To those of you who are wondering if the story is going to go anywhere, the author had already promised drama in the t.i.tle of this chapter. LOL


“Cheng Biyuan and Luo Yuqin were bothlegend to be handsome and beautiful. Their daughter must be fair!”

“I’ve heard that Cheng Biyuan’s oldest daughter’sname is Cheng Xiao Xiao and she’s quite pretty. We’ve got to check that out forourselves, hahaha….”

“Hehe, you wish. You think she will havean eye for you?”


Joyous and teasing noises filled the bighall of the inn. Among them was a young man in black sitting in the corner. Hewas also a student of School of Divine Condor. He merely sat there quietly ashe listened to his schoolmates’ bantering.

Right then and there, a name entered hismind, it was none other than Cheng Xiao Xiao that the others were talkingabout.

His name was Gu Junxian from the Gu’s inthe city of Yan. He had heard this name since he was a child; a name that hadbrought him much shame.

The reason he felt shameful was becauseof a man by the name of Cheng Biyuan. Whenever the name Cheng Biyuan wasbrought up, Cheng Xiao Xiao would be brought up; whenever Cheng Xiao Xiao wasbrought up, him, Gu Junxian would also be brought up sooner or later.

Gu Junxian’s fiancée was none other thanCheng Biyuan’s daughter – Cheng Xiao Xiao.

Cheng Xiao Xiao’s father was a uselesspiece of trash; his future father-in-law was a useless piece of trash.

This joke followed him through hisentire childhood; now, he was finally able to be completely unaffected when thesetwo names were mentioned in front of him, as though he was oblivious to them. Havinga deep, meaningful look and a faint smile, it was as though he had merely heardthe names of some strangers.

Shixiong Gu, have you ever heard of this Cheng Xiao Xiao?”

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang next tohis ears. He turned slightly to look and found a more junior schoolmate of hislooking at him curiously.

Gu Junxian gave him a cold look with nointention of responding to his question.

The one who asked the question smiledwith slight embarra.s.sment and stop disturbing his peace but turned hisattention back to listening to others making fun of Cheng Biyuan and his familywith perked ears.

Gu Junxian, with his eyes half closed,looked at though he was meditating. As to whether he could hear the banteringor not, only he’d know.

Over at the Cheng’s at Willow!

Cheng Xiao Xiao was observing InnkeeperZhu with the servants and maids of various ages and listening to him givingthem lectures on rules after rules of how to be respectful and follow orders oftheir employers. Cheng Xiao Xiao couldn’t help but nodded.

Even though she was from the modern age,she still understood that ranks and rules have their places and reasons. Shehad no intention to play G.o.d and therefore she was not about to advocate thateveryone was an equal. She could only made the best out of living within thebounds of what was the norm.

You want to be above everyone else?Let’s see if you can make that happen. You want respect from others? Let’s seewhether you ere able to earn that. No matter what, n.o.body would just hand itover to you, everything must be gained through hard work.

As the saying goes, there’s no suchthing as a free lunch. Whatever it is that you want, you’d better be preparedto pay the equivalent cost. Don’t dream about it if you can afford it!

“Xiao Xiao, what are you thinkingabout?”

Mrs. Cheng was standing next to ChengXiao Xiao without her realizing it. She following her daughter’s line of sightand couldn’t help but to smile, “Xiao Xiao, good job thinking ahead, now thatwe have Innkeeper Zhu’s help in training the underlings, that’s truly a lotless headaches for me.”

“Mom, don’t worry too much. Anything youcan delegate down, you go ahead and delegate. You just need to supervise fromthe side.”

“Oh you kid, I know that much!” Mrs.Cheng complained lightly, then sighed again, “Now that we are starting torebuild our family all over again from scratch, there are so much to worryabout.”


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