Chapter 8:

As soon as he raised his head, Yu Zhi Jue saw a pair of large, puckered up, morning glory-shaped lips headed towards himself. Albeit he didn’t know what Ling Xia was planning to do, a shudder of dread ran up his back, and his fist started moving before his thoughts could catch up.

A thin, slender right arm swung out at full strength, its sudden and explosive might astonis.h.i.+ngly powerful. Yu ZhiJue’s fist smashed directly into Ling Xia’s right cheek, immediately sending the other flying many feet away despite the water resistance.

By the time Yu ZhiJue came back to his senses, Ling Xia had already become a motionless, floating corpse, completely knocked out cold.

“… …” After a moment of silence, Yu ZhiJue rapidly swam over, gripped Ling Xia’s collar, and started kicking his legs to return to the surface.

When he received that shock just a moment ago, the strength within his body that had nearly been depleted was miraculously replenished, as if the water contained countless minute and invisible energy particles that steadily flowed into his body.

In spite of that, Yu ZhiJue was panting for breath by the time they broke through the surface, and treading water while forcefully slapping Ling Xia’s face, he growled, “Oi, wake up! So useless!”

In a daze, Ling Xia slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he felt was the burning pain in his cheeks, almost as if they were on fire. He was somewhat puzzled, but quickly remembered his present situation. Without another moment of delay, he followed Yu ZhiJue and started to swim with all his might towards the sh.o.r.e.

From time to time, Yu ZhiJue would give him a supportive tug, and Ling Xia gritted his teeth and paddled forward as if his life depended on it, until at long last, they finally reached dry land. The two of them were exhausted beyond all means, sprawling listlessly on the sh.o.r.e without even an ounce of strength left.

Ling Xia touched his face, positive that it must have swollen up to the size of a swine’s head! He thoroughly recalled the incident in the water earlier, and then immediately rejoiced to no end.

At that time, he had lost his mind to anxiety, but it was really fortuitous that he didn’t end up smacking on a big one! If he actually had, then just having his head turn into a swollen swine’s probably wouldn’t have been enough to settle that kind of disaster!

He carefully and cautiously sneaked Yu ZhiJue a glimpse. The great sir villain’s hair that was normally tied up neatly had come apart in the water, and the wet and smooth, long, ink black hair fell upon his shoulders in a slightly disheveled manner, plastering against jade-like skin and alluringly pursed lips alike. His almond-shaped, upturned eyes bore a touch of grandeur paired with the crimson as blood mole below the corner of his eye, and even though he was still very young, he already faintly possessed the ambiance of one destined to rule.

Yu ZhiJue peered back at him, and feeling slightly guilty, Ling Xia lowered his gaze.

The others who were s.h.i.+pwrecked with them had long since climbed ash.o.r.e and were also resting in the vicinity, each and every one of them cursing up a storm.

One of the boatmen ran over, pointed to Ling Xia, and shouted angrily, “You dirty little brat! I’ve remembered you! Give me back my boat!”

Ling Xia threw up a few mouthfuls of water, then in a coaxing manner, piled on a bucket-load of kind and flattering sweet-talk while fis.h.i.+ng out the remaining few energy coins he had. Even like so, that boatman still relentlessly and invasively searched through his clothes, and only after confirming that he really didn’t have any more money, did the matter finally get dro
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The other boatman headed towards Yu ZhiJue, intending to search the younger boy next. Yu ZhiJue frigidly lifted his head, fists tightly clenching in response as a thread of malice flashed through his eyes. This scene struck a chill into both the boatmen’s hearts and they hesitated, somehow not daring to continue forward.

Ling Xia, also frightened by how Yu ZhiJue’s glare was fiercer and more vicious than even a savage wolf’s, quickly pulled the boy behind his back. He knew without a shred of doubt that if these boatmen advanced, Yu ZhiJue would definitely retaliate on the spot!

This was also his first time encountering such an awkward situation, so he could only apologize and make promises again and again, continuing his appeal until his throat became dry and parched. In the end, he had to write an IOU signed with his name, and only then did the boat’s captain let them leave.

In any case, they’d have to ride a boat in order to leave the city, and furthermore, if they really do get accepted as ShaoYang Sect’s disciples, the captain wouldn’t have to worry about them being unable to pay him back. Thus, he couldn’t force and push these kids too ferociously for the time being.

When they finally made their official entrance into ChongMing City, both Ling Xia’s body and mind were extremely worn out, and he felt not even the slightest trace of excitement or energy.

Worried about Song XiaoHu, he hastily asked where the best restaurant in ChongMing City was, then urgently rushed towards its location with Yu ZhiJue in tow.

Quite a few people on the roads turned around to stare at Ling Xia in shock, but the person in question didn’t notice it at all. While his current skin couldn’t compare with Yu ZhiJue’s white as snow and delicate as porcelain complexion, it was still fairer than the average person’s, and therefore, the swollen fingerprints blossoming on his cheeks were particularly eye-catching.

