Cheng Biyuan cupped his hand andreturned the courtesy and asked surprisingly, “You are the young lord of GreenMountain Manor? We didn’t realize that you will be visiting us, pardon us for failingto welcome you at the entrance!”

“No need to be so polite, master Cheng.Pardon me for visiting unannounced. I’ve brought with me some small gifts,nothing too fancy. I hope you will accept!”

“Oh, you didn’t have to. Young lord,c’mon in, this way please.”

“Thank you, master Cheng.”

Zhu Bo followed Cheng Biyuan into theircourtyard and took a seat. Zhu Bo did not look down on the host because of thesimple and bare surrounding and remained as respectful as he was. Cheng XiaoXiao grew a bit fond of him upon seeing that.

Cheng Xiao Xiao had just learned of GreenMountain Manor from her mother just a few days ago. It was said that they werethe wealthiest family in Dafeng and not one of the top families or the top ninesect. And the one sitting in front of them right now was the lord of the manor.

It would not be an exaggeration to saythat they are filthily rich. Rumor had it that the past three generations ofthe Zhu’s were all prodigies in the business world. Their presence could beseen across all industries. Not only had they established their business empirewithin Dafeng, their businesses further extended into many countries of allsizes outside of Dafeng. The amount of wealth they have accrued has astonishedmany but n.o.body dare plotting against them.

Of course, the Zhu’s knew when to dowhat is necessary. Whenever a natural disaster hit in one of the counties, theywill donate a large sum of money to help with the victims and the rebuilding oftheir homes. They were well respected among the commoners so normal royaltieswouldn’t dare to act against them.

Naturally, the Zhu’s were born yesterdayeither. Rumor had it that they had under them a large army of secret securityguards that watched over them and that was the reason why n.o.body was able totouch their wealth to this day.

Cheng Xiao Xiao was a bit surprised byhis appearance. She didn’t think that Lai Yue Inn in a such small town likeDaling was part of Green Mountain Manor’s business thus the honor visit of sucha wealthy man.

That being said, what the Cheng’s haswas definitely worth his trip!

Thinking about the items that sheneeded, Cheng Xiao Xiao couldn’t help but to eyed him one more time. This guywas so rich that he could be dripping money from his pores, he should have noshortage of the items that she was looking for. Perhaps it could be mutuallybeneficial to trade with him.

“This must be Miss Cheng?”

Agentle voice interrupted Cheng Xiao Xiao’s crazy thoughts. Meeting hissparkling eyes, Cheng Xiao Xiao couldn’t help but felt a little startled.

This person was definitely not just anyone!

They both had the same thought at thesame time. Seeing that he had inquired about his daughter, Cheng Biyuanintroduced her to him immediately, “Young lord, she is my oldest daughter,Cheng Xiao Xiao!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao, regaining hercomposure, took a few steps forward and bowed lightly, “Greetings from thepeasant Cheng Xiao Xiao, young lord!”

“Greetings, it is nice to meet you!” ZhuBo cupped his hands and returned the courtesy. It was extremely respectful ofhim to treat her that way given his status.

Afterall, not only was him a wealthyyoung lord with high status, he was also a generation older than her. Hisreturning her courtesy meant a lot of respect for Cheng Xiao Xiao.

Cheng Biyuan was very pleased with hismanners. That was his personality, if someone treats his family nice, he wouldtreat him even nicer.

This person standing in front of themhad just won over the fondness of all the Cheng’s. Cheng Biyuan said to hisdaughter, “Xiao Xiao, why don’t you sit and join us?”

“Miss Cheng, it will be a pleasure!”

He was certainly a well spokenindividual and his mannerism was courteous but not over the top. Cheng XiaoXiao smiled at him and sat down next to her father.


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