“What?!” Mrs. Cheng exclaimed.

Cheng Bi Yuan didn’t not have too much of a reaction. He continuedto look at his daughter standing in front of him, waiting for her furtherexplanation.

“This…. ” Mrs. Cheng looked at her daughter, then at the man onthe bed. She was confused, “This… exactly what has been going on, Xiao Xiao?”

After all, Mrs. Cheng was quite a sophisticated woman, once she calmeddown, she had noticed something fishy had been going on, and the key laid withher daughter.

Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled, but didn’t explain right away, she gentlyasked, “Dad, Mom, you still remember how I had lost consciousness about half amonth ago?”

“Of course,” replied Mrs. Cheng right away.

Cheng Bi Yuan didn’t vocalize his answer, but you could tell fromhis look that he, too, remembered.

“Dad, mom, ever since I had regained consciousness, I’ve lost alot of my past memories, but I have also gained something. Something extra inmy consciousness, a little dimension. One that allows me to grow vegetables andraise farm animals. And that’s where all the white radishes, chickens, andrabbits came from.”

“For real?!”

Mrs. Cheng turned pale, she looked up and down her daughter andasked worriedly, “Xiao Xiao, how do you feel? Any other discomfort? How didthis happen? What if it has negative effect on your body? Oh G.o.d, why is thishappening….”

The disturbed Mrs. Cheng went on rambling, she was both worriedand scared. It wasn’t just her, even Mr. Cheng from the bed turned slightlypale, and had a look of amazement.

He had thought about many explanation, but nothing so out there –a dimension in her consciousness?

Allowed her to grow vegetables? And raise farm animals?

As knowledgeable as he was, he had never heard about anything likethis before. He had never heard of anything called a ‘dimension’, and exactlyhow did it happen inside a human body?!

His frown deepened more and more. Suddenly his eyes twinkled, asthough he had recalled something. There were sparkles in his eyes.

“Mom, I am fine. See?” Cheng Xiao Xiao could tell that Mrs. Chengwas on the brink of crying. She felt both touched and helpless.

She didn’t wait for a response from her mother before shecontinued, “Mom, you shouldn’t worry. This dimension is a blessing for us. Don’tworry, if it will hurt me, it would have happened already.”

“Yuqin (Mrs. Cheng’s name), listen to Xiao Xiao, this is indeed ablessing from a higher power. Otherwise, it will be difficult for our family tosurvive.”

Ye…..” Mr.s Cheng wipedaway her tears, then looked at her daughter and nodded slightly, “Ye is right. We will be much better offwith Xiao Xiao’s spell-casting ability.”


Xiao Xiao wasn’t sure whether she should disagree with the idea of “spell-casting”. Perhaps, the fact thatshe could farm and raise farm animals inside a dimension was the equivalent ofspell-casting to her mother.

In any case, it wasn’t like she could explain transmigrating withQQ Farm in any other way, so why bother to disagree with any kind of labeling?

After some brief explanation of the farm to satisfy the curiosityof her parents, Cheng Xiao Xiao produced some white radishes, chicken, andrabbits from the warehouse.

After Mr. and Mrs. Cheng had seen how their daughter could justproduce these items from thin air, Mrs. Cheng now strongly believed that herdaughter had gained the ability to cast spells.

“Xiao Xiao, you said you can harvest every 8 hours?” asked ChengBi Yuan.

“Yes, dad.”


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