Chapter 3
Ling Xia did not dare to open his eyes to look at Yu Zhi Jue’s expression, well he can’t move anyway. Even pinching his muscles won’t make a difference, he’s still frozen stiff.

Fortunately, Yu Zhi Jue did not go overboard, and merely kept him warm. He also pulled his tongue back soon enough, and Ling Xia breathes an air of relief. Yu Zhi Jue did not say anything else, he only held him tight. He(LX) ignored the ambiguous posture of them hugging each other, since so much skin in contact with each other is rather comfortable. Ling Xia unconsciously fell asleep to his surprise.

As soon as he had woken up once again,he find himself lying on someone’s naked embrace, and arm outlined in a smooth shape was fastened on his waist, under his b.u.t.t is a firm but strong sensation, a robust and powerful pair of legs. The couple had change location, a cloak of mist lingers around, giving the impression of a hot spring.

Oh, on a hot spring….

If not for his body still not having strength, Ling Xia will stand up for sure. He wanted to scream so bad, why is it that every time he transmigrated back every moment are all heart-breakingly hard to endure.

Yu Zhi Jue seemed to noticed that he had awaken, coils his other hand around, and placed it on his(LX) stomach. The contact of two moist skin brings out an indescribable silky yet p.r.i.c.kly sensation. Even though its merely an up down movement of was.h.i.+ng, Ling Xia’s felt like his throat had turned a bit dry, and awkwardly swallowed his saliva.

Not only Yu Zhi Jue’s extremely proficient, he was almost certain,that during the time he was sleeping like a corpse, the great villain had wiped him clean countless times before…

“Don’t….I…..Wash…..Myself.” He noticed that he could move his tongue, so he tried hard to speak out a few words.

Yu Zhi Jue suddenly paused, but did not stop, rather indifferently retorts: “You can move now?”

Ling Xia tries to raise his hand, but it was heavy as if it was five hundred kilos, he could barely swing it a bit, so he just let it dangle again.

Yu Zhi Jue’s throat seemingly quivered a few times, Ling Xia cannot form coherent thoughts and wanted to laugh at himself, suddenly remaining silent. Frankly speaking, he repeatedly hold off and avoided confronting this big boss Yu Zhi Jue’s feelings toward him. The previous Xiao Yu Zhi Jue is a lot more adorable, randomly taking liberties with him, then flare up his proud and spoiled trait…..

He(YJC) slowly traces his thin and callous beautiful hands from his chest down to his lower stomach, his movements are natural but it carelessly brings an erotic and and enticing meaning. Ling Xia’s back trembled, he wanted to stand up and escape.
He uncomfortably inclined his head, then he saw his skinny and pitiful appearance. an appalling scene, that he nearly jump in fright. Maybe he’s thinking too much,this weird and ugly appearance, Yu Zhi Jue simply wants to cure it for him.

T/N: 人不人鬼不鬼 lit. translation not like people nor like ghosts

Yu Zhi Jue sensed his resistance, then calmly explained: “I have no other choice on removing the cold air on your skin. This hot spring’s spiritual energy is very sufficient, but it can only be absorbed slowly, and I’m helping you absorb it faster.”
“There’s…. no…. need….” Ling Xia in an instance felt that his tongue was already tied in knot, and was incessantly embarra.s.sed.

The great villain is clearly used to deciding and acting on his own now, delicately and playfully caressing his abdomen, then the thighs.

Huge warm hand was applying chi, the spring water’s spiritual energy converging up, following the sliding movement on every spot of the skin, bringing with it a shuddering tactile sensation.

Then those hand move towards the inner side of his thighs, the flesh on that spot is too sensitive. Ling Xia stifled a moan,almost wanting to cry crocodile tears —— should not grope again, or else and accident really is bound to happen!

He imagined himself turning into a Buddha statue, he tried hard to find a way disperse this inappropriate mood as this is not in accordance to his feelings. But what should he say? He was full of questions, and he wanted to ask these to Yu Zhi Jue in the past, is it still ok to ask him……

But to ask a lot seems excessive. The novel did not always write all the thoughts the villain had in his mind, so he wanted to know.

A part of his stomach twists in a sufferable pain.

Yu Zhi Jue quickly turned him around, then parted his legs so he could sit on his lap, two people directly facing each other.

Ling Xia’s disorderly mind breaks off at once, replaced with stimulation and confusion. Isn’t this posture gone way overboard?

