Girls were to be afraid of snakes and Cheng Xiao Xiao wasone of them. But when she saw that the snaked seemed quite playful, shesuppressed her fear and her urge to flung it away.

Looking at the docile snake, Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled warmly. Shenever would have expected such power from the dimension. This was yet anotherpleasant surprise.

“Hey little snake, can you understand what I am saying? Nod if youcan.” Said Cheng Xiao Xiao curiously to the snake.

“Hiss….” Said the banded krait and, surprisingly enough, it thennodded at Cheng Xiao Xiao.

“This is awesome! From now on, I am going to call you Snakey. Snakeywill be your name!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao was ecstatic, her eyes beamed. She laughed, “If Icontinue to collect strong animals into the dimension, I am going to turn intoa summoner that I’ve read in novels before!”

Summoner! That would be incredible!

Stumbling onto something so mysterious, the formerly ignorant ChengXiao Xiao felt like she was living in a dream.

After playing with Snakey for a while, Cheng Xiao Xiao’s originalexcitement finally started to subside. She thought it was about time to gohome.

Exiting the dimension, Cheng Xiao Xiao dare not dilly dally around.She needed to head home right away, before it got dark.

She rushed down the mountain and headed straight toward home.

“Big sister, where had you been? What took you so long to comehome?” Zheng Yuan came out and asked soon as she arrived at the front door.

Cheng Xiao Xiao was still in a good mood, she smiled at him, “Iwent out for a short walk. What’s up? You looking for me?”

“No, nothing. Big sister, mom said we are going to the market dayafter tomorrow, right?”

Looking at the happy Zheng Yuan, Chen Xiao Xiao walked in front ofhim and smiled, “Mom and I are going to the market. You have to stay behind totake care of dad, Zheng Big, and Lan Lan.”

“No, no, big sister. The two of us go, let mom stay at home. Ihaven’t been to the market in forever!” Cheng Zheng Yuan objected right away.He didn’t want to miss the opportunity to go to the market.

Cheng Xiao Xiao shook her head lightly. She doubted their parentswill let the two of them go by themselves. Gently she said, “Mom won’t agree tothat.”

“Big sister, if you said its okay, so would mom!”

“Impossible, dad would object to that even more!”

“Big sister, let mom stay behind. Let me go with you!”

While the two of them were bickering, Zheng Bin and Lan Lan ranout from the kitchen. Little Lan Lan ran over and hugged Cheng Xiao Xiao. Liftingher small head, she said, “Big sister, Lan Lan wants to go too. Lan Lan cansell rabbits too!”

“Big sister, I have never been to the market. Let big bother and Igo with you. We are both grown ups!”

“Not possible!” Zheng Yan shouted at his younger siblings beforeCheng Xiao Xiao could respond, “You two are too young. It takes four hours toget to the market! You two will only be burden to us!”

“Big brother, big sister hadn’t said anything yet. Don’t youworry, I can walk on my own two feet!”

“Lan Lan wants to go too! Lan Lan wants to go too!”

Amidst all the bickering among the three of them, Cheng Xiao Xiaodecided to just keep her mouth shut and let them be. They wouldn’t be the onesmaking that decision anyway.

Time flew pa.s.sed!

On the third day at day break, Cheng Xiao Xiao was woken up by hermother in her sleep. She gestured her to be quiet. Then looking at the soundlyasleep siblings, she smiled.

It’s time to go to the market.


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