The amount of catch the three brought back surprised Mrs. Cheng.She would never have thought that not only were they coming back with morechickens, there were even rabbits!

She had a hard time accepting that they’ve found all of them in acave until the two brothers repeated told her so. Of course, she was ecstaticto have these. They could really use all of these at this time of need.

They have just had chicken the night before, so after some family discussion,they have decided on braised rabbit meat for dinner!

The three younger siblings were excited to be able to have meatagain.

While Mrs. Cheng busied herself with preparing the rabbits, Cheng XiaoXiao was tending to the herbs. Other then taking some of them orally, others couldbe used in bath water, they would be more effective this way.

She set out a dose for oral intake and one for bathing, thoughtfor a bit, and called out to Mrs. Cheng who was keeping herself busy in thekitchen. The two of them went to the dad’s house together.

Cheng Bi Yuan, who was resting on the bed, opened his eyes when henoticed the arrival of his wife and daughter. His piercing eyes gazed at hisdaughter like a hawk.

He had heard all the ruckus in the yard. He must admit, their briningback two chickens and two rabbits had truly shocked him.

Ever since they have moved here, he had been hunting for food forthe family. He was very familiar of what it was like in these mountains. Therewere lots of preys. Chickens and rabbits were not hard for him, because he hadextraordinary skills. But for Cheng Xiao Xiao and her brothers, these were notjust “difficult” to them, but downright arduous.

He was already suspicious at the two chickens yesterday, what theywere able to bring back today was simply unbelievable. They caught all thoseinside a cave? That’s impossible. He had been in the same mountains for thelast three years, how come he never ran into something like that?

From the way the three of them described it, these sounded morelike farm animals!

Even though the mountain behind their house wasn’t far from WillowVillage, but since they lived there, residents of Willow Village never go hunt aroundthere. His daughter was the key to everything.

The piercing look from her father made Cheng Xiao Xiao very uncomfortable.Naturally she understood her father’s suspicion, but she wasn’t able to explainto him what was going on.

Mrs. Cheng was oblivious to the silent exchange between the fatherand the daughter. She dried her hands on the ap.r.o.n she had on around her waistbefore she looked up at her daughter, “Xiao Xiao, what did you want to say toyour father? Zheng Yuan doesn’t know how to skin the rabbits, I have to go helphim.”

“Xiao Xiao, what’s the matter?” Cheng Bi Yuan dismissed the sharplook and asked casually.

She looked both her parents in their eyes, hesitated for a bit,and then said, “Mom, Dad, I have collected some herbs from the mountains today,what’s your opinion…?”

“Oh, yeah, I don’t understand your herbs,” Mrs. Cheng understoodher daughter’s intention, she turned to Mr. Cheng and asked, “Ye1, what’s your opinion onthis?”

Inside his deep and dark gaze, Cheng Bi Yuan sked, “Xiao Xiao,what did you collect and what are they used for?”

“Dad, these are mainly for diffusing bruises, helping broken bonesor nerves, as well as relieving pain and swellings. They should be good for you!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao let out a secret sigh of relief, luckily he didn’task her how she’d came to know so much about herbs. Otherwise, she’d have noidea what to tell him.

Before Cheng Bi Yuan could make a comment, Mrs. Cheng alreadyresponded, “Oh that sounds good. Xiao Xiao, that’s exactly what your dad needsright now.”


1.Ye – the literally meaning of the character is“grandfather”. Here Mrs. Cheng was using it to refer to her husband as the malefigure / her husband.


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