Everbody was stunned!

When Cheng Zheng Yuan appeared, he didn’t exude a strong presence.Everybody only noticed the azure wolf king. But everybody realized theirmistake when they saw the slap.

Perhaps he was not yet well versed as a beginning martial scholar,but the skill was certainly there! His play made other re-evaluate the skillsof Cheng Biyuan.

Cheng Zheng Yuan was not intimidated by the looks. With a bitferocity, he looked at the crowd, “Anyone else not convinced, do stand out. Iwill gladly have a match with you!”


The crowd was silent. Even though they know that he was but abeginner martial scholar, but n.o.body was able to met his vicious gaze and theyall turned away when he looked at them.

“Hrm…” said Cheng Zheng Yuan. He didn’t shout out anymore, but ifsomeone were to come up front, he wouldn’t pa.s.s up the opportunity to take theperson on either.

Cheng Biyuan casted him an approval look. But he knew full wellthat n.o.body stood up not because they were necessarily afraid of his son, but thatother than those injured, the rest of the students of School of Divine Condorwere intimidated by their mythical beast. And as for Xue Xingchen and XuYiyang, they were martial spiritualists after all. They would never stand upand fight his beginner martial scholar son.

Cheng Xiao Xiao, standing to one side, had also figured this out.She cared even less about these people.

Long Yuze didn’t look too happy. His casted a sharp look at allthe students of School of Divine Condor, warning them to stop being soarrogant.

Then, turning back to Cheng Biyuan with a serious look, said, “Mr.Cheng, please!”

“Okay!” replied Cheng Biyuan, exuding a powerful presence.

The three Cheng’s sibling who werestanding nearby back away to over three feet away and everybody looked intentlyat them.

Cheng Biyuan and Long Yuze’s gaze met inmidair and immediate ignited a spark. Long Yuze, surround by chi, shouted,“Pride dragon descending from the sky!”


Under everybody’s watch, Long Yuze leapedout like a thunder, his chi palpable. The sword in his hand drew a blinding,shivering cold light and, like a giant dragon, aimed straight at Cheng Biyuan.

“Good one!”

Cheng Biyuan was not surprised by that. Aloud cry from him and the earth shook. The scary ambiance returned. When ChengBiyuan leaped into the air, the entire atmosphere was twisted.


Without any frilliness, Cheng Biyuan swunghis sword straight at his opponent. The two swords met in midair.


When the two swords collided, theirglaring lights from them looked as though it was going to tear the sky andearth in halves. A horrific chi exploded outward with the two of them as thecenter.

“Oh no!”

Loud cries could be heard from the crowdand everybody backed away quickly. This was Cheng Xiao Xiao’s first timewatching such an exciting fight in person. This was much better than any moviesshe had watched before.

Silence. Immense silence!

Everybody stared intently at the two inthe air. The incredible fight made everyone forgot everything else except thefight.

Everybody was rooting for someone andhoping for the desirable outcome.


All everyone could hear was the metallicclanging noises made by the two swords. Suddently a voice rang next to ChengXiao Xiao’s ear, “Young mistress, master Cheng was a pretty skillfulswordsman!”

“Yuteng, do you think dad will win?”


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