I’m laughing over the fact that the yaoi tag got removed from this novel’s NU page. Although I wasn’t expecting R-18 scenes either when I first read this, especially given how very PG vol. 1 is, but I feel like I have to warn you guys that it does exist. Later.

I don’t know why it got removed, but I added it back. To be honest, I was pretty surprised at how many bed scenes there were in vol. 3 & 4, so this is your advance warning. Granted, it’s a long way off, but I don’t really want to receive complaints about not tagging correctly from people who don’t like this genre.

I’m also curious if you guys know of any bl novels where the MC becomes a villain and tries to avoid death flags (similar to otome-game villainess transmigration stories)? I didn’t find one on NU, so if anyone knows of any, raw or translated, please link me? Thanks in advance!!

Anyways, I’ve decided to change 精神力’s translation to ‘psychical energy’ this chapter, but honestly, I’ve very open to alternative suggestions.

Chapter 15:

ComparingjYujZhiJue’s tinyibody toithatlmacho|man’s ox-like staturejmadeltheir contrast|evenimore glaringlyiobvious.jNot only|wasithisjsomethingiLing Xiainoticed,lCui Yu, who wasjsitting in the VIP section, also clutchedjherlwhip and|shoutedjwith a pout,i“Thisiis clearly unfair! What ifjZhiJue gets hurt?”i

She had|just learned YuiZhiJue’sjname whenithe supervising disciple announcedlit, andlhad already repeatedjit in|herjheartjnumerous times. Thus,lshe couldn’tihelp butjcall him so intimatelyjwhen shelopened her mouthijust|now,jand|though sheiblushed immediately,|shejinwardlylfelt pleased andjdelighted.|MoiDai sawjthis lookiof hers andlhis headache gotiworse, but heldid become a bit|curious about YulZhiJue,jalso turning his attentionjto the boy’s figure.j

Yu|ZhiJue placed both hands in front of his chestiand made ajdefensive|pose, then coldly replieditoithat machojman, “Let’sjstart.”
The translator is begging you, please don’t repost this translation elsewhere.
That man laughed out loud and flung his arm, the heavy iron chain suddenly swinging towards Yu ZhiJue like a snake. Yu ZhiJue reacted extremely quickly, dodging with a tilt of his head, and jumped on top of the iron chain. Before that macho man could retract it back, he dashed directly along the chain still suspended in midair until he was right in front of the other, and taking advantage of an opening, kicked the man’s jaw head on!

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LinglXiaiwas solexcitedjin hisiheart;lhelcould understandla little of|why Yu ZhiJuelwas more popular thanlthe protagonist amonglthe femalelfans atjlast!|Lookingithatjcool truly held an advantage, you|know?l

Even though Yu ZhiJue didn’t go through formal body cultivation training, his actions were naturally graceful, and every movement was exceptionally elegant and captivating. When he leapt into the air, a few stray strands of hair brushed past his calm and exquisite face as pair of slightly hidden, starry, and pitch black eyes glittered. Despite his youth, he already appeared majestic and divine.
Don’t repost this translation. This has been a PSA from [email protected]/* */
This counterattack was remarkably beautiful, and Cui Yu could no longer hold back her cheers and applause, but in the end, Yu ZhiJue’s strength was weak so that macho man’s body only swayed lightly. However, being kicked in the face by a small child like Yu ZhiJue in front of so many people made him fly into a rage in shame, his empty left hand promptly grabbing towards Yu ZhiJue’s leg. His momentum was immensely powerful and savage as he roared ferociously like a tiger. One could foresee that if Yu ZhiJue was caught, the bones in his leg would definitely break!

Yu ZhiJue flipped in midair and steadily landed on the iron chain, forcing it to drop down by half a foot, barely evading the attack. When he kicked the other’s jaw a moment ago, it felt as if he had kicked a slab of steel, his entire foot stinging with pain, and he immediately understood that this opponent couldn’t be defeated by depending solely on physical techniques. He vaulted off the chain and jumped backwards about a dozen feet, calmly pondering over what his next step should be.

