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Deacon Bai observed how the Cheng’s were surprised at first, thenquickly regained their composure and felt mixed emotions. After all, there wasa beast tamer among them. They would be able to handle any number of people whoshow up.

Not to mention, he recalleda few days ago when he was trapped by the jade vine, they seemed to befollowing her order as well. Which meant that they couldn’t begin to see thedepth of her power.

No matter who is coming, there is nothing to worry about. Hefeared their fate would be much worse than what happened to him if they try torob from the Cheng’s.

They chitchatted for a little while before she saw them out.

Cheng Biyuan, who had been looking calm the entire time finallylet out his solemn look, “Xiao Xiao, we didn’t think we would draw people fromall walks of life. I fear we had really attracted big troubles for ourselves.”

“Dad, you knew all along that as long as we possess what we have,troubles would come sooner or later. Why worry about them? Let’s cross thebridge when we come to it. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Said Cheng XiaoXiao nonchalantly.

Looking at the confident that Cheng Xiao Xiao exuded, Cheng Biyuanfelt much calmer. Mrs. Cheng, on the other hand, was still frowning. She did,however, understand that this was out of their hands, and there was not muchshe could say.

“Dad, I thought these mythical animals were gifts to us. Why is itthat everybody want to come and rob us?” Cheng Zheng Yuan didn’t know a lot,but the three young ones had learned a few about what had been going on.

“That’s right, daddy. Why don’t you ask you friends to stopsending us these mythical beasts, that way n.o.body will come and try to rob usanymore, right?” asked little Lan Lan in her naïve way.

Even the usually quiet Cheng Zheng Bin looked squarely at hisfather and older sister with his dark, black eyes. He felt that they knew morethan he did.

And right now he would like to know what was going on also!

Cheng Biyuan frowned deeply but didn’t respond. He turned and lookat his daughter and wanted to see what she would say.

Cheng Xiao Xiao understood that she couldn’t keep hiding all thesethings from her family. Unfortunately the siblings were too young, telling themthe truth would risk bigger troubles.

He understood her father’s look. Looking at her younger brothersand sister, she thought about it for a little bit and finally said, “ZhengYuan, Zheng Bin, Lan Lan, the family had indeed changed a lot. There were manythings that we hadn’t told you. But, don’t worry, you will find out soonenough. So let’s just leave it for now, okay?”

The two brothers exchanged a look, nodded wisely and said no more.Little Lan Lan, on the other hand, shouted out, “Big sister, what can’t youtell me? I promise I won’t tell!”

“Big sister will tell you, just be a good girl right now!” ChengXiao Xiao smiled at her younger sister, trying to console her.

At almost 13, Cheng Zheng Yuan was not a child any more. Not tomentioned he came from a well established family. He was quite mature for hisage. Taking his younger sister’s hand, he said, “Lan Lan, let’s listen to bigsister. We will have fish tomorrow, okay?”

“Fish again? We have been having fish everyday!”

This trick didn’t work with her any more. Immediately, Cheng ZhengYuan said, “Okay, no fish. Why don’t we ask big sister to draw for you, what doyou say?”

“Big sister can draw?” Little Lan Lan’s eyes widened, she lookedat Cheng Xiao Xiao ecstatically.

Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled and nodded, “Yes!”

“Wah! Okay! Big sister will draw for me tomorrow!”

Finally pacified the little kid, everybody laughed. After somemore chitchatting, Cheng Xiao Xiao pulled her brother aside.

“Big sister, what’s up?”


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