Ling Xia’s face heats up boiling hot, he lowered his head not daring to look at Yu Zhi Jue. He was only bold enough to avert his line of sight to the other person’s wide and thick chest. Maybe this hots pring have some side effect, he feels that his breathing becomes a bit laborious, and his head started to spin.

Yu Zhi Jue soon takes him into his embrace, he started to use moderate strength to wash his back.

His touches carried a hint of electric like current, very soft yet p.r.i.c.kly sensation slowly tracing down along his backbone. Ling Xia leaned on Yu Zhi Jue’s shoulder and felt like crying, he stretonously asks in a hoa.r.s.e voice:”Are you done?”
A magnetic and pleasant voice resonated at the side of his ear, as if carrying a restrained tone:”You have a reaction.”

Ling Xia’s face was painted with red —–boss,if you grope someone for a long time no matter who they are, there is no man who would not have a reaction, ok?

T/N: The author actually write the ‘boss‘

He stuttered as he defensively replied: “So-Sorry!”

Holy s.h.i.+t! Why is down there still not limp when he was in that freezing place for many years? why is down there still not limp when he was in that freezing place for many years? why is down there still turned limp when he was in that freezing place for many years? Why! ! !

Ling Xia’s heart was bleeding in rage, his body is still sluggish.That place is actually just slightly risen up that’s all, but it was enough for him to feel insanely shameful.
“It’s doesn’t matter.” Yu Zhi Jue was almost speaking closely besides his ear, “That place will soon restore its function.”

f.u.c.k! It’s not what he’s thinking, ok?

Without having the chance to refuse, his big hand already started to grope its way down, very naturaly holding his, the up and down jerking frequency is just perfect. The originally slight reaction in that place is now standing up with vigour due to the other person’s actions. Even if the situation below is not visible to others, the stirring of the water produces noise, it was enough for Ling Xia to not raise his head.

Ling Xia was panting a lot, almost all of him are held in Yu Zhi Jue’s embrace. He just gave up and let himself go as he snuggled onto Yu Zhi Jue’s shoulder. Fine, they already did this kind of things before anyway…….

Yu Zhi Jue crooked his own head, and slowly kissing its way to Ling Xia’s(lips), gently caressing and licking using his lips and tongue, as if he was drawing him with his lips. Ling Xia contained his moans and did not dare to utter a word —– then he was french kissed and so on. Such gap, even though they have done this before, its not the same….

He tried hard to imagine that he’s just receiving therapy right now. But which specialist would give this kind of soul stirring and spiritually draining medical treatment!

The other person seems dissatisfied as he restrained himself. The jerking motions abruptly became faster, even stroking the opening from the backside a few times. Ling Xia quivered, unable to stop himself from letting out a low moan, then the other person took advantage and invaded his lips.

Yu Zhi Jue’s breath becomes scalding hot, his leisure movements slowly starting to pick its pace up, and arrogantly bent down to kiss him, the force of the kiss was as if almost wanting to swallow him whole.

Ling Xia thought that he was going to suffocate, and was overwhelmed with a dizzy spell. Yu Zhi Jue used his other hand to serve him, while the other one started to wander someplace else —– He still doesn’t believe that this is not a simple bath and treatment.

However, he doesn’t have any strength to resist, as he pa.s.sively being handled by the other person.

His lower abdomen suddenly tightens, that feeling of reaching the climax abruptly bursts in his sluggish brain. Ling Xia closes his eyes as he gulps mouthful of air and keeps panting. His languid eyes did not know what to do and how to react —— Could it be that the reason for his transmigration was because his regret of not realising his dream of successfully using his pistol?

Not only Yu Zhi Jue’s hand job was exceptional, but also completely those of otaku males. Did he practice a lot during his free time?….

While his imagination is running wild, Yu Zhi Jue already separated from his lips, then nibbled his neck at the spot he had not marked yet, his hot breath turned hotter.

Ling Xia’s stomach undulated in a hurried and brief movements, inarticulately said:”Ah Jue, not like this….”

Yu Zhi Jue uses his fingers to propped his(LX) chin up, his head was lifted with force, gazes steadily at his eyes:”Still don’t like it?”

Ling Xia bluffly stared back at him, yet in fact his heart doesn’t have an ounce confidence at all. The Yu Zhi Jue now is a somehow little strange. His intense, narrow, and elegantly slanted almond shape eyes faintly contained a strong and powerful pressure that makes his heart feel terrified.

His brain was confused and lightheaded as he stammeringly say:”No…..I, I don’t have anything that I can do for you…..”