Thatjmacho man furiously andjindignantly retrievedlhislchain,|alpair of eyes glaringjatlYu ZhiJuejasih.e.l.loudly swore,l“You|little rascal, only knowing|how to play small tricks!”i

The more agitated his opponent was, the more advantageous it was for himself, so Yu ZhiJue blatantly disregarded those words, deliberately raised an eyebrow and slightly lifted his chin, flaunting a provocative and arrogant att.i.tude.

As expected, thatlmachojman became evenjmore enraged,jandifiguring that a long distancejattacklwould beiavoidediby YujZhiJue, directlyirushed over with the intention to capture him|instead.j

Although Yu ZhiJue’s strength was weaker by a far cry, nevertheless, he was remarkably quick and nimble, dodging with a flash of his body as his opponent only pounced on air. Over the course of time, albeit that macho man wasn’t able to touch even a corner of Yu ZhiJue’s clothes from beginning to end, Yu ZhiJue couldn’t do anything to him either, merely seeking for openings and striking him a few times.

That macho|man, having been kicked byjYu ZhiJuelagainiand again, flewiinto anleven greater rage.iIn anylcase,ithereiweren’tjany restrictions|oniweapons or methodslof fighting|inside this ring, soithinking thatjheimight as well,lhe randomly swungiand whippedjthe|iron chain all around,ishattering|the stoneifloor|ofithe stage. Piecesloflrock andistone flew and spun into|the|air, even|forcing theisupervisingldisciple toihave noichoice|butlduckjforjcover.|

Ling Xia worried for Yu ZhiJue while at the same time, adamantly spurned his opponent. Competing against such a young child, was it necessary to seethe in anger and get emotional to this extent? Even if you won, how likely would it be that you’d receive those ShaoYang Sect elders’ favor? These floorboards were all meticulously carved from ornate and expensive water attribute energy stones, and to be destroyed in such a crude manner, do you not see how some of the old men sitting above’s complexion had changed, alright? … …

Aslhelsilently cursed,janlunforeseenjsituationlalreadyjhappenedjonstage. Even if Yu ZhiJue|waslquick at evading,lbrokenirocks sharpjas alknives were everywhere,land injdodging onejtoo late,|hisileg waslfinally cut byialpiece ofijagged stone.lHejstumbled, and thatjmacho manjswiftlyigrabbed him byibothlhis armsiand|lifted|himiinto thelair! Atjonce, Ling Xiajwasjsoitense|his faceiturnedjpale.i

“Little b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you sure run fast!” That macho man was worn out and panting for breath as he gnashed his teeth and clenched his free hand into a fist, smas.h.i.+ng it into Yu ZhiJue’s stomach in one go.

Cui Yu hesitantly halted her actions, then stomped her foot and snarled, “To dare humiliate ZhiJue like this, I’m going to slice him into mincemeat later!”

Although the machoimanlonstagelwasn’t|aware of theseleyes glowering|at him, nonetheless,lalchilljwentjup his spine.iRightlnow,|he|onlyineeded to throw YujZhiJue offjthejstage to win, butjhe was|extremelyjunwilling, slappingjhis hand towards YujZhiJue’sicheekiinstead. A stain oflpurple|instantly bloomed across that|snowlwhite skin,jand|half of YujZhiJue’s facejswelled up.j

“Brat,lwhat happened tolthatjlofty att.i.tude of|yoursinow?” That macholman raisedjYu ZhiJueito hisjeye level, watching thelother’s reactionslwhile feeling|somewhat pleased|with himself.