Yu ZhiJue brooded for a while before finally opening his mouth, his tone containing traces of inquiry and suspicion as he asked, “Earlier, under the water, what were you trying to do?”

Ling Xia’s hurried footsteps abruptly slowed, his startled heart slamming against his rib cage as it began to thump faster and louder.

What should he say? That in order to save his own life, he almost took a bite out of the great sir villain’s precious and n.o.ble lips? Would he still be able to see the sunrise tomorrow after that? … …

Such an unsuitable topic for children, of course he can’t disclose it to this wee little villain! Besides, how would he explain his knowledge of Yu ZhiJue having water elemental energy inside his body?

Hence, he solemnly lied, “A fish swam into my mouth, and I wanted to spit it out.”

“… …” Yu ZhiJue imagined that for a bit, scrunched up his brows in disgust, and then immediately pulled away to increase the distance between Ling Xia and himself.

ChongMing City was very big, and its most famous restaurant was called Cloud Gazing Pavilion. When Ling Xia saw how it was constructed to look like it floated high in the clouds while wrapped in mist, he was inevitably struck dumb for an instant. Something like this was indeed deserving of its phenomenal reputation! Only, the people going in and out of the restaurant were all either children of aristocratic and prestigious families or outstanding and refined members of famous sects, so before Ling Xia and Yu ZhiJue could even enter the door, someone came forth and blocked their path, keeping them outside.

Ling Xia promptly revealed a standard, friendly smile and inquired, “Sir, may I ask if there is a young lady with a sinistral-steed currently within this establishment?”

The waiters of Cloud Gazing Pavilion had all cultivated to some extent, and with one look at Ling Xia and Yu ZhiJue’s apparel, he knew that they were children from poor families here for ShaoYang Sect’s registration. Noting the fingerprints adorned across Ling Xia’s face, his inner contempt grew as he replied lazily, “Indeed, there was a young lady riding a sinistral-steed who came here, but she already left an hour ago.”

Ling Xia blinked, then thanked him courteously as the waiter walked back into the building without sparring them another glance. If Ling Xia’s hypothesis was correct, the people from YunXiao City must have already come. No matter how unruly and willful Cui Yu was, she feared her father’s punishment, so it was highly likely that she was forced to leave with her seniors. Since they came here for the purpose of supporting ShaoYang Sect, he could only go to ShaoYang Sect to continue the search.

Just as he was contemplating, Yu ZhiJue suddenly spoke up, and a voice evidently laced with criticism questioned, “When they treat you like this, how can you still smile back like that?”

Without thinking any deeper, Ling Xia asked in return, “Who’s they?”

“The previous two boatmen,” Yu ZhiJue answered while diligently observing his reactions, “plus the waiter just now.”

In addition to that, he had slapped Ling Xia’s face so many times earlier, so how could the other not be the least bit angry?

Looking at the great sir villain’s slightly narrowed eyes that s.h.i.+ned with utmost seriousness, Ling Xia quickly focused his mind in concentration, then slowly replied, “That boat sinking was also partly due to our circ.u.mstances. It was those boatmen’s means to make a living, so how could they not be mad? That they allowed us to leave is already something to be thankful for. Likewise, did that waiter not inform us of what we asked? They also have the shop’s regulations to consider… …”

Noticing how the great sir villain still looked at him with doubts, he quickly smiled warmly and continued, “Even if other people don’t treat you well, you still have to give a them smile. Persevering in this way, one day there will eventually be someone who will return your smile! Although a lot of unfair things exist in this world, most people and matters are nevertheless very wonderful… …”

Ling Xia carefully recalled the YiLin[1] life philosophy books he’d read before, and since this body’s vocal timbre was pretty good, decided to use an even softer and gentler tone to pleasantly persist in his guidance.

…Ahh, my dear, small and cheeky villain, just follow the protagonist and frolic under the sun together! That’s the true path in life you know!!!

The more Ling Xia preached, the more pa.s.sionate he became, nearly to the point of shedding tears from his own eyes.

However, even though he talked until his mouth was dry and throat was parched, as soon as he earnestly and expectantly focused his gaze back onto the great sir villain, his expression crumbled.

Yu ZhiJue’s entire face was full of disdain and contempt, looking at him as if he was witnessing something unbelievably moronic as he scorned, “You really can’t tell, huh. Even though you may be older, but your brain is filled with even stupider and more useless things than Song XiaoHu’s!”

He continued, “If other people don’t treat me well, all I have to do is treat them tens of thousands of times worse. …As for whether other people smile at me or not, are nice to me or not, as if I should care?”

“… …” Ling Xia involuntarily rubbed the fiery, stinging fingerprints on his face as that unforgettable line once again flashed before his eyes:

This kind of repulsive world… …should be utterly destroyed…

Why. Must. You. Be. Like. This!

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