Walking and pondering at the same time, she wandered further andfurther away from home and onto a path to the back of the mountain.

She figured any precious items would be further into the mountain,so she headed subconsciously toward the back of the mountain.

To get to the back of the mountain, she’d need to walk pa.s.s abamboo forest. A breeze brought over a faint smell of fresh bamboo, Cheng XiaoXiao couldn’t help but looked up. An entire mountain of green bamboo, slender,tall, and elegant, wavering slightly in the wind. Their leaves vibrating rhythmicallyin the wind like nature’s melody.

At this moment in time, what she felt was pure exhilaration. Allher worries had dissipated along with her fatigue. Inside her heart was a pureand cool world.

Bamboo could be seen all over in the countryside. Not only do theylook pretty, their leaves, juice, fruits, fungus, bark, root, and shoots couldall be used as herbs. Most people were aware that bamboo shoots were very edible.

She wondered if she should transplant bamboo shoots into thedimension.

Once she thought of this, she got to work right away. Couldn’thurt, so might as well give it a try.

At a moist area, she discovered a few bamboo shoots. She didn’thave a hoe with her, so she collected a few st.u.r.dier bamboo branches anddirectly used them to dug out the bamboo shoots.

After lots of effort and dripping in sweat, Cheng Xiao Xiao wasable to dug out two bamboo shoots and moved them into the dimension.

“Discovered new species. Dimension has reached level 2!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao, who had just entered the dimension heard thesystem voice right away. She was taken aback a little. Wiping off some of hersweat on her forehead, she smiled bitterly, “Just level 2? That will takeforever to get to level 50!”

“Well, guess I should be glad I leveled up at all. Look like Iwill have to keep looking for new species to transplant!”

She rested for a little bit, didn’t bother to go see where thebamboo shoots were placed and left the dimension. She left the bamboo forest andwanted to keep looking before it gets dark.

She started looking around the foothills!

No reason to try transplanting commonly-seen species. After all,the dimension already had a pretty large collection.

Perhaps it was too close to home, after searching for a half aday, she did not find anything worthwhile to be transplanted. She leanedagainst a pine tree and sighed.

Did she just wasted all that time?

It looked to be around 3 – 5 PM, she needed to head back home orit would get unsafe!

She wasn’t happy but she was about to turn around and make anothertrip tomorrow. After all, it would take a bit of time to get up to level 50.


She was just about to turn around when she heard a strange noise.She had a bad feeling, it sounded like something was coming toward her.

She grew up in a village. She has instinct in these matters. Shelooked toward the direction where the noise came from.

Once she was able to locate the origin of the noise, she had gooseb.u.mps and felt all her hairs stood on their ends.


A snake several meters long appeared in front of her.

A banded krait (Chinese literal meaning – “golden ring snake”)!

It got it’s name from the gold-ring like scales. Top 3 snakes inChina, extremely poisonous!

Why was it here?

Cheng Xiao Xiao recognized the snake. Even though it’s extremelypoisonous, but it’s photo-sensitive. Normally it curls up with its head underit’s belly the day time. It has a mild temperament and slow in motion, doesn’t usuallygo after people. It’s only active in the night time when they hunt!

This one almost looked like it was targeting her intentionally!


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