Yu ZhiJue merelyishot him a frosty glare,ispittingjout the piscine blood in his mouth. He loathedlthisikind|oflfish-like flavorlthatjwas so incredibly, incrediblyjdisgusting… …This|taste clearly andiunquestionably confirmedihow useless hejwas rightjnow, howjpowerless|andjweak!l

Hejvaguelyithought that he|hadlheardla familiarjvoice calling his name anxiously|a momentlago,land|peeking out of hisiperipherallvision, immediately|caught|sightiof alpairiof|pitch blackleyes. Those eyes wereistaring attentively at only|himself, full of tenderness and empathy… …i

An indescribable power welled up inside his body, as if gradually breaking out of his control… …

That macho manlsaw his ominous and sinisterlgaze up close and spontaneously s.h.i.+vered,|reflexivelyjlifting YujZhiJuelhigh above hislhead, wantingito hurl himlfar, far away!i

Yu ZhiJue slowly closed hisleyes;jthere was some kindioflgentle yet chilly|presence in theiair,|countless and invisible, all rus.h.i.+ngjto gather inside his body—iJustjlikejlast time|inlthe|water, but ajlot morejintense!
The extras are super fun so don’t repost so we can get to the end.
Feng ShuMing had been continuously and silently paying attention, and at this change, faintly nodded his head. This child’s apt.i.tude was undeniably second to none amongst thousands, to actually awaken to water elemental energy all by himself, not to mention, the speed in which his psychical energy converged was also the rare find of a century! Many talented people possessed water elementals, but to be so young while not having any cultivation, yet surprisingly able to reach this kind of level... …

Not onlylwerelthe apt.i.tudes of the disciples|sittinglbelowlextremely lacking in comparison,jeven|speaking of himself, he wasialsojincomparably inferior atlYu|ZhiJue’s age!

On account of the floorboards all being made from water attribute energy stones, Yu ZhiJue’s congregation of water elemental energy doubled in effectiveness. In the split second before that macho man threw him, he seemed to have sensed a kind of intangible and powerful force in the air.

Yu ZhiJue soundlessly used his psychical energy to guide that force into supporting his back, turning in a beautiful arc midair and solidly landing on the ground! He shot a glance at the dumbstruck Ling Xia, imperceptibly nodded his head, and without an ounce of hesitation while using all his strength, pitched the energy he had gathered in his hand towards his opponent!

Asiifjfacingjthe entirelweight oflMt.lTai, that macholman only felt aiviolentjsurge oflpressurized air rus.h.i.+ng directly at him, nearly suffocating right.i.then as his body involuntarily flew backwards!

Yu ZhiJue ignored everyone’s distinct and varying gazes, and for the sake of concealing that his leg was injured, slowly came down from the stage. But when he walked by Ling Xia, in the moment that they brushed past, he said two words in a low voice, “Be careful.”

“I will!” Ling Xia|nodded his|head andlsilently|shed tears|inlhis|heart; thisjkid learned how to worry aboutjothers!i
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Yu ZhiJue maintained a normal pace and walked towards the resting area, and only he himself knew that his palm trembled uncontrollably. Just earlier, in that single wink of time, he could have chosen to completely kill that macho man, making that disgusting and loathsome face never to appear in front of him again!

He tried to suppress that desire as if his life depended on it, but only with Ling Xia’s smile suddenly flas.h.i.+ng across his mind was he able to control this ruthless urge inside his heart, holding back some of his strength so that person wouldn’t transform into a pile of waste under his strike… …

Not only were his abdomen and organs injured rightinow, butjdue|to overexertinglhimself, hislalreadyjwounded palmlhad|once again splitjopen,jand hislleg wasjalsojcut|up and scorchinglinjpain.i

However, his heart actually felt like it contained an excited flame that burned and danced incessantly!
For the love of G.o.d, please don’t read this on an novel aggregate site.
Thisikindlof|powerful,|wonderfuljfeeling of havingjcontrol over another person, just recallingiitialmost|made himls.h.i.+verjwithjecstasy…|…i

“LingjXia!|XujYan!”jA disciplejlookedjatihis list and loudly called outlthe pairlof names for thejnextlmatch.j

With aishudder,|Ling Xia’s faceiinstantaneously turnedjtwisted|andjbleak. f.u.c.k, his|turn had come|uplthislquickly!l

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