop and take a look at us.”

“This is too unreal…”

“Well, this is future technology we’re talking about. There’s no way we can compare,” the pilot said, his hands still holding onto his neck. “Hey, why does my neck hurt so much?”

“Maybe you slept in a bad posture,” the first astronaut murmured. He then inspected the consoles around him and said uncomfortably, “After looking at the UP’s s.p.a.cecraft, I suddenly feel that ours looks like an old antique.”

“It’s already the most advanced s.p.a.cecraft in the world.”

“An advanced antique…”

“Dear pa.s.sengers, the trip to Alpha Centauri is over. Thank you very much for riding with us. I hope we can meet again in the future.”

As the Type-R s.p.a.cecraft steadily stopped outside of Earth’s atmosphere, Chen Yu bowed slightly to everyone in the ship and said, “As usual, I will drop off the bullet comment group members first before proceeding to the donation group members. As the s.p.a.cecraft can move relatively quickly, I’ll be dropping you off personally instead of using the Interstellar Portal.”



The bullet comment group’s members cheered.

“First, ID Falling Dawn. I recall your address is in Guizhou, right?” Chen Yu asked while swiping his finger across his watch and inspecting his private messaging interface.

“Yes,” the cross-dresser said, smiling. He then said fiercely, “The new villa area in Guizhou’s eastern suburbs!”

“I know. Why are you shouting so loudly?”

“Sorry, I was born with a loud voice…”

After confirming the location, Chen Yu decisively controlled the s.p.a.cecraft to descend and fly towards China’s Guizhou.

A dozen minutes later…

The dark skies of Guizhou Province’s eastern suburbs suddenly lit up with a dazzling blue.

The residents in the area who had just started their nightlife couldn’t help but reveal horrified expressions on their faces as they stared at the miniature sun in the sky, many of them thinking that the end of the world was here.

However, a portion of the people who were Transdimensional Review’s audience quickly snapped out of their daze and realized that this miniature sun was possibly the “Alpha Centauri Flight” making its return…


Five seconds later, the blue flames descending from the sky suddenly disappeared from everyone’s vision.

Whoosh— Boom! Boom!

Shortly after the flames disappeared, deafening booms followed…


As the s.p.a.cecraft slowly descended, the powerful air pressure it generated crushed the lawn outside a villa.


The next moment, an opening appeared on the s.p.a.cecraft’s cabin, followed by the extension of a flight of steps. The cross-dresser Falling Dawn then slowly walked out of the s.p.a.cecraft.

“Is it fine to damage your lawn?” Chen Yu asked as he leaned out of the hatch.

“It’s fine. It’s fake.”

“You live alone in such a large villa?”

“Mhm.” Stepping onto the tattered lawn, Falling Dawn turned around and waved his hand at Chen Yu. “Thank you. This has been the most memorable trip of my life.”

“No problem. It’s your fault for being an RNGesus.” After saying so, Chen Yu tossed a stone to Falling Dawn and said, “Catch it. It’s your present.”


Falling Dawn received the stone with both hands. Inspecting the stone and finding that it was an exoplanetary rock engraved with the words “Transdimensional Souvenir,” she said, “Thank you.”

“Goodbye. Let us meet again if fate wills it,” Chen Yu said, waving his hand. However, just as he was about to return to the s.p.a.cecraft, a slightly chubby man suddenly ran out of the hatch and down the staircase in a hurry.

“What are you doing?” Chen Yu couldn’t help but stare at Leading Pillar in shock.

“I’m going to my partner’s house,” Leading Pillar said as he took the other souvenir in Chen Yu’s hand. He then strode up to the cross-dresser’s side and held the latter’s hand. “Thank you, host. You allowed us to find the most romantic love in the world.”

Chen Yu: “?”

Even after the s.p.a.cecraft took to the skies, Chen Yu still wore a blank look on his face.

“U-UP, am I up next?” the girl with the ID of Crooked Cart asked timidly as she approached Chen Yu.

“Huh? Oh, yes, it’s you. Nanhe District, right?”

“C-Can you drop me off in another location?”

“No problem. Where to?”

“I want to go to…”

Six minutes later.


Amidst the stunned gazes of tens of millions of people, a large fireball intertwined with lightning and thunder appeared out of nowhere and fell fiercely towards…

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