In this landthat was seemingly surrounded by tens and thousands of years of snow, twosilhouettes appeared between heaven and earth and zoomed pa.s.sed at lightningspeed. The two silhouettes headed straight toward the Palace of Mystical Beastson the apex of the snowy mountain!

In no time,the two silhouettes turned into two black spots. As the two black spots startedto fade more and more, they finally disappeared completely in the snow.

“Aiya,finally home. I am so exhausted!”

A delicatefemale voice disrupted the silence inside of Palace of Mystical Beasts, theonce closed door to the palace started opening slowly.

Anotherwoman patted away all the snow on herself and said to the person who spokeearlier, “Alright, let’s go inside!”

“Mistress,why aren’t you tired?”

“Even if Iam tired I have to go inside to rest; I can’t very well rest at the front door,can I?”

“Oh,mistress, you always make so much sense!”

“Of course Ido!”

After themistress and servant pair bickered and entered the palace, the red palace doorclosed slowly. Right after that, the palace alternated between being visibleand invisible again.

“Mom, I amhome!”

“PalaceMistress, Jun’er is back!”

The twovoices rang one after another, a beautiful woman reading in the study looked up.

She wasaround 27, 28 years old, wearing a set of aqua blue imperial outfit. She wasenchanting and attractive like peony, or natural and poised like a bloominghibiscus.

She was themother of Gong Zixuan, the Palace Mistress of Palace of Mystical Beasts!

“Mom,daughter is back!” Gong Zixuan walked into the study and smiled tenderly at hermother. There was a slight hint of whining in her sweet smile.

“Oh, Xuan’eris back. Did you two have fun outside?” asked the palace mistress with a smile.

The girlJun’er smiled and replied, “Palace Mistress, of course we’ve had a lot of fun,but mistress didn’t want to spend more time out!”

“You brat,all you want is to play all the time.”

The palacemistress scolded her with a smile. Even though Jun’er was a servant, but sinceshe had watched her grow up, Jun’er was like half a daughter to her.

“Mom, Jun’eralmost cried when she was away!” Gong Zixuan blinked at her mom with a naughtysmile on her face.

“Oh, Ithought Jun’er had swore that she’d never cry again. What happened that madeher want to cry?” asked the palace mistress with a smile.

Looking atthe palace mistress’s teasing smile, Jun’er was a little embarra.s.sed, “That’snot true, mistress. Jun’er did not cry. Didn’t I give away Xiao Xue as a giftto Miss Cheng? I didn’t cry, I was just a bit sad parting with Xiao Xue wasall!”

“Miss Cheng?Oh, who’s that? Is she a friend of Xuan’er?”

“PalaceMistress, let me tell you. Miss Cheng is Cheng Xiao Xiao, she is….”

“Cheng XiaoXiao?” interjected the palace mistress, “How come this name sounds sofamiliar?”

“Mom, you’veheard about little sister Xiao Xiao too?” Gong Zixuan was a bit surprised. Hermother has never been one who’d concerned herself with what’s happening outsideof the palace. Yet she had heard about Cheng Xiao Xiao?

The palacemistress nodded slightly, “A wile ago, I have received a letter from your uncleZhu1. I believe he had mentioned Cheng Xiao Xiao in his letter. Alright, sinceyou two know about it, tell me more about this Cheng Xiao Xiao!”

“PalaceMistress, let Jun’er tell you!” Jun’er took over the conversation, “Cheng XiaoXiao’s father is Cheng Biyuan, the eldest son from main line of the Cheng’s inEmperor City. Her mother was from the Lao’s of Yin, they…..”

Walalala, Jun’erwent on and on about the Cheng’s like a raining stick. Most of the informationwere well aware by everyone. Not to mention the additional information thatwere less well known to most that they have discovered from some of their owninvestigations.



1. Not the same last name thanInnkeeper Zhu.


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