After he said it, he clearly saw Yu Zhi Jue’s beautiful red pheonix eyes lit up, his lips emerging into his familiar smile.

That smiling face of Yu Zhi Jue is just momentarily, he quickly regains its impa.s.sive and relax expression, that Ling Xia thought it was only his imagination. But as he senses Yu Zhi Jue’s words as well as his brows and the corner of his eyes turned a lot gentle, the muscle that was strech taught falls limp. Yu Zhi Jue is not the same as before, did he like him(LX) that much?…. Otherwise he won’t take care of a ‘dead corpse’ for five years. He also didn’t meet Yu Zhi Jue by chance at his first transmigration, can’t say that this foolish child always seem to search for him on his own…

He can’t say that he had the right to mock, he never liked someone, or to meet his significant other before.

As he imagine what its been like for this foolish child for the past 5 years, an unspeakable feeling rose from the pit of his stomach, like its wanting to suffocate him.

Ling Xia arduously raised his hand that was placed on Yu Zhi Jue’s arm, he wanted to pat his head just like what he imagined before —— He wanted to cry, its too much high to reach and touch. His hand weakly hangs down.

Yu Zhi Jue swiftly held his hand, gazing at him with a burning stare, body slightly leaning forward, inked black hair moist and wet floats in the water, looking like a water demon exuding out an enticing aura.

f.u.c.k, the dripping wet look of the villain is the greatest foul, isn’t it good enough for both men and women to want to eat?

Ling Xia’s eyes drooped, his face beet red as he gasps like he was out of breath and say: “I don’t want to… make Ah Jue….be sad…. we…. will be together now….”
During that time while being embraced in the past he miserably shouted: “You can’t like me” to Yu Zhi Jue, and dream about it countless times. And every time he wakes up he always felt crying his eyes out.

He’s not that cold-hearted person, but he’s not also the person particularly holding on to his principle.

Since he had come back once again, whatever happens, he don’t have that desire to let Yu Zhi Jue show that kind of stifling expression ever again.

He truly don’t like men,the thought of loving a man is nauseating. Such as with Ping Min Chang who acted that way towards him , he was itching to smash a bottle in in the other’s head.

Yet if its Yu Zhi Jue, and the way he accompanied him to such extent today, somehow still acceptable?

This h.o.m.os.e.xual practice is not accepted by the society, maybe Yu Zhi Jue must not have known and thought its ok to stirred then brewed[1]? Anyway that place is….frigid, to accept.

T/N: [1]It means doing H things. Ah this phrase gave me a headache for hours and delayed the release…

Yu Zhi Jue already could not maintain his calm and leisurely expression anymore, and stared blankly. His(LX) expression was as if it was striked by lightning.
Of course he just barely a fully grown adult, did he want to make out so this evil demon lord pulled that act?

Ling Xia threw a glance at him, immediately had the same air of seniority in the past, made a small smile and say:”Ah Jue, that, had enough time soak in the bath?

“En[1]….”As if he was sleep walking, Yu Zhi Jue held him tightly and left the place. Ling Xia was utterly shock as he discovered, that the great villain’s lower region is full of vigour, and was rubbing against him as they slowly walk, completely caught him off guard.

T/N: means ok, I’ll be using that original term here on out~

Through the bed canopy’s white curtains,he realised the bed was smaller. Yu Zhi Jue picks up the white bath towel to wipe then comb his hair, then his body, and finally putting clean and cozy white clothes.

Yu Zhi Jue embraces him again for a long while,then places him carefully on the bed, then starts to spruce himself up.

Ling Xia pursed his lips when he saw the clothes taken out from the wardrobe, it was not that extravagant purple robes clothes , but it was so gorgeous that it can make a person dare not to look. Fine silver seams with a few slightly obscured silver b.u.t.terflies embroidered on, b.u.t.terfly wings was adorned with gold and black colours. So you’re saying the great villain had a lot of gorgeous clothes collection to change into everyday? f.u.c.k!

Translator wants to say:

This chapter murdered my brain… there’s a lot of unfamiliar (s.e.xy) terms that i don’t know yet and had to researched T.T

The transition of chinese to english grammar is mind breaking as well as I tend to find an appropriate meaning of a chinese phrase that has no direct translation to english and I’m not even the writer type T.T (I’m average on essay exercises…) I certainly understand the raw text but don’t know how to express it to english without changing the meaning…

BUT THE BLOODINESS OF IT IS WORTH IT! To share the s.e.xy affairs of our lovely couple

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